gay rights

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NC Lawmakers Reach Deal to Repeal Bathroom Bill

'Not a perfect deal,' but it 'begins to repair our reputation,' governor says

(Newser) - North Carolina Republican lawmakers and Democratic Gov. Roy Cooper say they have agreed on legislation to resolve a standoff over the state's "bathroom bill" through a replacement measure that still restricts LGBT nondiscrimination protections. GOP leaders announced late Wednesday that the new legislation would be debated and voted...

Sources: Ivanka Helped Sink Trump Order on Gay Rights

Religious right still hopes for action

(Newser) - President Trump decided against an executive order rolling back gay rights after Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner argued against it, sources tell Politico and the New York Times . The draft order, which reversed some of President Obama's orders on gay rights and expanded religious exemptions, was killed after the...

3rd-Largest Democracy May Ban Sex Outside Marriage

This could be a 'disaster' for human rights in Indonesia

(Newser) - Indonesia is the world's third-largest democracy, with more than 260 million people, but it's moving in a direction that some rights groups find very alarming. In what could end up being the latest victory for religious conservatives in the majority-Muslim country, its highest court is considering changing the...

2 Nuns Fall in Love, Leave Church, Get Hitched

Franciscan sisters in Italy joined in civil union

(Newser) - Two former nuns were joined in a civil union in Italy on Wednesday in a ceremony coming only four months after the heavily Catholic country approved same-sex partnerships. Identified only as Isabel and Federica, they met three years ago doing charitable work with drug addicts and gradually fell in love,...

Navy to Name Ship After Gay Rights Icon

'When Harvey Milk served in the military, he couldn't tell anyone who he truly was'

(Newser) - Five years after the repeal of the "don't ask, don't tell" law allowed gay sailors to serve openly, the Navy plans to name one of its ships after California's first openly gay elected official. A Military Sealift Command ship, one of several John Lewis-class oilers currently...

Romeo and Juliet Balcony Now Open to Same-Sex Couples

Italian landmark can now be used for same-sex civil unions

(Newser) - One of Italy's most popular spots for lovers—the balcony in Verona where Romeo supposedly pitched woo at Juliet—will soon be available to all couples, the Guardian reports. The Verona city council announced this week that all municipal venues used for heterosexual wedding ceremonies must also be available...

North Carolina Loses NBA All- Star Game Over Anti-LGBT Law

It was expected to put $100M into Charlotte-area economy

(Newser) - The NBA, following through on a threat made months ago, has pulled the 2017 All-Star Game out of North Carolina over concerns about the state's anti-LGBT legislation , USA Today reports. “We were frankly hoping that they would make some steps toward modifying the legislation, and frankly I was...

Gay Men Attacked in Ivory Coast Blame US Embassy Photo

They say they were outed as gay by the embassy

(Newser) - Gay men in Ivory Coast are being attacked by angry mobs and forced from their homes, and they blame the US embassy. The AP reports the US embassy recently published on its website a photo of six men signing a "condolence book" at the embassy in Abidjan for victims...

US Calls for UN to Unite on Gay Rights

Members urged to do more than just condemn killers

(Newser) - The United States on Monday called on all 193 members of the United Nations to not only condemn the terrorism that resulted in the mass killing of 49 people at a gay nightclub in Florida over the weekend, but also to protect gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people from such...

Vacationing Lesbians Arrested for Kissing Get $80K Settlement

A Hawaiian police officer didn't appreciate their PDA

(Newser) - Two women who say they were arrested for kissing in a grocery store during a Hawaiian vacation last year will settle their lawsuit against the City of Honolulu for $80,000, the AP reports. Los Angeles residents Courtney Wilson and Taylor Guerrero were holding hands while shopping at a Foodland...

Feds: North Carolina LGBT Law Violates Civil Rights

State is at risk of a lawsuit from the Justice Department

(Newser) - A North Carolina law limiting protections to LGBT people violates federal civil rights protections and can't be enforced, the US Justice Department said Wednesday, putting the state on notice that it's in danger of being sued and losing hundreds of millions of dollars in federal funding, the AP...

Gay Rights Could Get First National Monument

Obama expected to approve Stonewall Inn as national park

(Newser) - The first national monument to the gay rights movement could be on its way. For years, advocates have been calling for the creation of a national park in the vicinity of Manhattan's Stonewall Inn, where a 1969 police raid sparked a protest by gay men, now considered the start...

China Court Rejects Gay Couple's Right to Marry

It's the nation's first case, but probably not the last

(Newser) - A court in China ruled Wednesday that two men should not be allowed to marry—but even the loss is being hailed as a big first step for gay rights advocates. A judge in the city of Changsha dismissed the lawsuit filed by 27-year-old Sun Wenlin, who argued that he...

Gay Student Sues China Over Textbooks

Many medical textbooks in China classify homosexuality as a curable disease

(Newser) - A Chinese student is suing her government over medical textbooks that classify homosexuality as a mental disorder that can be cured through shock therapy. Twenty-year-old Qui Bai—whose family turned away from her when they found out she was gay—was looking for answers about her sexuality two years ago...

Hundreds of Mormons Quit Over New Anti-Gay Policy

Church blocks kids of same-sex couples

(Newser) - At least 1,500 Mormons have resigned from the Church of Latter-day Saints over a new policy targeting same-sex couples and their kids. New guidelines state Mormons in same-sex relationships must face disciplinary councils and possible excommunication, while their "natural or adopted" children can't be baptized until they...

Man: I Lost Job at Catholic Home Because I'm Gay

He's filed a discrimination claim

(Newser) - A Virginia man says the bishop of a local Catholic diocese forced his removal from the top job at a diocese-owned assisted living home because he's gay and married to his partner of 30 years. John Murphy filed a discrimination claim against the Catholic Diocese of Richmond with the...

Sorry, Elton, Putin Didn't Invite You to Gay Parade

Phone call between singer, Russian president was a prank

(Newser) - "Don't Go Breakin' My Heart" will probably be set to "Repeat" on Elton John's playlist after he gets word he won't be going to Moscow at Vladimir Putin's invite after all. The singer has publicly said in the past he wants to engage...

Ellen Page Confronts Ted Cruz on 'Gay Stuff'

Actress debates gay rights and religious freedom with presidential candidate

(Newser) - Here's something you don't see every day: a Hollywood star and a Republican presidential nominee debating gay rights and religious freedom with only a few dozen sizzling pork chops between them. CBS News reports Ellen Page, star of Juno and Inception, interrupted Ted Cruz's pork-related media event...

Baker Who Refused Gay Wedding Cake Loses in Court

A third Colorado court calls it discriminatory

(Newser) - A baker who refused to make a wedding cake for a gay couple lost his third court case today when the Colorado Court of Appeals upheld two earlier rulings that he was guilty of discrimination, the Denver Post reports. Back in 2012, Jack Phillips, owner of Masterpiece Cakeshop, refused to...

Boy Scouts Change Policy on Gay Leaders

Religious and LGBT groups alike criticize the decision

(Newser) - The Boy Scouts of America has lifted its long-standing ban against adult leaders who are openly gay—with one big exception, the New York Times reports. Today's vote by the Scouts' national executive board will also allow religious-sponsored units to choose leaders they prefer. Yet the Mormon Church, America'...

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