gay rights

Stories 501 - 520 | << Prev   Next >>

Arkansas Court Clears Way for Gay Adoptions

It strikes down ban, calls it invasion of privacy in bedroom

(Newser) - The Arkansas Supreme Court today rejected a voter-approved initiative that barred gay couples and other unmarried people living together from serving as adoptive or foster parents. Associate Justice Robert L. Brown wrote for the court that the law would encroach on adults' right to privacy in the bedroom. "Act...

Bishops Fight for Right to Block Gays in Fed Housing

It's an issue of 'religious freedom,' say lawyers

(Newser) - An association of Catholic bishops is battling a pending regulation that would ban discrimination against anyone based on "sexual orientation or gender identity" in federally funded housing projects. The rules would force some religious groups to compromise their beliefs or quit the housing programs, argued lawyers for the US...

Target Sues Gay Rights Group Canvass For A Cause
 Target Sues Gay Rights Group 

Target Sues Gay Rights Group

Advocates cite political move; Target says activists are hurting business

(Newser) - Target is suing a gay-rights group to get its members to stop demonstrating outside its stores in San Diego County. The company says Canvass For A Cause's aggressive tactics—which allegedly include cornering customers by the stores' entrances to debate gay marriage—are scaring off shoppers. But the group’s...

Gay Critics Are Victims, Too: Vatican

Tells UN stigmatization is violation of 'fundamental human rights'

(Newser) - It’s not just gays who suffer discrimination, the Vatican says: Those who decry homosexual behavior are stigmatized for their beliefs, and it amounts to a violation of their "fundamental human rights," a Vatican official told the UN Human Rights Council Tuesday. "People are being attacked for...

For 1st Time, Most Americans Back Gay Marriage

ABC/Post survey finds 53% in favor

(Newser) - A new survey from ABC and the Washington Post suggests a milestone for gay rights: More than half of Americans—53% to be exact—say gay men and women should be able to legally marry. It's the first time the percentage has cracked the 50% mark in almost 10 years...

Senate Dems Move to Zap DOMA

Introduce bill to repeal ban on gay marriage

(Newser) - It was another day of undoing in Congress: As House Republicans moved to dismantle financial reform yesterday, Democrats over in the Senate were fixing to make the Defense of Marriage Act go away. "It is time to right this wrong," Dianne Feinstein said in introducing the legislation. "...

Target Lashes Lady Gaga in Gay Rights Flap

We have changed our ways, company insists

(Newser) - Target is blasting back at Lady Gaga who dumped a business deal with the discount retailer because she says the corporation didn't live up to promises to support the gay and lesbian community. "Target remains committed to the LGBT community as demonstrated by our contributions to LGBT organizations, our...

Gaga Dumps Target Deal in Gay Rights Flap

Company didn't make amends for anti-gay donations last year, says singer

(Newser) - Lady Gaga is backing out of a business deal with Target because of continued controversy following the corporation's contributions to a group fighting gay rights. Target came under fire last year for donations to MN Forward, a political action committee that supported anti-gay candidate Tom Emmer in his failed bid...

'Gender-Neutral' Dorms Start at Rutgers

Move comes in wake of gay student Tyler Clementi's suicide

(Newser) - Rutgers is going to let students of the opposite sex dorm together for the first time, a "gender-neutral" policy designed to make the campus more accommodating to gay students, reports the Star-Ledger . The move comes in the wake of last year's high-profile suicide of Tyler Clementi . Students won't be...

Democrats Push to Repeal Law Against Gay Marriage

President's stance against DOMA gives them a nudge

(Newser) - With the Obama administration having declared the Defense of Marriage Act unconstitutional , Democratic lawmakers are launching new challenges of their own to the law, the Huffington Post reports. In the House, the "Respect for Marriage Act," which would explicitly repeal DOMA, is set to be introduced by Jerry...

Hawaii Governor Signs Civil Unions Into Law

Becomes 7th state to recognize legal status

(Newser) - Hawaii governor Neil Abercrombie signed same-sex civil unions into law yesterday, calling it "a triumph for everyone" that gay and lesbian couples will have the same state rights as married partners. Civil unions in the Rainbow State will start Jan. 1, 2012, making Hawaii the seventh state to permit...

Obama: Law Against Gay Marriage Unconstitutional

In big shift, feds will no longer defend DOMA in court

(Newser) - Big win for gay rights advocates: The Obama administration has concluded that the Defense of Marriage Act—the law that bars federal recognition of same-sex marriage—is unconstitutional and won't defend it in court anymore, reports NPR . The president gave the Justice Department its new marching orders today, and Eric...

Heckler Confronts Newt Gingrich Over Affair

UPenn student calls him a hypocrite for gay marriage position

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich’s bed-hopping past got thrust into the limelight at a speech at the University of Pennsylvania last night, thanks to a combative question from a student, Politico reports. “You adamantly oppose gay rights,” the student, the president of Penn Democrats, began. “But you’ve also...

After Uproar, Target Tightens Rules on Political Donations

Last year's contribution to anti-gay candidate triggers changes

(Newser) - Don't expect Target to be making any more controversial political donations. The store has revised its policy and will put all future contributions through a much tighter review process, reports the Advocate via the Washington Blade . The changes come after the company enraged the gay community last year by donating...

Facebook Recognizes Civil Unions

Move wins praise from rights groups

(Newser) - Facebook has won lots of "likes" from gay rights groups for expanding its list of relationship status options. The social networking giant has added "in a civil union" and "in a domestic partnership" to the list of choices, which also includes options like "single" and "...

Next to Approve Same-Sex Unions? Hawaii

Senate approves civil unions bill; Gov. Neil Abercrombie will sign

(Newser) - Hawaii’s state Senate yesterday approved a bill that provides same-sex couples who enter into civil unions with essentially the same rights and benefits as traditional marriage. It's now off to the governor, who has pledged to sign it into law, the Honolulu Star-Advertiser reports. “I have always believed...

Meet the GOP's Gay Candidate for President
 Meet the GOP's 
 Gay Candidate 
 for President 


Meet the GOP's Gay Candidate for President

'Fred Who?' a longshot, but openly gay candidate breaking ground

(Newser) - The Republicans' best-formed candidate for 2012 isn't Romney or Huckabee: It's Fred Karger, a little-known conservative and longtime GOP operative—who happens to be openly gay. Karger is pounding the pavement in Iowa and New Hampshire, reports the Guardian , and he would be the country's first homosexual candidate for president....

Bush Daughter Backs Gay Marriage

Barbara Bush records ad for gay rights group

(Newser) - One of George Bush's twin daughters has added her voice to calls to legalize gay marriage in New York, Politico reports. "I’m Barbara Bush and I’m a New Yorker for marriage equality,” says the former first daughter, 29, in an ad for a gay rights advocacy...

Civil Unions Legalized in Illinois

Gov. Quinn: 'We believe in civil rights'

(Newser) - Illinois has become the sixth state to recognize civil unions between same-sex couples. A bill signed into law by Governor Pat Quinn Monday afternoon gives gay and lesbian couples many of the same rights as their heterosexual counterparts, including the right to visit a loved one in hospital, the Chicago ...

Ugandan on 'Gay Hit List' Killed

Gay rights activist David Kato found murdered

(Newser) - A Ugandan gay rights activist whose name appeared on a tabloid "hit list" has been found beaten to death in his home. "He was killed by someone who came in his house with a hammer, meaning anyone else could be the next target," said a fellow activist....

Stories 501 - 520 | << Prev   Next >>