campaign fundraising

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Beto O’Rourke Reveals His Numbers

The former Texas representative is doing well, but it's hard to compare

(Newser) - Beto O'Rourke's campaign is hauling in the bucks—but his relatively late entry in the race makes it unclear who's leading the financial pack, the New York Times reports. O'Rourke's campaign says he raised $9.4 million from 218,000 contributions during the first 18...

Spotlight Brightens as Buttigieg Fills His Coffers

South Bend mayor raises $7M in 3 months

(Newser) - "Mayor Pete" has some serious momentum. South Bend, Ind., mayor Pete Buttigieg raised more than $7 million in the first quarter of 2019 for his presidential campaign . The fundraising total revealed Monday is $5 million less than Kamala Harris raised in Q1, and the figure will likely be dwarfed...

Campaign Seeks Donations to 'Fully Vindicated' Trump

Letter went out an hour after statement on Mueller report

(Newser) - The Trump 2020 campaign didn't waste any time after Attorney General William Barr disclosed Sunday that Robert Mueller's investigation hadn't found evidence that the Trump 2016 campaign conspired with Russia . An hour after Barr's letter was released, the campaign sent out a fundraising email claiming that...

Elizabeth Warren Vows to Avoid Big-Money Donors

Move could raise pressure on other Democratic candidates

(Newser) - Elizabeth Warren made a move Monday to bolster her reputation as an opponent of big-money politics. In an email to supporters, the Democratic senator said her 2020 campaign for president would eschew fancy fundraising dinners, cocktail parties, and phone calls to big donors, reports CNN . She'll also skip another...

Sanders' Fundraising Team Should Be Celebrating

Campaign raised a whopping $5.9M in 24 hours

(Newser) - Front-runner, indeed . Just 24 hours after officially kicking off his campaign for president, Bernie Sanders has lined his pockets with $5.9 million raised from more than 225,000 donors, according to the Vermont senator's campaign. The New York Times reports the tally is "not unexpected" but...

'Beyond Surprising': Beto Breaks Fundraising Records

He raises $31.8M in 3 months in tight race against Ted Cruz

(Newser) - Small-dollar donations have been the hallmark of the campaign of US Senate candidate Beto O'Rourke, who hasn't accepted PAC money in his attempt to grab Ted Cruz's Texas Senate seat. But like snowflakes that form an avalanche, all those more modest donations have converged to become what...

Campaign Donations Pouring In to Trump

Aggressive fundraising pulls in $20M in first quarter, with one-fifth going to legal fees

(Newser) - President Trump filed for reelection almost immediately upon assuming office, and new filings reflect the aggressive approach: The president's campaign and two affiliated fundraising committees pulled in about $20 million in the first quarter, reports Politico . That's an unusually high amount for a sitting president this early in...

Trump Is Closing the Fundraising Gap

Sanders-style small donations are making a big difference

(Newser) - After a week full of headlines likely to have Donald Trump's advisers tearing their hair out, there's a bright spot for his campaign: He's narrowing the fundraising gap with Hillary Clinton, helped by a Bernie Sanders-style flood of small donations, NPR reports. The Trump campaign says it...

Clinton Wants Amendment to Dump Citizens United

She's working hard to shore up Bernie Sanders' following

(Newser) - In a bow to Bernie Sanders' campaign, Hillary Clinton picked up one of the causes he championed on Saturday, reports the Hill —that of overturning the 2010 Supreme Court ruling that opened the floodgates on corporate political donations. "Today I’m announcing that in my first 30 days...

Trump Campaign's Cash: $1.29M, to Hillary's $42M

Clinton outraised him 9 to 1 in May

(Newser) - Donald Trump's campaign is so low on cash it wouldn't be considered a high roller at one of his casinos, according to financial disclosures released late Monday. The Trump campaign began June with just $1.29 million in cash, compared to $42 million for Hillary Clinton's well-heeled...

Clooney: Rid Politics of Big Money, So I Don't Have to Raise It

Actor raised 'obscene' amount of money for Hillary Clinton this weekend

(Newser) - George Clooney would like to get big money out of politics—so he doesn't have to raise it. As the AP reports, Clooney hosted two weekend fundraisers in California on behalf of Hillary Clinton. Donations for attendees at an event in San Francisco topped out at $353,000 per...

Clinton Fundraising Spikes After Benghazi Hearing

Her biggest hour of online fundraising came immediately after the hearing

(Newser) - Critics of Hillary Clinton aren't going to be happy to hear this: The Hill reports Clinton's campaign had its best hour of online fundraising immediately following the end of Thursday's 11-hour Benghazi hearing. "People were apparently paying attention and were moved by it," campaign staffer...

Meet the 158 Families Funding the 2016 Election

They've given $176 million to candidates from both parties so far

(Newser) - "Not since before Watergate have so few people and businesses provided so much early money in a campaign, most of it through channels legalized by the Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision five years ago," the New York Times states. In an impressive investigative report, the Times looks...

Mitt Romney: I Might Run for President

Romney makes announcement to fund-raising group

(Newser) - Heads up, Jeb Bush and Chris Christie: Mitt Romney said today that he may run for president in 2016, the Wall Street Journal reports. Sources say he made the announcement at a meeting with Republican donors in New York City. "Mitt told the group of 30 or so guys...

Campaign Emails Are the Worst of American Politics

They're deceitful, greedy, and they prove campaigns think we're stupid: John Dickerson

(Newser) - Anyone who's had the misfortune to end up on an email list from any political party knows the drill: Maybe a subject line of something like, "Hey," followed by an oh-so personal appeal from the president himself, or the House leader, or maybe Barbra Streisand, the sender...

Why Democrats Are the Ones Talking About Impeachment

In a word: fundraising, writes Jonah Goldberg

(Newser) - The word "impeachment" is getting tossed around a lot on Capitol Hill and on political talk shows these days, but Politico takes note of a "very strange" twist: It's Democrats who keep bringing it up, while Republicans keep insisting they have no intention of going there. The...

NY Rep Grimm Turns Himself In to Feds

Michael Grimm investigated over campaign funds

(Newser) - US Rep. Michael Grimm has turned himself in to the FBI over charges linked to his New York City restaurant, the Washington Post reports. The Staten Island Republican—who is a former member of the FBI himself—has faced an ongoing federal investigation into his campaign finances. The expected indictment,...

High Court's Jammed Term: Campaign Finance, Abortion

ObamaCare, affirmative action once again on docket

(Newser) - The Supreme Court begins its new term today, and once again, there are plenty of headline-grabbing cases on the docket, the New York Times notes. In fact, says an expert, "this term is deeper in important cases than either of the prior two terms." A number of court...

You've Never Heard of GOP's Biggest Money Machine

Freedom Partners spent $250M, and there are Kochs involved

(Newser) - The biggest single donor to conservative groups in the last election cycle was a group that, until today, was all but unknown. Freedom Partners spent $250 million in the 2012 race, according to a soon-to-be-filed tax document the group provided to Politico , more than any one group. All of that...

Think Small Donors Are Good for Politics? Think Again

Ezra Klein: They're making things worse by encouraging 'polarization' of parties

(Newser) - Quick, which makes for a healthier political system: big donors or small? Many would pick the latter, on the theory that ordinary citizens shelling out $25 apiece is far more noble than DC lobbyists writing fat checks. But at Bloomberg View , Ezra Klein makes the case that small donors might...

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