campaign fundraising

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Boehner's Wall-Street Cash Bolsters Tea Party Hopefuls

House Minority Leader spreads business-backed wealth

(Newser) - John Boehner typically gets a healthy dose of campaign cash from Wall Street and blue-chip corporations, and this election season, he’s doling it out to tea party-backed hopefuls. The House Minority Leader has distributed $320,000 to 39 such candidates, suggesting a GOP “stamp of approval” for a...

O'Donnell to GOP: Hannity's 'in My Back Pocket'

Senate hopeful complains party leaving her in the cold

(Newser) - Feeling sorely underfunded, Christine O’Donnell has warned the GOP she has a secret weapon: She says she’s “got Sean Hannity in my back pocket, and I can go on his show and raise money by attacking you guys,” top Republicans tell Howard Fineman of the Huffington...

Move Over PACs, Here Come Super PACs

New weapon allows virtually unlimited spending on campaigns

(Newser) - Expect to hear the term "Super PAC" a lot between now and the midterms. As the Washington Post explains today, these fundraising committees are quickly becoming the norm in how modern campaigns are financed by interest groups. Thanks in part to the Citizens United court ruling, Super PACs are...

Angle: I Make a Ton of Money on Fox News

And Rush Limbaugh appearance turned into $236K, she boasts

(Newser) - Remember when Sharron Angle said she only wanted to talk to the media if it was a “ friend ”? Now we know why. At a house party this month, Angle was caught on tape bragging about how much money she could make off Fox viewers and Rush Limbaugh...

86-Year-Old Senator Gaga for Lady Gaga

Frank Lautenberg of New Jersey is a big fan

(Newser) - Have you ever wanted to hang out with an 86-year-old US senator while watching a 24-year-old dance around in bizarrely artsy stripper costumes? Then hurry, because tickets for “Senator Frank R. Lautenberg & Lady Gaga—The Monster Ball Tour” are almost sold out, according to an email sent to...

Whitman Spending Hits $99M
 Whitman Spending Hits $99M 

Whitman Spending Hits $99M

In what could be priciest gubernatorial race ever

(Newser) - Billionaire Republican Meg Whitman reported yesterday that she has spent more than $99 million in her quest to become California's governor, including $71 million just to win the Republican primary. Democrat Jerry Brown, who didn't have a serious primary opponent, has spent just $450,000, plus $324,000 in donated...

Rove Group's Only Donors: Billionaires

American Crossroads says it's a 'grassroots' organization

(Newser) - Need proof that the term “grassroots” has become a meaningless political buzzword? Karl Rove’s American Crossroads group, which has occasionally used the term, is funded almost exclusively by four billionaires, according to Salon . And two of the four made their money in the oil and gas industry. It’...

Wall Street Dumps Dems: Donations Down 65%

Upset about financial reform, banks keep their cash

(Newser) - Democrats are feeling the wrath of a financial sector scorned. Wall Street donations to the Democrats’ two congressional campaign committees are down 65% from the 2008 election cycle, the Washington Post reports. Big donors in general are staying away, giving just $49.5 million, compared to $81.3 million in...

Rove's Fundraising Group Pulls In Just $200

No, we're not missing any zeros

(Newser) - Remember that big scary “shadow RNC” Karl Rove and Ed Gillespie cooked up to lure the big GOP donors scared off by Michael Steele? It’s not going so well. The group, dubbed American Crossroads, raised just $200 last month, according to a report filed with the IRS—and...

Republicans Trounce Dems in Small Donors

GOP pulls in $70M in checks of $200 or less, to Dems' $44M

(Newser) - Republicans are cashing in the populist outrage they've helped stir up, raising more money from small donors than Democrats for the first time since 1998. GOP candidates have raised $70 million from small donors this year, compared to $44 million for Democrats, the Washington Post reports. That's still only 16%...

Rove Constructs 'Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy' imitating Democrats

(Newser) - The Republican party's top operatives are quietly building a massive fundraising and organizing machine inspired by the one the Democrats used to sieze Congress and the White House. Headed up by Karl Rove and former party chair Ed Gillespie, the network of five connected groups is modeled after the "...

BP's Biggest Recipient of Cash: Obama

President tops the 20-year list with $77K

(Newser) - Much like the stain of its oil creeping across the Gulf of Mexico, BP's cash flowed freely to politicians inside the Beltway—to the tune of some $3.5 million over two decades, reports Politico in a look at where the oil giant's dollars went. Add to that the $15....

Oops: RNC Letter Had Phone Sex Number

Fundraising mailer makes embarrassing mistake

(Newser) - Not the best of weeks for the Republican National Committee and sex themes: A letter mailed out soliciting funds includes a phone number for a sex line. A recipient in Minnesota discovered the glitch when he called the number—not to contribute but to complain that the letter was designed...

Money Dries Up for GOP's Only Supporter of Health Reform

Louisiana Rep. Cao's fundraising down 40%

(Newser) - The lone Republican lawmaker to support Democratic health care legislation has seen his fundraising drop by nearly 40% since his vote, forcing him to resort to a costly national fundraising operation as he burns through a dwindling bank account. Rep. Anh "Joseph" Cao, the unlikely congressman from New Orleans,...

Harry Reid Makes it Rain for Nevada Dems

Embattled majority leader flexes fundraising muscle

(Newser) - Harry Reid is still trailing badly in the polls in Nevada, but it’s not for a lack of money. The Senate Majority Leader is raising and spending cash at an unheard of pace, both for his own campaign and for other Nevada Democrats. Reid tossed state Democrats nearly $660,...

Mitt Romney, Sarah Palin Lead GOP Fundraising

He's got about $3M, and she's got $2.1M

(Newser) - Mitt Romney and Sarah Palin lead the pack of possible 2012 GOP presidential challengers when it comes to fundraising, with $2.9 million and $2.1 million coming in over the last year, respectively. Romney still had $1.1 million in the bank at the beginning of the year after...

Top GOP Fundraiser Mosbacher Dead at 82

Bush 41's commerce secretary helped grease the skids for NAFTA

(Newser) - Robert Mosbacher, a legendary GOP fundraiser who served as George HW Bush's commerce secretary, died of cancer today in Houston. The multimillionaire oilman was 82. Mosbacher, an influential NAFTA proponent, was "the shrewdest dealmaker I ever knew," Bush, a friend of half a century, said in a statement....

SF Mayor Drops Out of Calif. Governor's Race

Newsom's decision makes Jerry Brown virtual lock for Dem nod

(Newser) - Citing his responsibilities as San Francisco mayor and as a new father, Democrat Gavin Newsom withdrew today from the race to succeed Arnold Schwarzenegger as California governor. Despite the heavyweight endorsement of Bill Clinton, Newsom has had trouble raising money; his departure leaves state attorney general, and former governor, Jerry...

Fundraising Looms Large on Obama's Schedule

President spends more time chasing donations thanks to McCain-Feingold

(Newser) - In between massive federal bailouts and health reform, President Obama has spent a lot of time rustling up cash for Democrats this year, with tonight marking his 26th fundraiser. George W. Bush, by contrast, headlined only six fundraisers in his first year. But that was before McCain-Feingold capped how much...

Dem Donor, Ponzi Schemer Hsu Gets 24 Years

(Newser) - Norman Hsu is a man of many hats, but the Hillary Clinton fundraiser extraordinaire, Ponzi schemer, and onetime fugitive has been sentenced to wear them in prison for the next 24 years. While significantly less than the 30 years prosecutors had asked for, Hsu’s lawyer tells the Wall Street ...

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