
Stories 401 - 420 | << Prev   Next >>

Gaza Camps Offer Arts and Crafts, Not AK-47s

UN hopes its summer camps can hose down extremism in Palestinian territory

(Newser) - The UN’s Relief and Works Agency is combating extremism in the Gaza Strip with some unconventional weapons: hula hoops, finger-painting, and sports, the Christian Science Monitor reports. The agency runs summer programs in 350 locations for Gaza’s youth in an attempt to counteract Hamas’ militant equivalent, where young...

Israel Releases 198 Palestinians
 Israel Releases 198 Palestinians

Israel Releases 198 Palestinians

Freed prisoners intended to shore up Fatah PM Abbas; some in Israel fuming

(Newser) - Israel today released 198 Palestinian prisoners in an effort to bolster Fatah leader Mahmoud Abbas, the AFP reports. The release, on the eve of a visit by US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, included two prisoners held since the late 1970s who were convicted of murdering Israelis. One of them,...

Olmert Proposes New West Bank, Gaza Borders

Abbas rejects plan, which doesn't include contiguous Palestine

(Newser) - Ehud Olmert has presented Mahmoud Abbas with a plan to withdraw from most of the West Bank and all of the Gaza Strip once the Palestinian Authority retakes Gaza from Hamas. The centerpiece of the proposal is a new permanent border that would keep 7% of the West Bank in...

Obama, in Israel, Vows to Work for Peace as President

Notes weakness of current governments

(Newser) - Barack Obama touched down in Israel late today, promising work on peace negotiations “starting from the minute I’m sworn into office.” He said that while the “historic and special relationship” between the US and Israel “is not going to change,” an American president could...

Gaza Truce Takes Hold
 Gaza Truce Takes Hold 

Gaza Truce Takes Hold

Skeptics wary of future of the ceasefire

(Newser) - Guns went quiet as a six-month truce between Israel and Gaza Strip militants took effect early today, despite widespread skepticism about its longevity. If the quiet holds, Israel will ease its blockade on Sunday to allow larger shipments of some supplies. A week later Israel is to further ease restrictions...

Israel, Hamas Agree to Begin Ceasefire Thursday

But Jerusalem waiting to see if it's 'serious'

(Newser) - Israel has reached a tentative truce with Hamas, brokered by Egypt, the BBC and AP report. Starting Thursday, the two sides will begin a “mutual and simultaneous calm,” in which militants will theoretically stop their daily cross-border rocket bombardments, and Israel will in turn cease its military raids....

Abbas Calls for Renewed Talks With Hamas

About-face signals frustration with Bush-led peace talks

(Newser) - Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas offered an unexpected olive branch to Hamas yesterday, reports the New York Times. Abbas, in control of only the West Bank since the Islamic militant group seized Gaza last year, said it was time for national unity talks aimed at forming a new government. The move...

Al-Qaeda Calls for Gaza War
 Al-Qaeda Calls for Gaza War 

Al-Qaeda Calls for Gaza War

Message from Osama's deputy urges attack on 'treacherous regimes'

(Newser) - Osama bin Laden's deputy has called on Muslims to launch a  holy war to break Israel's economic blockade of Gaza, reports AP. The call was issued in an 11-minute al-Qaeda audiotape by Ayman al-Zawahri, marking the anniversary of the loss of Gaza, the West Bank and the Golan Heights in...

Radical Steps Needed to Break Israel Impasse
Radical Steps Needed to Break Israel Impasse

Radical Steps Needed to Break Israel Impasse

Involving Jordan would be key move in new pragmatism: Friedman

(Newser) - The distance to a two-state solution for Israel and the Palestinians grows longer by the day, Thomas Friedman laments in the New York Times, and involving Jordan is the best bet. He calls for “radical pragmatism” as “energetic as the extremism that it hopes to nullify.” Giving...

Mideast Peace Initiatives Dodge US Disapproval
Mideast Peace Initiatives
Dodge US Disapproval

Mideast Peace Initiatives Dodge US Disapproval

America on the bench as region works itself out

(Newser) - Middle East nations are moving to resolve their conflicts without, and often in defiance of, Washington, write Hussein Agha and Robert Malley in the New York Times. Israel is in peace talks with both Hamas and Syria, and Lebanon has reached political reconciliation after a near civil war. All three...

US Axes Fulbrights for 8 Palestinians

Israel won't let the students leave Gaza to study abroad

(Newser) - Eight Palestinians have had their Fulbright scholarships taken away because Israel won't grant them visas to leave the Gaza Strip, reports the New York Times. Israel has isolated Gaza since Hamas took control of the territory last year. The State Department has allocated the prestigious scholarships to students the West...

Obama Pledges Support for Israel to Fla. Jews

Seeks support in Jewish community

(Newser) - Barack Obama sought to quell skepticism about him in the Jewish community yesterday by addressing a tough audience of older Jewish voters in a Conservative synagogue in Boca Raton, Florida. He asked the audience not to judge him by his 'funny name' or his skin color, to ignore the erroneous...

Get Back to the 'One Nation,' Barack
  Get Back to the
 'One Nation,'

Get Back to the 'One Nation,' Barack

Candidate lost message of patriotism, unity in wooing white working class

(Newser) - Give us our “one nation” Obama back, the New Republic editors demand: Barack has been "sapping the charisma from his campaign” to chase down the white working class, and now that Clinton is (all but) gone, it’s time to pivot back to pure patriotism. Trumpeting national unity...

Obama Fires Back at Bush—and McCain

Dem says he'll win foreign policy debate

(Newser) - Barack Obama struck back at the GOP's leading lights today, saying he’d win a foreign policy debate “because George Bush and John McCain have a lot to answer for.” In his most extensive and direct remarks since the president suggested yesterday that Obama would appease terrorists, he...

Mac at 'Height of Hypocrisy' on Hamas, Obama
Mac at 'Height of Hypocrisy' on Hamas, Obama

Mac at 'Height of Hypocrisy' on Hamas, Obama

GOP candidate far more accommodating just 2 years ago

(Newser) - John McCain’s effort to link Barack Obama and Hamas—waxing astonished the Democrat could sit down with the violent Palestinian group—is “Nixon-style dirty campaign tactics,” and the “height of hypocrisy,” James Rubin writes in the Washington Post. In a 2006 interview, McCain said the...

Iran Outsmarting US in New Cold War in Mideast
Iran Outsmarting US in New Cold War in Mideast

Iran Outsmarting US in New Cold War in Mideast

America is too dumb, weak right now to counter, Friedman says

(Newser) - The new cold war is being waged between America and Iran, and Iran is winning hands down, Thomas L Friedman writes in the New York Times. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's nation has built up influence from Iraq to Lebanon, with power over Iraq's prime minister, Hezbollah, Hamas, and other militias—and a...

US Victims of Attacks in Israel Sue Swiss Bank

UBS gave Iran money it knew would support terrorism, suit says

(Newser) - American victims of attacks in Israel are suing Switzerland's biggest bank for helping fund militants by providing money to Iran, Reuters reports. The lawsuit says UBS AG gave loans to Iran even though it supports Hezbollah, Hamas, and Islamic Jihad. The plaintiffs seek $500 million in damages for some 50...

Obama Adviser Quits Over Hamas Talk

Mideast expert met with militant group for his job, not campaign

(Newser) - An informal Mideast policy adviser to the Barack Obama campaign has severed ties after critics made an issue of  meetings the adviser had with Hamas, the Times of London reports. The Obama campaign stressed that Robert Malley never had a formal role with them; Malley made it clear that his...

McCain Claims Obama Is Hamas Choice
McCain Claims Obama Is
Hamas Choice

McCain Claims Obama Is Hamas Choice

Alleged endorsement is fair game, his campaign insists

(Newser) - John McCain's campaign plans to make an issue out of an alleged "endorsement" of Barack Obama by Hamas, TPM reports. In a conference call with bloggers yesterday, McCain defended a fundraising email that claimed Obama was the militant group's choice for president. "I think it's very clear who...

Hamas Truce 'Not Serious': Israel

But militants stopping rocket fire could bring de facto ceasefire in Gaza, official says

(Newser) - Israel said a Hamas truce proposal yesterday was not genuine, and the Islamist organization would only regroup and strengthen itself during the 6-month ceasefire, AFP reports. "Unfortunately, this appears not to be serious at all," an Israeli spokesman said today, although officials said a prolonged halt in the...

Stories 401 - 420 | << Prev   Next >>