Michelle Obama

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Columnist 'Saddened' by Michelle Obama's Comments

She should stop wasting any time trying to change the minds of racists, writes Charles Blow

(Newser) - When she was speaking at the Obama Foundation Summit in Chicago last week, Michelle Obama lamented that the issue of "white flight" she grew up with still exists today. She said she "can't make people not afraid of black people," adding: "I can't explain...

She Went Viral at 2, Published a Book by 4

'Parker Looks Up,' by Parker Curry and her mom, was released Tuesday

(Newser) - Parker Curry was just 2 when a photo of her at the National Portrait Gallery in Washington, DC, went viral—and now she's 4, with a book credit under her belt. A stranger captured the toddler on film gazing up in awe at a portrait of Michelle Obama; after...

Casting Set for TV Portrayal of Michelle Obama

Viola Davis will portray her in Showtime series 'First Ladies'

(Newser) - It looks like Viola Davis will be the first actor to play Michelle Obama on television. The Oscar winner has signed on the play the former first lady in a new Showtime series First Ladies, from writer and executive producer Aaron Cooley. The first season of the show—which Davis...

Beyonce, Sinatra Make the Obamas&#39; Playlist
Mix It Up
on Summer

Obamas Mix It Up on Summer Playlist

Drake, Beyonce, Sinatra make the cut

(Newser) - The Obama summer playlist features Drake, Beyonce, Steely Dan, and Frank Sinatra. The former president calls it "some new, some old, some fast, some slow," the AP reports. Former President Obama tweeted 44 songs Saturday that he and his wife, Michelle, have been listening to. They include Drake'...

Obamas' First Film for Netflix Seen as 'Anti-Trump'

An Oscar-nominated duo from Ohio directed Sundance winner 'American Factory'

(Newser) - The first project from Barack and Michelle Obama's Higher Ground Productions arrived on Netflix on Wednesday. American Factory , a documentary showcasing tensions between Chinese and American attitudes at an auto glass-manufacturing operation at a former General Motors plant in Ohio, comes from Dayton directors Julia Reichert and Steven Bognar,...

She&#39;s the Most Admired Woman in the World
10 Most Admired
Men, Women in World

10 Most Admired Men, Women in World

Michelle Obama and Bill Gates lead their respective lists

(Newser) - Michelle Obama is not only the most admired woman in America , but also in the world, according to new poll. Market research firm YouGov asked 42,000 people in 41 countries to name the men and women they most look up to, and Obama's name came up a lot,...

There Were Tears When Obamas Left White House

First lady had to wrap up daughters' sleepover

(Newser) - Leaving the White House in January 2017 wasn't just about turning over the presidency, Michelle Obama says. "I was moving my children out of the only house they had really grown up in," she told the Essence Festival in New Orleans on Saturday night, per Fox News...

Bromance Rekindled as an Obama, a Biden Graduate

'We had a whole get together' as Sasha Obama, Maisy Biden graduated Sidwell Friends

(Newser) - Sasha Obama is all grown up and done with high school. Former President Obama, wife Michelle, and eldest daughter Malia looked on proudly Sunday as Sasha graduated from the private Sidwell Friends School in Washington, DC, a day before her 18th birthday, reports USA Today . Joe and Jill Biden were...

She Insulted Michelle Obama. Now, a Guilty Plea

Pamela Taylor, who called ex-first lady 'ape in heels,' admits taking money from FEMA

(Newser) - "The flood was a natural disaster. Stealing from FEMA is a manmade disaster." Per a DOJ release , that's US Attorney Mike Stuart speaking on the case of Pamela Taylor, a 57-year-old from West Virginia who made headlines in 2016 for calling then-first lady Michelle Obama an "...

Michelle Obama Makes Surprise Grammys Appearance

Helps host Alicia Keys open the awards show

(Newser) - Michelle Obama made a surprise appearance to help open the Grammy Awards with host Alicia Keys, the AP reports. The former first lady appeared onstage with Lady Gaga, Jennifer Lopez, Jada Pinkett Smith, and Keys to say how music has impacted their lives. Obama's initial comments were interrupted by...

Obama&#39;s Becoming Nearly &#39;Better Than Sex&#39;
Sales for Obama's
Memoir Are Stunning

Sales for Obama's Memoir Are Stunning

'Becoming' tops Amazon's charts for 47 straight days

(Newser) - Michelle Obama's Becoming, a best-seller? Yeah, just a little: The inspirational memoir is now one of the most popular books of the decade—at least according to sales on Amazon, CNN reports. It's been the site's No. 1 title almost every day since being released over two...

Ex-First Lady Passes Torch to Another as 'Most Admired Woman'

Michelle Obama takes crown from Hillary Clinton, winner since 2002; Barack Obama is men's victor

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton has been named the most admired woman in Gallup's annual survey more than any other since Gallup started asking in 1946: 22 times, to be exact, including for each year since 2002. This year, however, another former first lady has finally knocked Clinton off the hill. Michelle...

Everybody Is Talking About Michelle Obama's Boots

They're gold, glittery, and really expensive

(Newser) - Perhaps pundits heard Melania Trump's call to ignore her fashion choices because they're now focused on an outfit her predecessor wore Wednesday. In the last stop on her Becoming book tour, Michelle Obama walked on stage at Brooklyn's Barclays Center wearing a shimmery yellow shirt dress and...

Michelle Obama Dishes on Dubya Passing Her Things at Funerals

Former first lady says George W. Bush had 'the sense of humor to bring me a mint'

(Newser) - Another "cough drop moment" between Michelle Obama and George W. Bush? Per People and Today , the former first lady made a stop in San Jose, Calif., on Friday for her book tour, and she addressed an apparent repeat of what took place at John McCain's memorial service in...

Here's Michelle Obama's Advice for Meghan Markle

Pressure can be intense, so take your time, she advises

(Newser) - Michelle Obama and Meghan Markle have a little bit in common. "Like me, Meghan probably never dreamt that she’d have a life like this," Obama says in a new interview with Good Housekeeping . Noting that such a life can lead to intense pressure from both outside sources...

Michelle Obama on 'Lean In': 'That S--- Doesn't Work All the Time'

Former first lady suffers an apparently unguarded moment during book tour appearance

(Newser) - Michelle Obama sold 2 million copies of memoir Becoming in the first 15 days, and she might need to dip into those proceeds to make a donation to the swear jar. During an apparently unguarded moment Saturday night at a book tour appearance in front of an intimate crowd of...

First-Week Sales Are In for Michelle Obama Book

She sells 1.4M copies for one of the year's biggest debuts

(Newser) - The numbers are in for the first full week of sales for Michelle Obama's memoir, and they're as strong as expected: Becoming sold 1.4 million print and digital copies from Nov. 13-20, reports the AP . And it's not just in the US: Crown Publishing says Becoming ...

Obama: 'She's Really Tall and Most of It Was Legs'

The former president surprises his wife with flowers

(Newser) - "This is like—you know when Jay-Z comes out during the Beyonce concert? ... Like, 'Crazy in Love'?" So said Barack Obama when he showed up Saturday at the Washington, DC, stop on wife Michelle's tour for her new memoir, Becoming, per CNN . "It's the...

Michelle Obama: We Conceived With IVF
Trump Reponds to Criticism
by Michelle Obama
the rundown

Trump Reponds to Criticism by Michelle Obama

But he takes shot at her husband, not her

(Newser) - Michelle Obama's memoir, Becoming, is officially out on Tuesday, but outlets including the AP and the Washington Post got their hands on advance copies. Some of the first headlines focused on the former first lady's criticism of President Trump—among other things, she calls him a "mysogynist"...

Michelle Obama Slams Trump in New Memoir

She tried to 'block it all out' when she realized he would succeed Barack

(Newser) - MIchelle Obama's new memoir Becoming looks back at high points in her life, including the "toppling blast of lust, gratitude, fulfillment, wonder" when Barack first kissed her—and low points, including the election of President Trump. In an advance copy seen by the AP , the former first lady...

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