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The &#39;Magic&#39; in &#39;Shrooms Could Really Help You
The 'Magic' in 'Shrooms
Could Really Help You
new study

The 'Magic' in 'Shrooms Could Really Help You

New study says it can serve medicinal purposes

(Newser) - Want to quit smoking or alleviate depression? In a few years you might be taking the psychedelic "magic" in magic mushrooms—if the FDA ever agrees, the New York Times reports. Researchers from John Hopkins University suggest the FDA should reclassify psilocybin—the psychedelic drug in hallucinogenic mushrooms—to...

ER Doc Mocks Man During Anxiety Attack: 'He Must Be Dead!'

Beth Keegstra will no longer be contracted to work within the El Camino Hospital system

(Newser) - An ER doctor announcing you're one of the "least sick of all the people" sounds like good news, but in the case of Samuel Bardwell, it was a callous statement made while he was suffering a full-blown anxiety attack. Now Beth Keegstra, 57, the contracted physician who tended...

She Wanted to Die. Then Something Changed

A teenager found purpose when she began developing mental health apps

(Newser) - For anyone struggling with anxiety or grinding depression, Amanda Southworth has a story to tell. She had moved to a new town where she had no friends and was bullied. She was depressed and anxious. She dreamed of killing herself. She even sent an email to her future self that...

Feeling Depressed? Google Might Be Able to Help Out

Users have the option to fill out a questionnaire

(Newser) - Only about half of people who are depressed seek treatment, and Google says it wants to help. The company is partnering with the National Alliance on Mental Health to deploy a tool the groups hope will encourage those at risk of depression to seek help, reports Forbes . The set-up is...

Gravity Blanket Raises $3.5M, but Is It Too Good to Be True?

Maker retracts some health claims after STAT raises questions

(Newser) - A company hawking a "gravity blanket," which went viral on Kickstarter after claiming to treat everything from insomnia to anxiety, has doubled back on those promises after a website questioned its science. The crowdfunding campaign has raised $3.5 million with 15 days to go, but now, a...

Ballet Lessons May Come With a Dark Side
Ballet Lessons
May Come
With a Dark Side
new study

Ballet Lessons May Come With a Dark Side

Study sees a psychological toll on young students seeking perfection

(Newser) - Parents who think their kids are learning discipline by taking ballet may be right, but a new study suggests that it comes at a cost. Reporting in the journal Psychology of Music , researchers say they've found that young ballet students show greater "psychological inflexibility" than their peers studying...

Dose of Magic Mushrooms Had Big Effect on Cancer Patients

A single dose of psilocybin in a controlled setting appears to reap long-term benefits

(Newser) - Hallucinogens are back on the table—at least when it comes to clinical trials. Hundreds of trials in the 1940s and 1950s studied their effects, but since their ban in the late '60s the research all but stopped, reports the New York Times . Nowadays, though, drugs like MDMA (think...

Your Miscarriage May Have Been Followed by PTSD
Your Miscarriage May Have
Been Followed by PTSD
new study

Your Miscarriage May Have Been Followed by PTSD

Women relive the ordeal through nightmares, flashbacks

(Newser) - Many women report feeling isolated and alone after experiencing a miscarriage, and now research out of Imperial College London finds that many who suffer one fulfill the diagnostic criteria for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Reporting in the journal BMJ Open , the researchers noted their survey of 113 women who had...

Docs Say iPads Work Like Sedatives for Kids Pre-Surgery

The non-pharmacological approach appears to work as well as, if not better than, sedatives

(Newser) - For kids at least, tablets are as good as sedatives. So report doctors in a press release after presenting their findings at this year’s World Congress of Anaesthesiologists. The team studied 4- to 10-year-olds prior to surgeries and found that the decreased anxiety levels of those given midazolam (a...

Study: Workaholics More Likely to Have ADHD, Anxiety

Not to mention OCD and depression

(Newser) - Spending late nights at the office and missing a kid's piano recital or three might be a sign of a deeper psychiatric problem, according to a study published last week in PLOS One. Researches found workaholism was statistically linked with anxiety, depression, OCD, and ADHD. “Workaholics scored higher...

Fatal Overdoses of Common Anxiety Meds Are Spiking

'Benzos' such as Xanax and Valium overprescribed, say study authors

(Newser) - Opioids aren't the only drugs we should be concerned about when it comes to overdoses. ODs involving common anxiety drugs like Xanax and Valium are at an all-time high, and scientists fear plenty of lives will be lost before they fully understand why. In a new study , researchers found...

Wife Battling Depression Comes Home to Epic Note

Tim Murphy actually says he was disappointed he hadn't made the list longer

(Newser) - Molly Murphy wasn't having a good day—or general go of it, in fact—when she decided to hop on a plane from San Francisco to Los Angeles last week to see her newlywed husband, who'd recently moved there for a job. Battling both depression and anxiety, not...

Cows' 'Night Milk' May Help You Sleep Better

That was the case with lab mice, anyway

(Newser) - If you've tried a warm glass of milk to help ease you into sleep at night and it hasn't worked, perhaps it was just milked at the wrong time. The Wall Street Journal reports on a somewhat whimsical sounding potential treatment for anxiety and insomnia: "night milk....

Risk of Anxiety Higher When You Do Too Much of This

Sitting's bad rap continues

(Newser) - If you sit too much throughout the day—behind the wheel, at your desk, or on the couch—you may be increasing your risk of developing an anxiety disorder. So report researchers in Australia this month in the journal BMC Public Health after they reviewed nine studies on the issue...

Why Anxious People May Want to Order Extra Pickles

Study suggests fermented foods help with social anxiety

(Newser) - People who suffer from social anxiety might want to get familiar with fermented foods. A study led by researchers at William & Mary found that college students who eat such foods—think yogurt, sauerkraut, pickles, kimchi—report fewer social anxiety symptoms. The researchers suspect it's all about the "...

Babies' Bond With Parents Helps Fight Teen Anxiety

Researchers point to value of forging an early connection

(Newser) - The bond a baby forges with his or her parents may have big implications for the child's mental health as a teenager, a study finds. Researchers evaluated children's behavior starting at the age of four months, watching how they reacted to seeing their mothers after a period apart,...

Keep Your iPhone Close, or Face Separation Anxiety
Keep Your iPhone Close,
or Experience These Woes

Keep Your iPhone Close, or Experience These Woes

Study finds we're distracted, perform mental tasks poorly when kept from phone

(Newser) - If being unable to answer your nearby buzzing smartphone has ever driven you a little batty, you're not the only one. Researchers explored the impact of iPhone separation on users taking simple word-search puzzles, and they report in the Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication that the effects of being separated...

Want to Worry Less? Go to Bed Earlier

 Want to Worry 
 Less? Go to 
 Bed Earlier 
study says

Want to Worry Less? Go to Bed Earlier

What time you turn in may play a role in your anxiety level

(Newser) - Those who feel stressed and anxious all the time might want to try one simple remedy before others: Go to bed earlier. It's not just a matter of getting a good night's sleep, however. Researchers at Binghamton University say that when you go to sleep matters when it...

Common Meds May Raise Risk of Alzheimer's in Seniors

Study: Link seen with long-term use of pills for insomnia, anxiety

(Newser) - Seniors dealing with insomnia or anxiety might want to take it easy on commonly prescribed drugs such as Ativan, Xanax, Valium, and Klonopin, a new study in the British Medical Journal suggests. Researchers in Canada found what looks to be a strong link between Alzheimer's and this class of...

Early Parkinson's Disease Doubles Depression Risk

Insight into Robin Williams' mental health?

(Newser) - A study is linking new cases of Parkinson's to depression and anxiety—shortly after it emerged that Robin Williams was in the early stages of the disease . In a look at 423 patients who'd recently been diagnosed, researchers found that the incidence of depression and anxiety was twice...

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