white supremacism

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David Duke's Godson Was 'Heir' to White Power. Till He Flipped

'Washington Post' profiles the transformation of Derek Black

(Newser) - Derek Black is 27, and if things had gone as planned, he'd be a leading figure, perhaps the leading figure, of the white nationalism movement by now. As the Washington Post explains in a profile, he's got the pedigree: His father, Don Black, is the creator of the...

Trump: 'I Know Nothing About' KKK, David Duke

Candidate refuses CNN prompting to denounce white supremacist group

(Newser) - Prompted repeatedly to denounce the Ku Klux Klan in the wake of former grand wizard David Duke's endorsement of him, Donald Trump steadfastly refused Sunday on CNN 's State of the Union, telling host Jake Tapper that, "Just so you understand, I don't know anything about...

Dylann Roof's Purported Manifesto Surfaces Online

'I have no choice,' it reads

(Newser) - Internet sleuths appear to have found a white supremacist website created by accused Charleston shooter Dylann Roof, along with what amounts to a manifesto. Gawker credits two Twitter users, here and here , for the scoop, and outlets including the New York Times have now picked up on the story. The...

Neo-Nazi Arrested in Mesa Shootings
Neo-Nazi Arrested
in Mesa Shootings

Neo-Nazi Arrested in Mesa Shootings

Skinhead gang member has long criminal record

(Newser) - The man accused of killing one person and wounding five others in a Mesa, Ariz., shooting rampage has been identified as Ryan Giroux, a 41-year-old who has been in and out of prison over the last 20 years. Giroux—who has white supremacist tattoos, including "Skin Head" over his...

GOP Leaders Back Scalise in White Supremacy Gaffe

Boehner, others issue statements of support for House majority whip

(Newser) - Majority Whip Steve Scalise is still taking heat after admitting that he spoke to a white supremacy group years ago, but it looks like the No. 3 GOP leader in the House will be sticking around: That's because Nos. 1 and 2 gave him their support today. "More...

House Majority Whip Spoke to White Supremacist Group

Scalise says he detests group he spoke to in 2002

(Newser) - The third-ranking House Republican has admitted that he addressed a gathering of white supremacists in 2002—but House Majority Whip Steve Scalise says he didn't know the group's beliefs and it is "insulting and ludicrous" to suggest he shared them, the Hill reports. Scalise, who was a...

Man Starts KKK Group ... That's Open to All Races

John Abarr says the new Rocky Mountain Knights in Montana is inclusive

(Newser) - John Abarr, a well-known white supremacist in Montana, says he's a reformed man now forming a KKK group called the Rocky Mountain Knights—and anyone 18 and over in the Pacific Northwest can join. In 2011, he made headlines when he ran for (but lost) a congressional seat as...

Vegas Killers Covered Dead Cops With Cloth

Couple appear to have links to the white supremacist movement

(Newser) - The man and woman who killed two Las Vegas police officers and a civilian before taking their own lives yesterday appear to have links to the white supremacist movement, police sources say. The shooters were a married couple in their 20s and the initial investigation has turned up swastikas and...

Talking With the KKK Shooter

 Talking With the KKK Shooter 

Talking With the KKK Shooter

A Jewish reporter recounts an interview 33 years ago

(Newser) - When he heard the name of the suspect in the Overland Park shooting , Robert Satloff writes that he "shuddered." Because Satloff had met and interviewed Glenn Miller (aka Frazier Glenn Cross) 33 years ago, he recounts in today's Washington Post . "Don't bring down no blacks...

Kansas City Shooting Suspect Charged With Capital Murder

Frazier Glenn Miller held on $10M bond

(Newser) - Kansas prosecutors filed state-level murder charges today against the white supremacist accused in shootings that left three people dead at two Jewish community sites in suburban Kansas City. Frazier Glenn Cross has been charged with one count of capital murder for the deaths of a 14-year-old boy and his grandfather...

Kansas City Shootings Investigated as Hate Crimes

As hundreds gather to mourn 3 victims

(Newser) - The Justice Department, under Eric Holder's orders, will investigate whether yesterday's shootings at two Kansas City Jewish sites broke the federal hate crimes law, the AP reports. Holder today issued a statement on the shootings, which ended with three dead, allegedly at the hands of white supremacist Frazier...

Police Remove Banners Warning of 'White Genocide'

Banners hung from overpass in Knoxville

(Newser) - Drivers on Interstate 640 in Knoxville were recently met with white supremacy messages when passing under the Norfolk Southern Railroad bridge overpass, but police removed the banners bearing the messages yesterday, WATE reports. The two vinyl banners read, "'Diversity' is a code word for white genocide." Police...

ND Town Fights Whites-Only Plan With ... Building Codes

Leith fights Craig Cobb's plans

(Newser) - It's pretty darn crafty: The tiny town of Leith, ND, doesn't want a white supremacist and his friends to take over, so it's using building codes and ordinances in the quest to stop him. The city council last night OKed a moratorium on any new building until...

Protesters Fight Whites-Only Plan for N. Dakota Town

As white supremacist says demonstrators 'literally not human to me'

(Newser) - With white supremacists planning a town takeover , hundreds of people headed to Leith, North Dakota, yesterday—even taking buses to get there—to protest. They stood outside a meeting hosted by Jeff Schoep, head of the white supremacist National Socialist Movement, chanting, "No hate in our state!" the...

Neo-Nazi Plans to Take Over ND Town

Police watching Craig Cobb, who bought 13 lots in Leith, ND

(Newser) - The tiny town of Leith, North Dakota, with its 19 residents, may soon get a population boost—but most won't be happy with the new neighbors. Infamous white supremacist Craig Cobb—wanted for hate crimes in Canada—has bought up 13 lots and plans to turn the almost-ghost town...

Tsarnaev's Library: 'Hitler Had a Point,' Mass Killings

Older brother was reading up on drones, Gitmo

(Newser) - Tamerlan Tsarnaev 's library was full of far-right reading material ranging from white supremacist tracts to writings on "the rape of our gun rights," the BBC reports after speaking to friends of Tsarnaev and his brother, Dzhokhar. "Hitler had a point," read one piece....

Prosecutor in Texas Quits Aryan Case

He steps down following murder of DA, assistant

(Newser) - One of the theories floating around about the murder of a Texas district attorney and one of his prosecutors is that the Aryan Brotherhood of Texas is behind the killings as revenge for prosecution. If so, the group can consider its message received. A federal prosecutor has just resigned from...

Sikh Temple Shooter Had 'Personality Change'

Wade Michael Page death officially ruled suicide

(Newser) - The white supremacist who killed six Sikh worshipers at a temple in Wisconsin had a major personality change in the year before the shooting, according to a newly released investigative report. Wade Michael Page's sister told investigators that he had become more intense, lost his sense of humor, and...

Army Tries Rooting Out White Supremacists

Hate groups have long used US military for weapons training

(Newser) - The Sikh temple shooting has put the spotlight on a longstanding problem in the US military: white supremacist soldiers. White supremacist groups have long encouraged members to join the military to learn the skills they'll need in an imagined future racial holy war, Reuters reports, and though the military...

Temple Shooter's Girlfriend Praises 'Heroes' at Scene

Misty Cook says put focus on them, not her

(Newser) - The ex-girlfriend of the man who opened fire on a Sikh temple in Wisconsin is drawing scrutiny of her own from police, but her first public statement is all about offering solace to the victims. "The reaction of the Sikh community around the world has been admirable," Misty...

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