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Trump Gets NRA Endorsement, Says He'll Ban Gun-Free Zones

He also took the opportunity to bash 'Heartless Hillary'

(Newser) - The NRA endorsed Donald Trump during its national convention in Kentucky on Friday, NBC News reports. According to CNN , Trump called the endorsement a "fantastic honor." In a speech immediately following, he said American citizens "sitting in an apartment" need guns because “outside is tremendous crime;...

NRA Arms Hansel and Gretel in Firearm Fairy Tale

Gun-control advocates call the series 'disgusting'

(Newser) - First the NRA repurposed Little Red Riding Hood ; now it's reloading Hansel and Gretel . The gun lobby group's fairy tales-with-firearms series, penned by Amelia Hamilton and appearing on the NRA Family site , aims to place traditional tales in a new "utopia filled with empowered and unharmed children,...

NRA Is Training National Guard on Use of Firearms

Indiana enlists group for concealed-weapons class after attacks in Tennessee

(Newser) - The NRA has been instructing Indiana's National Guard members on how to use concealed weapons after the governor directed the state's military bases and training centers to beef up security in response to attacks in Tennessee . According to a survey by the Associated Press, Indiana is the only...

NRA Official Blames Victim for Church Massacre

Board member Charles Cotton deletes comments about Clementa Pinckney

(Newser) - An NRA board member is catching flak for blaming one of the victims in the Charleston church shooting for the deaths. On a message board he runs, Charles Cotton took issue with church leader Clementa Pinckney, who also happened to be a state senator in South Carolina. The post: "...

US Senator Takes Heat for Bloody Fundraiser: Pigeon Shoot

Animal rights groups come down on Jim Inhofe's 'slaughter-fest'

(Newser) - Coming up with a creative way to raise money for your Senate re-election campaign: great idea. Shooting live pigeons out of the sky for said fundraiser: not terribly popular. Oklahoma Sen. Jim Inhofe is taking more than a little flak from animal rights groups over a moneymaking event he held...

NRA's Top Lawyer Was Convicted of Murder

But a high court overturned Robert Dowlut's sentence

(Newser) - The NRA's top lawyer argues in favor of gun ownership for self-defense—but it turns out he was convicted of shooting a woman in cold blood 50 years ago, Mother Jones reports. In 1964, a jury found Robert Dowlut guilty of killing his girlfriend's mother in South Bend,...

NRA: Sorry We Called Open-Carry Crew 'Weird'

Walks back surprising statement from last week

(Newser) - Well, so much for that: On Friday, a statement appeared on the website of the NRA's lobbying arm that Talking Points Memo called "amazing" and "remarkably frank," but days later, the organization has backtracked. Why? Well, the initial statement—which the head of the lobbying arm...

Bloomberg Targets NRA With $50M Gun Control Supergroup

'We've got to make them afraid of us': former mayor

(Newser) - Michael Bloomberg is making his first move on gun control since leaving office, and it's less than subtle: The former mayor is dropping $50 million to create a rival to the NRA, he tells the New York Times . Everytown for Gun Safety will use NRA-style tactics to promote gun...

NRA: Navy Yard Lacked &#39;Good Guys With Guns&#39;
 NRA: Navy 
 Yard Lacked 
 'Good Guys 
 With Guns' 


NRA: Navy Yard Lacked 'Good Guys With Guns'

Meanwhile, Manchin says he won't renew push for gun control

(Newser) - The NRA's Wayne LaPierre is taking on renewed debate over gun control in wake of the Navy Yard shooting, telling NBC today that the "outrage" of "the elite media and the politicians trying to stir this toward firearms ... ought to be placed on an unprotected naval base....

2 Dems Ousted Over Gun Stance in Colorado Recall

Will be replaced by Republicans after NRA-backed election

(Newser) - Colorado voters have fired two clear warning shots in the gun control debate, voting to kick two Democratic state lawmakers who supported stricter firearm laws out of office. Senate president John Morse and Senator Angela Giron will both be replaced with Republicans, following a recall election yesterday, reports the Denver ...

NRA Has a Vast Secret Registry of Gun Owners
NRA Has a Vast Secret Registry of Gun Owners

NRA Has a Vast Secret Registry of Gun Owners

BuzzFeed finds that it goes well beyond group's 3M members

(Newser) - The NRA hates the idea of a national gun registry, but it effectively operates a massive one of its own, reports BuzzFeed . Its secretive database goes way beyond its 3 million members—the group gets names from gun-safety classes, gun shows, magazine subscribers, government offices, etc., writes Steve Friess. It...

NRA Unholsters New Museum— in Gun Store

'If you are a gun person, you are going to love this place'

(Newser) - The National Rifle Association has unveiled a new museum—inside a gun store. The National Sporting Arms Museum, inside a sprawling Bass Pro store in Springfield, Mo., features close to 1,000 firearms, including ones owned by historical figures as diverse as Teddy Roosevelt, Napoleon Bonaparte, and Jesse James, Reuters...

Suit Filed Over Country's 'Toughest' Gun Law

Groups, individuals say Connecticut law is unconstitutional

(Newser) - The toughest-in-the-nation gun-control law passed in Connecticut in the wake of Sandy Hook shooting is getting its first legal challenge—but state officials don't seem worried. The Connecticut Citizen's Defense League and Coalition of Connecticut Sportsmen have, with an assist from the NRA, filed a lawsuit that claims...

Gun Dealer: Wayne LaPierre Is on the 'Wrong Side'

Lifetime NRA member calls out group's honcho

(Newser) - Lifetime NRA member Mike Weisser has strong words for Wayne LaPierre and the "culture war" he claims he's fighting: "If there is a war going on, you represent the wrong side," Weisser writes for the Huffington Post . LaPierre's concern about expanded background checks has nothing...

LaPierre: Boston Proves Guns Stop Terrorists

'How many Bostonians wish they had a gun two weeks ago?'

(Newser) - Prepare yourself for another round of vicious gun debates: NRA Vice President Wayne LaPierre has just linked the Boston Marathon bombings to gun rights, asking, "How many Bostonians wish they had a gun two weeks ago?" CNN reports. In a speech at the NRA's annual convention this weekend,...

Palin Tells NRA Obama Is Exploiting Newtown

Slams 'poodle-skirted' media, gets standing ovation

(Newser) - Sarah Palin proved again yesterday why she's an NRA favorite: She won a standing ovation at the group's annual convention after a strong attack on President Obama for "exploiting" the Newtown rampage, reports Politico . In the main part of her speech, she said the media attacked President...

Arizona Cities Must Now Resell Guns They Buy Back

Jan Brewer signs law neutering popular program

(Newser) - Are you an Arizona law enforcement officer hoping to get guns off the street with a buyback program? Well good luck, because from now on, you'll have to sell those guns right back. Jan Brewer signed a law yesterday forcing cities to sell any guns they buy back, rather...

8th Grader Jailed Over NRA Shirt

Jared Marcum, 14, arrested after dispute over gun on shirt

(Newser) - Jared Marcum showed up at his West Virginia middle school Thursday wearing an NRA shirt with a picture of a hunting rifle on it, and ended up getting arrested over it. He and a teacher argued over the shirt, and the 8th grader was eventually suspended, arrested, and now finds...

'Furious' Giffords: Senate Shamed Itself

Background-check bill was not a tough vote, and some kowtowed to gun lobby

(Newser) - It was "political fear" and "cold calculations" that drove a Senate minority to block a gun background-check measure yesterday. But "that fear must be nothing compared to the fear the first graders in Sandy Hook Elementary School felt as their lives ended in a hail of bullets,...

Angry Obama: Gun Lobby 'Willfully Lied'

President says Senate caved on background checks in 'shameful day'

(Newser) - After the Senate rejected tougher background checks today, President Obama issued a blistering criticism of senators who "caved to the pressure" and of the gun lobby he says "willfully lied," reports USA Today . "All in all this was a pretty shameful day for Washington," said...

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