Tonight Show

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Jay Leno Show Set for Low-Key Finale Tonight

 Jay Leno Show
 Set for Low-Key 
 Finale Tonight 
think whimper, not bang

Jay Leno Show Set for Low-Key Finale Tonight

Host expected to mention return to Tonight Show March 1

(Newser) - The last episode of the Jay Leno Show will air tonight, with little fanfare—it certainly won't include the equivalent of Bette Midler serenading Johnny Carson as he ended his run on the Tonight Show. "The weird thing about Jay saying goodbye this time is that he's not really...

NBC Is Chamberlain, Conan Is Czechoslovakia, So Leno Is...

Ousting Conan was only the first step; Jimmy Fallon is next!

(Newser) - If you think about it, isn’t Jay Leno a lot like Hitler? After all, he's “a master of making secret demands for foreign territory and then acting like the wronged party,” reasons Joe Queenan, writing for the Wall Street Journal . Leno pretended he wanted only the first...

Let the Conan Backlash Begin

Face it, O'Brien's ratings weren't great

(Newser) - Conan O’Brien joins the ranks of the unemployed today, so the ousted Tonight Show host now has plenty of time to track the backlash and second-guessing about the TV shell game. Jay Leno remains the villain of the piece, but the hard truth is that O’Brien never drew...

'I Do Not Regret a Second': Conan

O'Brien thanks fans, NBC, for allowing him to live Tonight dream

(Newser) - Conan O'Brien said on his final Tonight show that walking away is the hardest thing he's ever had to do. Before ending a seven-month run at the franchise NBC is giving back to Jay Leno, O'Brien thanked his fans, the viewers—and even the network he's so famously blasted recently....

NBC's Next Challenge: Fixing Prime Time
NBC's Next Challenge: Fixing Prime Time

NBC's Next Challenge: Fixing Prime Time

Network to produce 20 pilots next season

(Newser) - Now that NBC is nearly past the Jay Leno-Conan O'Brien fiasco, the network is refocusing on the job at hand: correcting a 5-year slide in ratings. The Leno gambit, which CEO Jeff Zucker described as an experiment in the "economics" of network television, represented the network's hope that Leno...

Conan Blows $4.8M on Parting Sketch

 Blows $4.8M 
 on Parting Sketch 
puts Racehorse in mink snuggie

Conan Blows $4.8M on Parting Sketch

Buys Kentucky Derby winner and sticks NBC with the bill

(Newser) - Conan O'brien upped the ante last night in his war with NBC, following his $1.5 million sketch Wednesday night with one he said cost $4.8 million. He spent that amount, he said, buying Mine That Bird, the 2009 Kentucky Derby winner, putting him in a horse-sized mink snuggie,...

Winner Takes All: Leno Gets White House Dinner Gig

Comic everyone loves to hate right now scores correspondents' event

(Newser) - Jay Leno, who hasn't been winning any most-popular awards for shouldering Conan O'Brien out of his job, will nonetheless get the microphone this year’s White House Correspondents’ Association dinner. The once and future Tonight Show host is probably hoping the backlash against him dies down by May 1, when...

Sandler to Conan: NBC Fired Me, Too
 Sandler to Conan: 
 NBC Fired Me, Too 

Sandler to Conan: NBC Fired Me, Too

O'Brien-NBC deal said to be $45 million; tomorrow's his last Tonight Show

(Newser) - NBC and Conan O’Brien reached a pricey divorce early today, but that didn’t slow the Tonight Show host's relentless tirade against the network last night. A constant stream of monologue disses wasn’t enough, so O’Brien unveiled his latest revenge scheme: Waste as much of the network’...

Conan Seals $44M Exit Deal

 Conan Seals 
 $44M Exit Deal 

Conan Seals $44M Exit Deal

Agreement includes $32M for him, rest for staff

(Newser) - Conan O'Brien and NBC have finally made it official. The late-night host signed an exit agreement that includes $32 million for O'Brien and $12 million for his staff. The deal is also believed to bar both sides from publicly disparaging each other, and to temporarily ban O'Brien from appearing on...

Conan Bashes NBC en Español

O'Brien contract talks delayed; late night trashing continues

(Newser) - As the late night hosts’ jabs at each other and NBC go on…and on…and on, the severance deal between Conan O’Brien and NBC continues to be delayed. TMZ reports the hold-up is over how long O’Brien will be barred from slamming the network—which he did...

Conan Slams 'Incompetent Morons' at NBC

 Conan Slams 
 at NBC 

Conan Slams 'Incompetent Morons' at NBC

'Tonight Show' deal appears close for O'Brien

(Newser) - Conan O’Brien came out swinging on last night’s Tonight Show , saying that while it's rumored he's “legally prohibited” from saying anything negative about NBC, "luckily they're not saying I can't sing anything." He then, naturally, took to song, crooning about the network’s “incompetent...

Leno: Conan's Been a Gent
 Leno: Conan's Been a Gent 

Leno: Conan's Been a Gent

Blames NBC for fiasco, saying he never liked 10pm idea

(Newser) - Jay Leno turned peacemaker in the late-night wars last night, insisting that he bears Conan O'Brien no ill-will and blaming the mess on NBC's original decision to replace him on the Tonight Show. He never did like the idea of the 10pm show, he said, but NBC wouldn't let him...

Logical Next Stop for Conan: Comedy Central
 Logical Next 
 Stop for Conan: 
 Comedy Central 

unsolicited advice

Logical Next Stop for Conan: Comedy Central

Stewart-Colbert-O'Brien lineup would be a win-win-win situation

(Newser) - Conan O'Brien is about to go back on the market—but the late night talk show market is full. "ABC has already said it's not interested in hiring him," writes Patrick Goldstein. "HBO isn't prepared to get into the late-night talk show racket. And Fox has a...

Jay in 2004: 'Conan, It's Yours'
 Jay in 2004: 'Conan, It's Yours' 
leno's original announcement

Jay in 2004: 'Conan, It's Yours'

Leno promised no 'animosity' when O'Brien took over Tonight Show

(Newser) - The best piece of unintentional humor to come out of NBC’s late night dramedy is probably Jay Leno’s original 2004 announcement that Conan O’Brien would take over The Tonight Show in five years. Funny or Die unearthed the clip, which features Jay deeming Conan the best choice...

Late-Night Mess Is Our Fault

 Mess Is 
 Our Fault 

Late-Night Mess Is Our Fault

When you can Google what's going on, why watch Tonight Show ?

(Newser) - It’s fun to point fingers, but the “late-night fratricide” at NBC isn't Jeff Zucker's fault, Leno's, or Conan's: It's ours. The real culprit is our own disaffection with traditional TV, writes David Carr, who's been following the fracas closely—on his computer. We're so bombarded by news that...

Conan Trashes NBC on Way to $30M Payout

'They think I’m such an idiot they now want me to run the network'

(Newser) - Conan O'Brien kept the NBC insults flowing last night, even as agents and lawyers were said to be putting finishing touches on a $30 million payday from the network for his giving up the Tonight Show to Jay Leno. "By the time you see this," he joked to...

Leno? Conan? Bah! Bring Back Arsenio

 Leno? Conan? 
 Bah! Bring 
 Back Arsenio 

Leno? Conan? Bah! Bring Back Arsenio

(Newser) - Jay Leno failed at 10pm, but one host could make that time slot work: Arsenio Hall. For one thing, prime time needs some color. Minorities have made some inroads on the late-night schedule, from BET’s Mo’Nique Show to Fox’s Wanda Sykes Show, “but let’s be...

NBC Exec Calls Conan 'Chicken-Hearted and Gutless'
 NBC Exec Calls Conan 
 'Chicken-Hearted and Gutless' 

NBC Exec Calls Conan 'Chicken-Hearted and Gutless'

Dick Ebersol clearly Team Jay Leno in 'Tonight Show' flap

(Newser) - Though his fellow comedians are lashing out at Jay Leno, the comedian at least has the NBC brass on his side. Conan O’Brien is “chicken-hearted and gutless” for blaming his “astounding failure” on Leno, says Dick Ebersol, chairman of NBC Universal Sports. The bottom line? O’Brien...

Jay, Conan Take Gloves Off
 Jay, Conan Take Gloves Off 

Jay, Conan Take Gloves Off

Leno, O'Brien continue trading digs over fate of 'Tonight Show'

(Newser) - As Jay Leno and Conan O’Brien continued to take swipes at each other last night (and everyone else continued to take swipes at Jay Leno), rumors and new developments in the NBC shake-up continued to come out. Watch highlights from last night in the video gallery, and read on...

Jay, Conan Turn on Each Other
 Jay, Conan Turn on Each Other 

Jay, Conan Turn on Each Other

As Tonight Show saga continues, Leno and O'Brien face off

(Newser) - As the late-night shakedown gets messier, Jay Leno and Conan O’Brien seem to be turning against each other—and David Letterman is clearly on Team Conan. The Late Show host wants O’Brien to appear on his show “not to rub NBC's noses into their huge mistake, but...

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