
Stories 21 - 30 | << Prev 

Have Mankind's 'Greatest Pyramids' Been Pinpointed?

New research helps support amateur archaeologist's findings

(Newser) - An amateur archaeologist in North Carolina made headlines last year when she claimed to have uncovered long-lost pyramids in Egypt via Google Earth. Real archaeologists have been a bit more skeptical. But Angela Micol says new discoveries help prove her findings, reports Discovery News . Another amateur archaeologist recently did a...

Dead Bodies Threaten Egypt's Pyramids: Report

Illegal cemeteries pushing toward monuments

(Newser) - Some of Egypt's greatest monuments are facing a threat: encroaching, illegally-built cemeteries. More than 1,000 tombs have been established this year on grounds where building is prohibited, the Guardian reports. "They came and took space for about 20 generations," says the head archaeologist at Dahshour, home...

Long-Lost Pyramids Spotted on Google Earth?

Angela Micol uncovers two Egyptian sites online

(Newser) - Surfing Google Earth can be quite fun—especially when you zoom in and find a pair of possible long-lost Egyptian pyramids. Angela Micol of Maiden, North Carolina, has done just that, spotting a pyramidal shape about 140 feet wide and another, bigger one with mounds roughly 250 feet across. "...

Weird 11/11/11 Ritual Forces Pyramids' Closure

Numerologists planned to fight 'cosmic forces'

(Newser) - Egyptian officials have decided to close the pyramids today following complaints over a planned 11/11/11 ceremony that was to happen there. Egypt’s Supreme Council of Antiquities had apparently planned to allow Polish numerologists to gather onsite and battle the “cosmic forces” set to destroy the world next year,...

Lost Pyramids Spotted From Space
 Lost Pyramids 
 Spotted From Space 
in case you missed it

Lost Pyramids Spotted From Space

Satellites, infra-red imaging identify more than 1K tombs

(Newser) - An American Egyptologist thinks she’s discovered 17 buried pyramids, more than 1,000 lost tombs and 3,000 ancient settlements, using satellite photos and infra-red imaging. Ancient Egyptian structures were made out of mud brick, which is significantly denser than the surrounding soil, Dr. Sarah Parcak explains in a...

Pyramids Not Built by Slaves: Scientists

Tombs found near king's suggest laborers were free workers

(Newser) - The Great Pyramids of Egypt were built not by slaves, as is commonly believed, but by free workers of such high status that their tombs lie near the king's. The laborers built the Khufu and Khafre pyramids, and the research made public today sheds new light on graffiti describing the...

Lost Pyramid Found in Egypt
 Lost Pyramid Found in Egypt 

Lost Pyramid Found in Egypt

4,500-year-oldtomb rediscovered

(Newser) - The remnants of a 4,500-year-old Egyptian pyramid lost for generations has been rediscovered by archaeologists, National Geographic reports. It's believed to be the tomb of  King Menkauhor—who ruled in 2,400 BC—and was found in the midst of a sprawling burial complex at Saqqara, where scientists also...

Did the Egyptians Invent Concrete?

New theory on the Pyramids: 'less sweat and more smarts'

(Newser) - The Egyptians may have used concrete to build the pyramids, an MIT professor suggests, and he's using materials available at the time (and students as his slave labor), to test the theory on a small mock-up of a pyramid, reports the Boston Globe. "It could be they used less...

Egypt to 'Copyright' Sphinx&trade;
Egypt to 'Copyright' Sphinx™

Egypt to 'Copyright' Sphinx™

New law will demand royalties for replicas of ancient monuments

(Newser) - Egypt is set to pass a law that would "copyright" the pyramids and the Sphinx, the BBC reports. The law would apply to large-scale replicas anywhere in the world of any ancient Egyptian monument or museum piece.  Egypt intends to collect royalties from the duplicates to protect its...

Hone Your Winter Tan in Cairo
Hone Your Winter Tan in Cairo

Hone Your Winter Tan in Cairo

Stop shivering and fly to Africa's largest city— sans mittens

(Newser) - Feel free to flee autumn's chill by visiting Cairo, where temps have dropped to a mild 70 degrees. Concierge says to check out the Egyptian Museum for its gold treasures, and Old Cairo, a Roman-era web of tiny streets near the Mosque of Amr Ibn El-Aas—the oldest mosque in...

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