
Stories 1161 - 1180 | << Prev   Next >>

Minn. Recount Will Push Into New Year

(Newser) - The Minnesota recount will not be complete until next year and could be continuing even as the new Senate is sworn in, Minnesota Public Radio reports. A plan agreed to by both the Coleman and Franken camps has the secretary of state counting wrongly rejected absentee ballots by January 4,...

Kennedy's Senate Push Irks NY Democrats

Gov. Paterson put off by inevitability talk, her Bloomberg ties

(Newser) - Many New York Democrats are getting increasingly annoyed with Caroline Kennedy’s push to be senator—most notably Gov. David Paterson, the man who’d have to give her the job, the New York Times reports. Paterson advisers say he’s frustrated Kennedy’s handlers are treating the appointment as...

Bloomberg to NY Guv: Stop Stalling and Name Senator

Kennedy ally slams scrutiny, says process 'out of control'

(Newser) - New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg is pushing Gov. David Paterson to speed up his Senate appointment, the Daily News reports. “The governor should make a decision reasonably quickly because this is just getting out of control,” said the ally of Caroline Kennedy. “Everybody’s focusing on the...

Kennedy Won't Make Personal Disclosures Yet

She refuses to reveal financial info 'unless and until' she gets job

(Newser) - Caroline Kennedy has refused to disclose a variety of personal data, from which companies she has invested in to whether she has ever been charged with a crime, reports the New York Times. While candidates or sitting senators must make annual financial disclosures, potential appointees to a vacant seat have...

Obama Camp to Clear Air on Blago Contacts

Report will see light after delay requested by federal prosecutor

(Newser) - President-elect Obama plans to reveal tomorrow his staff's conversations with Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich. "We have a report," said a rep. "It's been ready for release for a week. We've held off at the request of the US Attorney's office and that continues to be the case,...

In DC, Powerful California Is the New Texas
In DC, Powerful California
Is the New Texas

In DC, Powerful California Is the New Texas

State best represented in Congress, holds key Cabinet, Senate posts

(Newser) - California is set to take over Texas’ role as the state with most influence on the federal government, Politico reports. With Nancy Pelosi as House Speaker, the largest number of representatives—34—in the Democratic caucus, and one of the strongest presences by state in Barack Obama’s administration, the...

'Individual D' Wants Immunity for Blago Help

Political fundraiser, Jackson pal Nayak offers cooperation

(Newser) - A prominent figure in the federal probe of Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich wants immunity in the case in exchange for his cooperation, the Los Angeles Times reports. Chicago-area businessman Raghuveer Nayak, known as “Individual D,” was squeezed by the governor for campaign cash in return for naming Rep....

Times Bars Note on Caroline's Rumored Affair With Publisher

'We don't report that stuff,' sniffs Gray Lady

(Newser) - The New York Times will report almost anything newsworthy—except a rumored affair between its publisher and Caroline Kennedy, Gawker reports. When a reader commented on the paper’s City Room blog wondering if the Times would address the gossip surrounding the two, the comment was deleted with the explanation...

Biden's New Role: Help the Middle Class
Biden's New Role: Help the Middle Class

Biden's New Role: Help the Middle Class

Cheney blasts VP-elect; Emanuel cleared in Blago scandal

(Newser) - Joe Biden emerged from the shadows today and said he will lead a task force to strengthen the middle class, the AP reports. “We'll look at everything from college affordability to after-school programs,” he said on ABC's This Week. From the get-go, Biden told Barack Obama that he...

Caroline Backs Gay Marriage
Caroline Backs Gay Marriage

Caroline Backs Gay Marriage

NY Senate hopeful begins offering views, generally sticks to Democratic line

(Newser) - As she campaigns for Hillary Clinton’s Senate seat, Caroline Kennedy is finally opening up about some of her political stances. In a questionnaire provided by Politico, the 51-year-old expressed support for gay marriage, which Barack Obama opposes, and says she opposed the Iraq war from the get-go, unlike Hillary...

Goodman: Why Not Caroline?
 Why Not 

Goodman: Why Not Caroline?

Kennedy scion no better or worse than other celebrity candidates

(Newser) - Edward Kennedy’s 1962 Senate run sent howls of “nepotism” through Massachusetts, with an opponent charging that, were his name Edward Moore not Edward Moore Kennedy, his “candidacy would be a joke.” One could say much the same for Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg, “but I find myself...

Franken Takes Lead by 250 Votes
Franken Takes Lead
by 250 Votes

Franken Takes Lead by 250 Votes

Thousands of votes still have yet to be counted

(Newser) - After beginning the day with a slight deficit, Al Franken has opened up a 250-vote lead over incumbent Norm Coleman in Minnesota’s ongoing Senate race, the Minneapolis Star Tribune reports. While the race appears to be tipping Franken's way, don't expect any resolution until after the new year, given...

Krauthammer: Make Her Run for Office
 Make Her Run for Office  

Krauthammer: Make Her Run for Office

If Caroline Kennedy wants the Senate seat, she needs a better reason than her name

(Newser) - Don’t worry that Caroline Kennedy doesn’t have enough experience to be a senator; worry that she thinks she’s entitled to it because of her last name, writes Charles Krauthammer in the Washington Post. Given that she hasn’t accomplished a whole lot, what else is Kennedy offering?...

Franken Trails Coleman by Just 2 Votes in Minn.

(Newser) - Sen. Norm Coleman saw his lead over Al Franken in Minnesota's Senate race dwindle to just two votes today. Meanwhile, a key court ruling put more than 1,500 improperly rejected ballots in play and promised the recount would drag into the new year. The state's Supreme Court ruled that...

Cuomo Leads Kennedy in NY Poll
Cuomo Leads Kennedy in NY Poll

Cuomo Leads Kennedy in NY Poll

Voters prefer AG by 3 points but predict Paterson won't pick him

(Newser) - New Yorkers would prefer that David Paterson pick Andrew Cuomo over Caroline Kennedy to fill Hillary Clinton’s Senate seat, a new poll shows. Cuomo leads Kennedy 26% to 23% in a Siena College survey of New York voters, the Rochester Democrat and Chronicle reports. Despite the state AG’s...

Congress Gets a Raise
 Congress Gets a Raise 

Congress Gets a Raise

Watchdog groups slam lawmakers' automatic pay raise amid economic chaos

(Newser) - The flatlining economy hasn't stopped Congress from getting a pay raise, the Hill reports. Lawmakers will get an extra $4,700 a year starting in January, amounting to a total of $2.5 million. The 2.8% automatic raise is only half as large as the cost of living adjustment...

Hillary to Supporters: Lay Off Caroline

Clinton's not holding any primary grudges, and not taking sides

(Newser) - To those Clintonites bashing Caroline Kennedy—the Democratic scion who threw her weight behind Barack Obama in the hard-fought primaries—Hillary Clinton has a message: Pipe down, the New York Daily News reports. Clinton insiders say the soon-to-be secretary of State understands "She's got to be part of the...

Dynasty Politics Turning Senate Into House of Lords

The Senate is America's House of Lords Dynasties continue to dominate supposedly democratic politics, especially the Senate

(Newser) - The winning presidential ticket this year was the first since 1976 without a son or grandson of a senator on it. But don’t let that fool you: Royalism is on the rise in American politics, writes Charles Mahtesian for Politico. In the Senate, there are two new Udalls, a...

A Tough, Public Road Ahead for Kennedy

Caroline sacrifices privacy, risks her reputation with run

(Newser) - Caroline Kennedy has thrown her hat in the political ring, and with it her reputation and much-cherished privacy, the New York Times reports. Tabloids have long kept a respectful distance from JFK’s daughter, but now that she’s running, they’ll “relentlessly follow her across the state,”...

Caroline Hires Veteran Political Op

Kennedy hires consultant to spearhead Senate push

(Newser) - Caroline Kennedy wants Hillary Clinton's Senate seat, Politico reports, and she’s hired veteran consultant Josh Isay to calm the hype around her last name, give her image a boost, and get her networked. “She doesn’t know anybody, and he’s the guy to make the introductions and...

Stories 1161 - 1180 | << Prev   Next >>