
Stories 1121 - 1140 | << Prev   Next >>

Presumptuous? Caroline Is Aiming Low
Caroline Is Aiming Low

Presumptuous? Caroline Is Aiming Low

Senate would be lucky to have her 'smart, cultivated' voice: Dowd

(Newser) - When John F Kennedy Jr founded George magazine, many upbraided him for not trading more valuably on his clan’s mystique. But when sister Caroline aims for a Senate seat, Maureen Dowd writes in the New York Times, she’s “blasted by a howl of ‘How dare she?’...

Democrats Scramble for Deal to Seat Burris

But don't rule it out

(Newser) - Deal or no deal? Democratic sources this morning told the AP that Senate leaders had reached a deal to seat Blagojevich appointee Roland Burris, who was turned away by the Senate secretary when he showed up, flanked by lawyers, yesterday. Two senior Democratic aides tell Politico that report is “...

Seat Burris, Says Rogue Sen. Feinstein

Calif. Dem's dissent follows on heels of Panetta CIA complaint

(Newser) - Dianne Feinstein is breaking Democratic ranks on the issue of of seating Roland Burris as the replacement for Barack Obama, reports the LA Times. “If you don't seat Mr. Burris, it has ramifications for gubernatorial appointments all over America,” the California senator warned yesterday. Majority Leader Harry Reid...

Reid: I Won't Be Obama Rubber Stamp

Senate majority leader vows Congress won't just be Obama's rubber stamp

(Newser) - The 111th Congress is going to be a lot more than just a rubber stamp for Barack Obama's policies, Harry Reid tells the Hill. The Senate majority leader says Democrats must take care to avoid over-reaching. "If Obama steps over the bounds, I will tell him," the Democrat...

Insiders: Cuomo Aide Putting Brakes on Kennedy Bid

NY's AG eying Clinton's Senate seat himself

(Newser) - An aide to New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo has been urging labor chiefs and upstate officials not to support Caroline Kennedy's Senate bid, insiders tell the New York Times. The aide—known as Cuomo's enforcer—is said to have questioned Kennedy's credentials and dropped broad hints that Cuomo himself...

Biden: Handling of Panetta a 'Mistake'

(Newser) - Joe Biden defended the pick of Leon Panetta to head the CIA but offered an apology of sorts for the way it was handled, Politico reports. “I think it was just a mistake,” Biden said of not informing top Democrats of the choice, which led to a chiding...

Jeb Bush Rules Out Senate Run in 2010

(Newser) - Jeb Bush put an end to feverish political speculation today and announced that he will not seek Mel Martinez’s Florida Senate seat in 2010, the Chicago Tribune reports. The former Florida governor was widely reported to be considering a run—even his father had publicly encouraged the idea. “...

Coleman Sues Over Recount

(Newser) - Norm Coleman is suing to challenge Al Franken's recount victory in Minnesota's Senate race, delaying a resolution of the contest for weeks or possibly months. At a news conference filled with cheering supporters, Coleman said he won't accept an electoral board's determination yesterday that the Democrat won by 225 votes.

Burris Arrives at Senate, Not Allowed to Take Oath

Franken also not seated

(Newser) - Roland Burris strode briskly past the cameras through the rain into the Capitol today, demanding to be seated as Illinois’ Senator but was denied entry, CNN reports. The secretary of the Senate rejected his credentials, preventing him from taking the floor or the oath of office. It was "improperly...

Senate Clerk Rejects Burris Paperwork

But former AG says he's confident his appointment is legal

(Newser) - The secretary of the Senate blocked the appointment of Roland Burris to Barack Obama's former seat today on the grounds that Burris’ certificate of appointment lacked the signature of Illinois Secretary of State Jesse White, CNN reports. White has refused to sign the certificate because of the controversy over Burris’...

Coleman Loses Recount, Will Challenge Election
Coleman Loses Recount,
Will Challenge Election

Coleman Loses Recount, Will Challenge Election

Board certifies results for Franken hours after court rejects Republican's attempt to count more ballots

(Newser) - Minnesota’s Canvassing Board today certified Democrat Al Franken’s victory in the US Senate race, hours after the state’s top court rejected Republican Norm Coleman’s plea to count 654 previously rejected ballots, the Minneapolis Star Tribune reports. The defeat leaves Coleman just one option. “Today’s...

Burris Heads to Washington as Tensions Soar

Blago appointee to meet with Reid and Durbin Wednesday

(Newser) - Roland Burris heads to Washington today to claim Barack Obama’s old Senate seat, which he says is rightfully his, though he tells USA Today that he won't sully his reputation by making a "scene" if he meets opposition. Last night, the former Illinois AG spoke at a prayer...

New Colo. Sen. Bennet Kicks Off 2010 Campaign

Newcomer to campaigning could struggle in midterm election year

(Newser) - Talk about hitting the ground running: Less than 24 hours after he was named to replace Colorado Sen. Ken Salazar, schools superintendent Michael Bennet was already staffing up for the 2010 campaign, reports the Rocky Mountain News. Says a former Barack Obama operative, “I had just unpacked my bags...

Frist Declines Run for Tenn. Governor

Ex-majority leader says he'll sit out 2010 race, focus on health care

(Newser) - Bill Frist was widely considered the Republican to beat in Tennessee’s 2010 gubernatorial election, but yesterday the former Senate majority leader announced that he wouldn’t even be in the running. “I have decided to remain a private citizen for the foreseeable future,” said Frist, who likewise...

A Third Bush in the White House?
A Third Bush
in the White

A Third Bush in the White House?

Poppy Bush wants Jeb to head to Senate, Oval Office eventually

(Newser) - Even as one son packs his bags to leave the White House, former President Bush is waxing poetic about seeing another move in one day. And since "right now is probably a bad time" with Americans Bushed out, HW suggests Jeb Bush would make "an outstanding senator."...

Senate Sends Mixed Messages on Burris
Senate Sends Mixed Messages on Burris
Talk Show Roundup

Senate Sends Mixed Messages on Burris

Durbin says no, Reid open to talking, and Burris a no-show

(Newser) - Roland Burris dominated the Sunday morning tongue-wagging, though the would-be senator himself was a no-show, reports the Hill. Elsewhere, mixed messages on whether to seat him:
  • Illinois Sen. Dick Durbin said on This Week that the Senate has no plans to seat Roland Burris. Burris was scheduled to appear alongside

Franken Zeroes In on Senate Win
Zeroes In
on Senate Win

Franken Zeroes In on Senate Win

Now leads by 225; Coleman's only hope lies with the courts

(Newser) - It's looking more and more likely that Al Franken will be the new senator from Minnesota. Franken extended his lead to 225 votes over Norm Coleman tonight after election officials finished counting nearly 1,000 previously rejected ballots, the Minneapolis Star Tribune reports. The recount is now done—unless the...

Reid Pressured Blago on Senate Pick

(Newser) - Harry Reid called Rod Blagojevich after the election, but before the governor’s arrest, to discourage him from appointing unelectable candidates to Barack Obama’s Senate seat, the Chicago Sun-Times reports. The Senate majority leader sought to put the kibosh on Reps. Jesse Jackson Jr. and Danny Davis, along with...

Franken, Coleman Agree to Count 900 Rejected Ballots

But court case could keep race on for months

(Newser) - The battling campaigns in the Minnesota Senate race have agreed to count some 900 incorrectly rejected ballots, an unexpectedly high proportion of the 1,350 reviewed by county officials. The system required both campaigns to agree on every ballot, which made such a figure seem unlikely, Talking Points Memo reports....

Denver Schools Chief Will Succeed Salazar

Colo. governor taps Bennet to serve out Senate term

(Newser) - Bill Ritter has chosen Michael Bennet to fill the US Senate seat vacated by Ken Salazar, President-elect Obama’s choice for secretary of the Interior, the Denver Post reports. Bennet, superintendent of the Denver public school system, reportedly was an education secretary candidate. Denver Mayor John Hickenlooper had sought to...

Stories 1121 - 1140 | << Prev   Next >>