
Stories 541 - 560 | << Prev   Next >>

Senate Passes Food Safety Bill in Surprise Vote

Revised measure passes by unanimous consent

(Newser) - The Senate surprised the political world by passing a revision to its food safety bill last night by unanimous consent. The Senate originally passed the bill 73-25 , but it had been in limbo thanks to a technical snafu that stepped on the House’s constitutional tax-writing powers. Democrats scrambled to...

Democrats' New Hero (for a Day): Joe Lieberman

He draws raves for his efforts to get 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' repealed

(Newser) - Democrats' love-hate relationship with Joe Lieberman is definitely on the warm and fuzzy side today after his legislative maneuvering to get Don't Ask, Don't Tell repealed. Lieberman, the Democrat-turned-independent who campaigned for John McCain, was all thumbs-ups and smiles after his role in helping secure the necessary Republican votes. “...

Repeal of 'Don't Ask' Clears Huge Senate Hurdle
Repeal of 'Don't Ask'
Clears Huge Senate Hurdle
breaking news

Repeal of 'Don't Ask' Clears Huge Senate Hurdle

Ban on gays in the military is expected to fall today or tomorrow

(Newser) - The military's 17-year-old ban on gays in the military is all but dead. Repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell cleared its crucial 60-vote procedural hurdle in the Senate today and is expected to easily pass in the final vote later today, reports AP . The vote to kill a GOP filibuster...

Immigrant DREAM Act Fails in Senate
Immigrant DREAM Act
Fails in Senate

Immigrant DREAM Act Fails in Senate

Bill would have granted legal status to illegal immigrant students

(Newser) - Despite an intense campaign by Latino leaders and President Obama, the DREAM Act has fizzled in the Senate. The measure to give illegal immigrant students a path to citizenship fell five votes short of the necessary 60 votes to stave off a GOP filibuster, reports AP . Opponents generally said it...

Senate Could Kill 'Don't Ask' This Weekend

Supporters confident of 60 votes; spending bill fails

(Newser) - The Senate will begin voting on the repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell tomorrow, and supporters think they've got the 60 votes necessary. The new confidence comes with news that three GOP senators—Scott Brown, Lisa Murkowski, and Olympia Snowe—are on board. Some legislative juggling remains, but the collapse...

Hoyer: Senate Has Votes to Kill DADT

Majority leader says stand-alone repeal will pass

(Newser) - The House has fired the repeal of Don't Ask Don't Tell back into the Senate's court , and House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer says he's confident it has enough votes to pass this time. Hoyer tells the Huffington Post that he's been working closely with reform advocates Joe Lieberman and Maine...

Senate's Fight Over Christmas Schedule Still Going

'Sacrilegious,' says Jim DeMint; 'Sanctimonious,' says Harry Reid

(Newser) - The Senate may be too busy to get done everything it needs to get done by Christmas, but senators aren't too busy to argue about working the holiday. Today's latest, from Politico :
  • Jim DeMint: “We shouldn’t be jamming a major arms control treaty up against Christmas; it’s

Earmarks' Last Hurrah: Bill Stuffed With $8B

John McCain, others speak out against spending bill

(Newser) - Well, don’t say goodbye to earmarks just yet: A $1.2 trillion spending bill released yesterday has more than 6,000 earmarks—adding up to $8 billion. "The American people said just 42 days ago, 'Enough!' … Are we tone deaf? Are we stricken with amnesia?" asked...

Reid: Senate Can Work Past Christmas

GOP accuses Reid of dissing holiday

(Newser) - Senators dreaming of Christmas turkey should be thinking more about lame duck, Harry Reid warns. The majority leader says that after the tax cut deal is passed, he wants to address the START treaty, the DREAM Act, health care for 9/11 first responders, and the Don't Ask Don't Tell repeal,...

Tax Cut Deal Garners 60 Votes in Senate

Measure could go to House tomorrow

(Newser) - Legislation to avert a Jan. 1 increase in US income tax rates has gained 60 votes in the Senate, the level needed to advance toward a final vote. The roll call is continuing, and the test vote is not final. But the bipartisan show of support is a strong indication...

Inside Bernie Sanders' Epic 8.5-Hour Speech

Senator was 'nervous,' feared nature would call

(Newser) - Sen. Bernie Sanders was “a little bit nervous” before his over-the-top 8 1/2-hour speech against President Obama's tax deal on Friday. “I was afraid that after two or three hours I’d have nothing more to say or I’d be tired or have to go to the...

Senate Will Try Again on Don't Ask, Don't Tell

Collins, Lieberman will introduce another measure

(Newser) - Repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell will get another chance. Republican Susan Collins and Independent Joe Lieberman say they plan to introduce a stand-alone measure in the lame-duck session, and Harry Reid says he's on board, reports MSNBC . It's no gimme by any stretch—opponents could try to talk it...

Senate Will Consider 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' Tonight

It's likely make-or-break time for repeal this year

(Newser) - Tonight will be a pivotal night in determining whether Don't Ask, Don't Tell will be repealed this year. Harry Reid plans to introduce a defense spending bill that includes repeal of the ban on gays in the military, though it remains unclear even now whether he's got the necessary 60...

Joe Lieberman: End DADT, Even if We Have to Stay Late

Senator believes 'wanting to go home is not an excuse'

(Newser) - Joe Lieberman is determined to repeal Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell —even if he has to work overtime to do it. The senator recently tweeted a link to a blog post recommending that Harry Reid keep the Senate in session until it ends DADT, and his press secretary...

Schumer Turns Attack Dog for Dems
 Schumer Turns 
 Attack Dog 
 for Dems 

Schumer Turns Attack Dog for Dems

No more 'throwing up our hands,' says NY sen.

(Newser) - Sen. Charles Schumer has been quiet the past few years, with the onetime attack dog turning to bipartisan dealmaking. Now he’s among the Democratic Senate leadership—and as Congress wages war over taxes, he’s resumed his old role as a firebrand, writes Manu Raju for Politico . Over the...

Senate Rejects Democrats' Tax Bills
Senate Rejects Democrats'
Tax Moves

Senate Rejects Democrats' Tax Moves

Expected defeats come as negotiators work on compromise

(Newser) - In a largely symbolic move, Senate Democrats tried unsuccessfully today to push through two measures related to the Bush tax cuts. The first would have extended the expiring cuts to individuals making less than $200,000 a year, and the second would have hit millionaires, reports the Wall Street Journal...

Senate Screw Up Derails Food Safety Bill

House set to send the bill back

(Newser) - House Democrats plan to spike the food safety bill their Senate counterparts trumpeted about passing yesterday , arguing that the upper chamber has stepped on its constitutional authority to create new taxes. The Senate bill includes a set of fees that are classified as revenue raisers, which are technically considered taxes,...

Senate Passes Huge Food Safety Bill

New law would bolster FDA's ability to regulate unsafe foods

(Newser) - The Senate passed a sweeping overhaul of the nation’s food safety rules today, with 15 Republicans joining Democrats in a 73-25 vote. The bill, which is in part a reaction to the tainted egg, peanut butter, and spinach scandals of the recent past, gives the FDA a lot more...

Locavores Say Food Safety Bill Could Hurt Small Farms

Michael Pollen, Eric Schlosser want protections

(Newser) - A major food safety bill cleared a Senate hurdle today, but it's getting friction from a group you might not expect: locavores. They want small family farms to be exempt from the sweeping new regulations and are pushing for an amendment to that effect from Montana Democrat Jon Tester. Two...

GOP Feuds Over Senate Losses
 GOP Feuds Over Senate Losses 

GOP Feuds Over Senate Losses

DeMint's tactics cost party a majority, senators complain

(Newser) - While their counterparts in the House are celebrating a historic win, Senate Republicans are pointing fingers over their failure to recapture the chamber. Some prominent senators and party operatives blame Sarah Palin and South Carolina's Jim DeMint for helping candidates too conservative to win gain the GOP nominations in Colorado,...

Stories 541 - 560 | << Prev   Next >>