
Stories 441 - 460 | << Prev   Next >>

Rep. Tim Scott Tapped for DeMint&#39;s Seat

 Rep. Tim Scott 
 Tapped for 
 DeMint's Seat 
say GOP sources

Rep. Tim Scott Tapped for DeMint's Seat

Nikki Haley to announce choice at noon

(Newser) - South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley has chosen GOP Rep. Tim Scott to take over Jim DeMint's Senate seat, CNN reports by way of GOP sources. She's set to make the announcement today at noon. Scott will be the state's first black senator since the late 1800s, the...

Filibuster Fight Heads to Court

House Dems sue over 'accident of history'

(Newser) - The battle over the Senate filibuster is moving beyond Capitol Hill gridlock and into the courtroom: While Harry Reid fights the procedural tactic in the Senate, four House Democrats have taken the matter to the federal courts. They're joined in their lawsuit by Common Cause, a nonpartisan reform organization....

Jim DeMint Leaving the Senate
 Jim DeMint Leaving the Senate 

Jim DeMint Leaving the Senate

He'll become head of the Heritage Foundation

(Newser) - Jim DeMint is resigning his Senate post so he can take a gig as president of the conservative Heritage Foundation, he announced today. DeMint will step down in early January, the Wall Street Journal reports. South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley will appoint an interim replacement until a special election can...

Santorum: GOP Right to Block Disability Treaty
Santorum: GOP Right to Block Disability Treaty

Santorum: GOP Right to Block Disability Treaty

Other pundits: GOP embracing weird conspiracy theories

(Newser) - When the GOP blocked the UN's Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities last night, Rick Santorum sent out a tweet proclaiming, "We did it." Santorum was one of the foremost voices calling for Republicans to reject the treaty, and in the Daily Beast today he...

Senate GOP Blocks Disabled Rights Treaty

Bob Dole makes appeal; Kerry calls vote saddest day in years

(Newser) - Bob Dole watched from a wheelchair on the Senate floor yesterday as his Republican former colleagues rejected a United Nations disability rights treaty modeled on the Americans with Disabilities Act he championed in 1990, the Kansas City Star reports. GOP opponents of the treaty claimed it would surrender American sovereignty...

Pelosi to Try to Force Vote on Bush Tax Cuts

Boehner takes GOP 'fiscal cliff' case to the press

(Newser) - Nancy Pelosi will file a motion today to force a vote on Bush-era tax cuts, her office says. The House minority leader's "discharge petition" would aim for a vote this month on extending the cuts for those earning less than $250,000, while ending them for those earning...

Lame-Duck Congress Back as Fiscal Cliff Looms

Postal Service, Sandy relief may also be on agenda

(Newser) - Congress is back in Washington today, bracing for battle over how to avoid the fiscal cliff. Legislators have seven weeks to hit on a deal, with tax cut extensions taking center stage, notes Reuters . But analysts warn that "the longer it takes the president and Congress to negotiate a...

Elizabeth Warren Goes to Washington

Will she hold fast to populist stances, or learn art of compromise?

(Newser) - Sen.-elect Elizabeth Warren is heading back to Washington, this time riding in as a member of the very institution that sent her unceremoniously packing over her anti-Wall Street rhetoric and Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, and the New York Times takes a look at what sort of legislator the latest...

Tester Hangs On in Tight Montana Senate Race
Late Results: Democrats
Build Senate Lead
Election 2012

Late Results: Democrats Build Senate Lead

They now hold 55-45 advantage, counting two independents

(Newser) - The fat lady may have sung on the presidential race last night, but results are still trickling in from some of the country's closest races. So far, everything's coming up blue; Democrats have extended their Senate majority to 53, not counting the two independents expected to poll with...

Fight for the Senate: Can GOP Flip 4 Seats?
 Democrats Keep Senate: 
 Warren, McCaskill Win 
election 2012

Democrats Keep Senate: Warren, McCaskill Win

Tim Kaine, too; Democrats coast as Mourdock, Akin, McMahon lose

(Newser) - Democrats had a banner night in the Senate, starting with Elizabeth Warren knocking off GOP incumbent Scott Brown in Massachusetts. Meanwhile, Tim Kaine beat George Allen in Virginia, and Chris Murphy did the same to Linda McMahon for Connecticut's open seat—despite her huge personal influx of cash . It...

Clutch Senate Races to Watch Tomorrow

From Maine to Montana, here are the ones that could come down to the wire

(Newser) - The presidential race isn't the only one that will be decided tomorrow. Nearly as important is the fierce battle for control of the Senate. When the campaign season began, a GOP takeover there seemed assured, but now Democrats appear favored to remain in control, Real Clear Politics reports. Here...

Bachmann Could Actually Lose
 Bachmann Could Actually Lose 
tight races

Bachmann Could Actually Lose

Politico looks at tight and 'nasty' races

(Newser) - Michele Bachmann's path to re-election has gotten a lot bumpier than you might expect, reports Politico . It digs into the Minnesota rep's bid to hang onto her seat against a challenge from hotel exec Jim Graves , and finds that even with "off-the-charts" name recognition, more than...

Gaffes Squash GOP Bid to Rule Senate—Again

Akin, Mourdock stumbles reminiscent of 2010 struggle

(Newser) - In 2010, the GOP looked poised for a potential Senate takeover—but losses by Tea Party favorites to Democrats in Nevada, Delaware, and Colorado helped Democrats maintain control. Now, a similar scenario is playing itself out, notes the AP . Once again, Republicans should have had the Senate locked up this...

Ex-Gov Wins Wisconsin GOP Senate Primary

Linda McMahon prevails in Connecticut

(Newser) - Former four-term Wisconsin Gov. Tommy Thompson has fought off a trio of conservative challengers to win the state's GOP Senate primary. Thompson, George W. Bush's secretary of health and human services, will compete against Democratic Rep. Tammy Baldwin in a race that could determine control of the Senate....

Tea Partier Scores Missouri Win With Democrat's Help

Claire McCaskill ads called Akin 'too conservative'

(Newser) - Missouri Rep. Todd Akin has won a close three-way GOP race to challenge Sen. Claire McCaskill in November, breaking Sarah Palin's winning endorsement streak in the process. All three contenders, including Palin-pick Sarah Steelman, had the backing of different Tea Party groups, and each claimed to be the most...

Senate Panel OKs Cash for Unwanted Drones, Ships

$604B budget rejects Pentagon cost-cutting plans

(Newser) - With major Pentagon budget cuts looming, the Senate Appropriations Committee has decided to hand the military piles of money for stuff it says it doesn't want. A $604.5 billion defense budget approved by the powerful committee yesterday includes funding for drones, warships, and cargo planes that the Pentagon...

Democrats Meddling With GOP Primaries

Attack ads go easy on less threatening hopefuls: observers

(Newser) - Democrats are launching attack ads aimed at Republican Senate primary candidates—but the ads may actually be designed to get the easiest target nominated, insiders in both parties say. The apparent strategy follows Harry Reid's 2010 work in support of Republican Sharron Angle, who won her primary before losing...

Governor Cory Booker or Senator Cory Booker?

Newark's mayor is considering both options

(Newser) - Cory Booker is looking for a promotion. The Newark mayor, Democratic party phenom, and random rescuer of people from fires , is contemplating the launch of a campaign for either the Senate or the governorship in New Jersey, reports Politico . Booker announced his intentions last night at a local county committee...

Senate Democrats Pass Bill to Cut Middle-Class Taxes

Symbolic move isn't going anywhere in the House

(Newser) - Senate Democrats got to make an election-year statement today: They passed a bill that would extend the Bush tax cuts for the middle class but let them expire for the richest Americans, reports the Hill . The prospects in the House, where Republicans want to extend the tax cuts for the...

McCain Defends Clinton Aide Huma Abedin

He says GOP attacks on Muslim deputy are 'sinister'

(Newser) - John McCain took on a group of fellow Republicans on the Senate floor today, blasting them for their ill-founded attacks against Deputy Secretary of State Huma Abedin. Michele Bachmann and four other House Republicans have demanded Abedin be investigated for distant alleged ties to the Muslim Brotherhood. "To say...

Stories 441 - 460 | << Prev   Next >>