
Stories 361 - 380 | << Prev   Next >>

Progressives Hate the Idea of Sen. Cory Booker
Progressives Hate the Idea
of Sen. Cory Booker

Progressives Hate the Idea of Sen. Cory Booker

He's more interested in the wealthy than the poor is a common refrain

(Newser) - Cory Booker now looks poised to become Senator Cory Booker in this fall's special election in New Jersey, a feat that would make the high-profile Newark mayor only the fourth black person elected to the Senate. So why are there so many raspberries coming from the left after last...

Student Loan Band-Aid Clears Senate, Heads to House

Rates would drop to 3.86%, but start climbing after 2015

(Newser) - According to 81 senators, our nation's student loan woes are one step closer to being eased: They last night voted in favor of a bill that would ensure that undergraduates never face rates higher than 8.25% (grads and parents would be subject to slightly higher caps, at 9....

Senate's Student Loan Plan Cuts Rates—for Now

Undergrads would be able to borrow at 3.85% interest this fall

(Newser) - A Senate deal is set to lower interest rates on student loans for the next two academic years—but rates could climb after 2015, the AP reports after speaking to aides. Still, in the deal—set for a vote as soon as today—Democrats ensured that undergraduates would never face...

Democrats Did Kill the Filibuster

 Did Kill the 

Democrats Did Kill the Filibuster

Wall Street Journal: It lives in theory but is dead in reality

(Newser) - So Harry Reid didn't exercise the "nuclear option" and thus kept intact Republicans' ability to filibuster presidential appointees, right? Wrong, declare the editors at the Wall Street Journal . Consider the filibuster dead in those situations—because what's to stop Democrats from making the same threat to kill...

Liz Cheney Running for Senate—Against Republican

She will challenge incumbent Mike Enzi in Wyoming

(Newser) - Liz Cheney announced today that she's running for the Senate in Wyoming next year, reports AP . The news isn't a huge surprise, notes Slate , but it's especially interesting because of one salient fact: She's trying to oust a fellow Republican. And that Republican, 69-year-old Mike Enzi,...

Filibuster Lives: Senate Skirts 'Nuclear Option'

Most Obama picks will go through

(Newser) - The Senate's little version of the Bay of Pigs is over, and this one won't end with nukes, either. After much hemming and hawing and stern pronouncements, both sides reached a deal to avoid a showdown over filibuster rules , meaning Harry Reid won't use the so-called "...

It&#39;s Filibuster Showdown Time
 It's Filibuster Showdown Time 

It's Filibuster Showdown Time

No deal reached to avert Senate rule change

(Newser) - A historic showdown in the Senate is looming after a rare, closed-door meeting of all but two of the 100 senators failed to produce a deal to avoid a change to the chamber's rules. Unless lawmakers can hammer out a deal this morning, a vote this morning on the...

Reid, McConnell Feud Startles Chummy Senate

Senate leaders get personal over filibuster rules, 2014

(Newser) - Harry Reid and Mitch McConnell have spent a combined 60 years in the Senate, and they've generally had an amicable relationship—but no more. Sticking points include the Democrats' attempt to oust McConnell in 2014; a super PAC led by former Reid aides is working against the minority leader...

Democrat No-Show Could Help GOP Snag Senate

Brian Schweitzer says he won't run for Montana Senate seat

(Newser) - Here's how it was supposed to go for the Democrats: Max Baucus would vacate his Montana Senate seat next year, and former Democratic Governor Brian Schweitzer would take his place. Schweitzer was a popular leader, and considered the best chance the Democrats had at retaining the Senate seat. But...

Big Winner in Immigration Plan: Defense Firms

Calls for specific equipment could bring companies tens of millions

(Newser) - The defense industry must be loving the Senate's highly particular new Mexican border security plan. Under the legislation, the Border Patrol needs to purchase six Northrop Grumman airborne radar systems—each at $9.3 million; 15 Sikorsky Black Hawk helicopters, which go for about $17 million; eight American Eurocopter...

Senate Passes Historic Immigration Bill

Bill succeeds 68 to 32

(Newser) - The Senate passed a historic immigration bill today by a vote of 68 to 32, with every Democrat and 14 Republicans voting in favor, the Washington Post reports. Joe Biden presided over the vote to note its significance, and Marco Rubio gave a stirring final argument in favor for the...

Senators Agree to 'Border Surge,' 700-Mile Fence

Security concessions could open door for more GOP support

(Newser) - How do you get Republicans to sign onto an immigration bill? You build a danged fence —a lot of danged fence. A bipartisan group of senators has agreed to bolster the border security provisions in the Senate's immigration reform bill, in the hopes of winning over more GOP...

No One Wants to Be a US Senator Anymore

Both parties struggle to secure top-tier candidates for 2014

(Newser) - It's a tough job and ... nobody wants to do it. Both Republicans and Democrats are having trouble finding people to run in next year's Senate races, a once-prized gig that has been tarnished thanks to gridlock and partisan politics, the Wall Street Journal reports. The GOP, which needs...

Half of Senate Skips NSA Briefing

Took a long weekend instead

(Newser) - Remember when Obama assured us last week that the government's surveillance programs are safeguarded and members of Congress " have been consistently informed on exactly what we’re doing"? Perhaps he should have added "... so long as they show up." Only 47 out of 100 senators...

Senate Begins Work on Immigration

Its prospects may hinge on border security and one amendment in particular

(Newser) - It took a long while to get to this point, but the Senate today officially began work on an immigration reform bill, reports the Hill . The first vote was a procedural matter to take up the measure, and it passed by a whopping 84-15 vote. But all the coverage makes...

Cory Booker: Yep, I'm Running

Newark mayor says he wants Senate seat in New Jersey

(Newser) - Newark Mayor Cory Booker surprised precisely nobody today by formally announcing that he's running for New Jersey's open Senate seat, reports Politico . “I’m here today because I know who we are, and what we are capable of,” he declared. The move was so expected that...

Conservative Economists Praise the New Immigration Bill

Even as GOP senators threaten to kill it

(Newser) - Conservative economists appear to have gotten the memo about the GOP's new immigration-friendly stance. More than 100 of them today signed a letter praising the reform bill coming to the Senate floor, saying it would have a "positive impact on population growth, labor force growth, housing, and other...

Senate Panel Clears Immigration Reform

Full chamber should vote next month

(Newser) - Far-reaching legislation to grant a chance at citizenship to millions of immigrants living illegally in the United States cleared the Senate Judiciary Committee on a solid bipartisan vote tonight after supporters somberly sidestepped a controversy over the rights of gay spouses. The 13-5 vote cleared the way for an epic...

Apple Kept Billions Out of IRS' Reach: Probe

Though tax havens and subsidiaries

(Newser) - A Senate inquiry into Apple has accused the company of keeping billions out of the reach of the IRS through tax havens and a complex network of overseas subsidiaries. The company runs its non-American operations through affiliates based in Ireland, which has a low tax rate. However, investigators say many...

Reid May Go 'Nuclear' to Reform Filibuster

Senate leader considers changing rules for nominations in July

(Newser) - Those who think abuse of the filibuster has gotten out of hand in DC should keep an eye on three upcoming Obama nominations, reports Greg Sargent at the Washington Post . If Republicans use the tactic to block the president's picks to lead the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, the labor...

Stories 361 - 380 | << Prev   Next >>