Democratic presidential candidates

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Obama Rejects VP Offer as 'Double-Speak'

Clinton camp says rival has not 'passed commander in chief test'

(Newser) - Barack Obama spurned Hillary Clinton's vice presidential offer today as an attempt to "hoodwink" and "bamboozle" voters, the Los Angeles Times reports. “I don't know how somebody who is in second place is offering the vice presidency to somebody who is in first place,” he said,...

Dems Wrangle Over Health, Iraq
Dems Wrangle Over Health, Iraq

Dems Wrangle Over Health, Iraq

Clinton blasts Obama's anti-war stance; she gave 'in to Bush from day 1', he says

(Newser) - A week before the make-or-break primaries in Texas and Ohio, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama  sparred wearily, sometimes testily, in their 20th and perhaps last debate, on issues from health care to Iraq to who is more committed to Israel, MSNBC reports. Clinton blasted a recent Obama mailer that said...

Websites Spark 'Baracklash'
Websites Spark 'Baracklash'

Websites Spark 'Baracklash'

Even Obama-lovers put up firewall of online sarcasm

(Newser) - The Internet may love Barack Obama—he leads other presidential hopefuls in online fundraising—but some new Obama sites are a tad sarcastic, the Washington Post reports. Sites like and are poking fun at Obamamania even as they partake in it. “It’s a backlash...

Hillary Didn't Plan for Long Haul
Hillary Didn't Plan for Long Haul

Hillary Didn't Plan for Long Haul

Spending calls might reflect poorly on Clinton's management skills

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton invested heavily to try to lock up the Democratic presidential nomination on Super Tuesday—but that didn't happen, and her failure to plan for the long haul let Barack Obama rack up 10 straight wins since and left some doubting her management skills. Clinton's dwindling war chest also...

Obama Keeps Rolling in Maine
Obama Keeps Rolling in Maine

Obama Keeps Rolling in Maine

Voter turnout high in caucuses despite bitter cold and 8 inches of snow

(Newser) - Barack Obama continued his weekend sweep by winning the Maine caucuses today, MSNBC projects. Glacial temperatures and 8 inches of snow didn't stop lineups from forming across the state, where one Obama backer called him "a once-in-a-generation leader." Obama currently leads Hillary Clinton by 57% to 42% with...

Obama Dominates All 4 Races
Obama Dominates All 4 Races

Obama Dominates All 4 Races

Dem hopeful tops Clinton in Wash., Nebraska, Louisiana, Virgin Islands

(Newser) - Barack Obama swept all four primaries and caucuses tonight and nabbed the winner's share of the 161 Democratic delegates up for grabs, the New York Times reports. He won roughly two-thirds of Washington and Nebraska votes to Hillary Clinton's one-third, and snagged racially divided Louisiana by more than 10 points,...

Blue-Collar Voters Not Sold on Obama

College grads prefer him by 20%; working class goes for Clinton

(Newser) - Barack Obama’s camp has spotted Hillary Clinton’s edge among working class voters, the Chicago Tribune reports. A recent Obama campaign memo said he expects to lose in states where collars are more blue than white. And numbers support the Dem divide: Workers picked Hillary over Obama by 60%...

Obama Stronger Rival Against McCain: Poll

More independents would back Barack than Hillary in McCain match

(Newser) - Democratic presidential contender Barack Obama would have a better chance than Hillary Clinton of beating John McCain in a general election, according to a new Time magazine poll. Obama outdid McCain 48% to 41% in a theoretical match-up, while Clinton and McCain tied at 46% each. Pollsters chalk up the...

Obama and JFK: A Third Way
Obama and JFK: A Third Way

Obama and JFK: A Third Way

Can gift for oratory enable bring about change without partisan trench warfare?

(Newser) - On the now familiar territory of JFK-Obama comparisons, Obama shares Kennedy's weaknesses more than his strengths, Frank Rich points out in the New York Times.  Kennedy, too, was judged too glib and inexperienced, a purveyor of mere pretty words. But the dichotomy between Obama's inspirational speech and  Hilary Clinton's...

John Edwards Drops White House Bid
John Edwards Drops White
House Bid

John Edwards Drops White House Bid

Departing hopeful: Dems 'will be strong, we will be unified'

(Newser) - John Edwards ended his presidential bid today in front of a Habitat for Humanity site in New Orleans. Edwards reiterated his confidence that "a proud progressive will occupy the White House" in 2008, but “It’s time for me to step aside so that history can blaze its...

Michelle Takes Barack's Case to Black Voters

Candidate shifts gears as primaries loom in more diverse states

(Newser) - Transcending race means that Barack Obama often keeps black voters at arm’s length, but his wife is taking the contest to African Americans, Newsweek reports. Born on Chicago’s South Side, Michelle Obama has more in common with black Americans than her Indonesia- and Hawaii-raised husband—and has no...

Clinton Beats Back 'Uncommitted'
Beats Back

Clinton Beats Back 'Uncommitted'

68% of blacks picked no one over Hillary, bad news for fight in South

(Newser) - Democratic presidential candidate Hilary Clinton beat off a challenge in yesterday's Michigan primary from a new tough contender—the "uncommitted" choice that 40% of voters checked off to the 55% who voted for the New York senator. Blacks and young voters favored "uncommitted," which is largely viewed...

Obama Gains Traction With Dems in Red States

Hillary would have uphill battle where they come from, elected officials say

(Newser) - Barack Obama is better suited than Hillary Clinton to carry red states, say Democratic officeholders in traditionally Republican-friendly locales. It’s no coincidence that Obama recently picked up major endorsements in Arizona, Missouri, Nebraska, and South Dakota, Politico reports. Democrats who’ve overcome partisan odds say they think Obama’s...

Tax Issues Loom Over Campaign
Tax Issues Loom Over Campaign

Tax Issues Loom Over Campaign

Candidates offer differing views on 'fair tax,' extending Bush cuts

(Newser) - With President Bush’s tax cuts set to expire in 2010, tax reform could become a key issue in this year’s presidential race, the Christian Science Monitor reports. Most Republican candidates favor extending the cuts, though Mike Huckabee and Ron Paul support eliminating income tax altogether. The Democratic candidates...

Edwards Presses Ahead in NH
Edwards Presses Ahead in NH

Edwards Presses Ahead in NH

He emphasizes his anti-corporate message

(Newser) - John Edwards pressed ahead in New Hampshire today, embracing his underdog status and signaling that he would focus on beating Barack Obama instead of Hillary Clinton, the AP reports. Edwards, who finished just ahead of Clinton for second place in Iowa, said New Hampshire voters now have "two choices,...

Obama Flexes Populist Muscle in Iowa

Illinois senator pursues John Edwards' base

(Newser) - Watch your back, John Edwards: Barack Obama is targeting your Iowa base of working-class voters. Folksy stump speeches have bolstered Edwards in the weeks leading up to Thursday’s caucuses—but now Obama hopes to catch some of that populist wave by shifting away from his mantra of bipartisanship, reports...

Clinton Rejects Staffs' Attacks on Obama

She denounces, seeks to distance herself from drug slam

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton yesterday rejected and distanced herself from an official in her campaign who suggested that Barack Obama's teenage drug use could be used against him if he becomes the Democratic nominee. The official's statement "was in no way condoned," Clinton said. "I didn't know about it,...

Fat Chance of Slimming Down on Campaign Trail

Presidential hopefuls face food issues

(Newser) - Image-conscious politicians are having to balance their hunger for power with their hunger for food. Modern voters tend to mock or shun fat politicians—but with events like the Clyburn Fish Fry and the Harkin Steak Fry firm fixtures on the pre-primary calendar, candidates are struggling to stick to their...

'04 Defeat Begat '08 Edwards
'04 Defeat
'08 Edwards

'04 Defeat Begat '08 Edwards

'Sunny centrist' now the fighter the ticket needed, say loyalists

(Newser) - The John Edwards of the 2008 campaign is a changed man from the VP-candidate who stumped across America with John Kerry four years ago, notes the New York Times, and Kerry loyalists can't help being frustrated watching Edwards displaying the aggression they pined for then. "A lot of what...

Gore Rules Out Presidential Run
Gore Rules Out Presidential Run

Gore Rules Out Presidential Run

(Newser) - Nobel or not, Al Gore still isn’t running for president. “I’m involved in a different kind of campaign," Gore told Norwegian TV in an interview broadcast today. "It’s a global campaign to change the way people think about the climate crisis.” Many hoped...

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