Sean Hannity

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George Zimmerman Goes on Fox Tonight

Sean Hannity will interview him

(Newser) - In his first major interview, George Zimmerman will go on Fox News to be interviewed by Sean Hannity at 9pm today, reports CBS News . "Zimmerman will open up about what happened the night of Trayvon Martin's death and his experience in the aftermath of the fatal shooting,"...

Glenn Beck Gets $100M Radio Deal

Deal will keep Beck on air until 2017

(Newser) - Love him or hate him, Glenn Beck isn't going anywhere. The conservative radio host has signed a new five-year, $100 million deal with syndicator Premiere Networks, according to the Hollywood Reporter . The deal represents a hefty pay bump for Beck, whose last five-year radio contract was for $10 million...

Right Argues Obama Was a Bully, Too!

Conservative commentators focus on passage from Dreams From My Father

(Newser) - Mitt Romney isn't the only one with a history of bullying . In response to the Washington Post piece about a forcible haircut Romney allegedly gave a student, conservative media outlets yesterday called attention to a passage from Obama's 1995 book Dreams From My Father in which a middle-school...

Fox News: We Got the Mole Mole: No, You Didn't

Gawker's anonymous source still operating

(Newser) - It's a whack-a-mole, media style: Fox News said today it had found the "mole" who has been writing insider columns for Gawker. (Like this one about a Romney-Hannity interview.) But the mole has since posted a note on Gawker contradicting the claim. "If Fox has smoked...

141 Companies on Limbaugh Ad Exodus

McDonald's, NBC, US Army join the anti-Rush list

(Newser) - The Limbaugh advertising stampede is now officially an exodus. What was "only" 45 companies listed last week has expanded into a mass migration of 141 advertisers, according to an internal Premiere Radio Networks memo obtained by the Traffic Directors Guild of America . The memo lists 96 national companies that...

Herman Cain Returns, With 9-9-9 Bus Tour

He launches 'Solutions Revolution' movement

(Newser) - He’s baaaaack. Ripping a page directly out of Sarah Palin’s playbook, Herman Cain is launching a quasi-campaign tour in a bus with a giant picture of his face on the side, he announced yesterday in an interview with Sean Hannity on Fox News . Cain says the road trip...

Stewart Slaps Palin's Hypocrisy
 Stewart Slaps Palin's Hypocrisy 

Stewart Slaps Palin's Hypocrisy

She has a special gift for turning criticism into persecution, he notes

(Newser) - Jon Stewart was so happy to see that a prominent victim of the Tucson shootings has experienced a “miraculous recovery,” he said on last night’s Daily Show . Yes, it’s true, Sarah Palin was up and talking on Sean Hannity’s Fox News show Monday , proving she’...

Palin Defends Her Use of 'Blood Libel'

Critics are trying to use Tucson to silence me, says defiant Palin

(Newser) - Sarah Palin was angry and defiant in her first interview since the Tucson shootings, vowing to Fox's Sean Hannity: "I’m not going to sit down; I’m not going to shut up." Palin—who described suspected gunman Jared Lee Loughner as "left-leaning"—defended her use...

GOP's 10 Favorite Pundits
 GOP's 10 Favorite Pundits 

GOP's 10 Favorite Pundits

Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck lead survey

(Newser) - The website ConservativeHome polled about 1,500 folks defined as Republican activists to find their favorite pundits. Here's the top 10:
  1. Rush Limbaugh, 41%
  2. Glenn Beck, 33%
  3. Charles Krauthammer, 29%
  4. Bill O'Reilly, 24%
  5. Sean Hannity, 21%

Olbermann's Far From the Only Offender

Fox doesn't have rules against campaign donations; MSNBC requires permission

(Newser) - OK, so Keith Olbermann donated to three liberal candidates, and he shouldn't have: But the episode underscores exactly how common an occurrence political donations are in the realm of cable news. Politico takes its investigation a step further and finds that Olbermann is far from the only offender: Fox analysts...

O'Donnell Camp, Coons Slam Gawker Story

Coulter, NOW weigh in on one-night-stand piece

(Newser) - Christine O’Donnell’s campaign has slammed Gawker for its one-night stand story , reports Politico —and so has her opponent, Chris Coons, as well as the National Organization for Women. Some reactions:
  • It’s “just another example of the sexism and slander that female candidates are forced to

O'Donnell to GOP: Hannity's 'in My Back Pocket'

Senate hopeful complains party leaving her in the cold

(Newser) - Feeling sorely underfunded, Christine O’Donnell has warned the GOP she has a secret weapon: She says she’s “got Sean Hannity in my back pocket, and I can go on his show and raise money by attacking you guys,” top Republicans tell Howard Fineman of the Huffington...

Angle: I Make a Ton of Money on Fox News

And Rush Limbaugh appearance turned into $236K, she boasts

(Newser) - Remember when Sharron Angle said she only wanted to talk to the media if it was a “ friend ”? Now we know why. At a house party this month, Angle was caught on tape bragging about how much money she could make off Fox viewers and Rush Limbaugh...

O'Donnell Calls Opponent 'Bearded Marxist'

He says it was a college joke

(Newser) - Christine O’Donnell tried to deflect attention to her Democratic challenger last night in an appearance on Sean Hannity’s show. After laughing off her comments that she “dabbled into witchcraft," she said that Chris Coons had done some questionable things in his youth, too. “He made...

Castle: I Lost Because of Limbaugh's 'Lies'

Defeated congressman blames conservative media for loss to O'Donnell

(Newser) - Mike Castle lashed out at the conservative media yesterday, blaming it in part for his loss to Christine O’Donnell. “I hope journalists check their facts,” the Delaware Republican said in an interview with Fox News . “I think the misrepresentations and the lies of Sean Hannity...

Elton John Sings at Limbaugh's 4th Wedding

Talking head, 59, takes 33-year-old bride

(Newser) - Rush Limbaugh was married last night in Palm Beach—to his fourth wife—and gay marriage advocate Elton John pulled down a cool $1 million for performing at the reception. The conservative talking head, 59, and 33-year-old Kathryn Rogers wed at The Breakers with 400 of their nearest and dearest...

Larry King's Days Numbered as Ratings Plunge

Happy 25th Anniversary!

(Newser) - Larry King celebrates the 25th birthday of his CNN show next week, but the 76-year-old may not have many more years with the network. His ratings have plunged to an average 725,000 a night, putting him well behind Sean Hannity and Rachel Maddow, as viewers opt for more partisan...

Obama: 'At Some Point, You've Made Enough Money'
Obama: 'At Some Point, You've Made Enough Money'
Gotcha Quote?

Obama: 'At Some Point, You've Made Enough Money'

Fox: President's 'outed himself' as a socialist

(Newser) - The right thinks it's found a new killer soundbite to drive home how socialist Barack Obama is. Stumping for financial reform in Quincy, Illinois, Obama said, “We're not trying to push financial reform because we begrudge success that's fairly earned. I do think at a certain point you've made...

Fox Yanks Hannity From Tea Party Rally

Murdoch backs off movement support

(Newser) - After promoting the Tea Party for months, Fox News yesterday yanked Sean Hannity from a major tax day rally and fundraiser sponsored by the maverick movement. The action comes a week after big cheese Rupert Murdoch ordered that Fox should not be supporting the Tea Party. Hannity was called back...

Palin: Obama Asking for Punch in the Face

Nuke policy is asking for trouble, she tells Sean Hannity

(Newser) - President Obama's nuclear weapons reduction policy is "like a kid asking for a punch in the face," Sarah Palin said yesterday. "It's unbelievable," Palin told Sean Hannity. "It's like getting out there on a playground, a bunch of kids, getting ready to fight, and one...

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