Glenn Beck

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Glenn Beck, Stop Encouraging Wackjobs
Glenn Beck, Stop Encouraging Wackjobs
Dana Milbank

Glenn Beck, Stop Encouraging Wackjobs

Your violent forecasts are hitting home with the unstable

(Newser) - Dana Milbank writes that it's "unfair" to blame Glenn Beck for wackos who do violence in his name—like this guy in Oakland who shot cops—although he spends the rest of his Washington Post column essentially doing just that. He ticks off the many examples of charged language...

How Glenn Beck Screws His Viewers
 How Glenn Beck 
 Screws His Viewers 

How Glenn Beck Screws His Viewers

Infographic lays out Goldline's unscrupulous practices

(Newser) - If you thought Glenn Beck's habit of pimping Goldline on his show seemed a bit distasteful before, get a load of this infographic from Wall Stats, created for Barry Ritholtz's The Big Picture . It alleges that Goldline, the gold provider Beck is in bed with, uses the Fox star's name...

The 33 'Blackest White Folks'
 The 33 'Blackest White Folks' 
including glenn beck

The 33 'Blackest White Folks'

Some choices, like Glenn Beck, may be a bit tongue-in-cheek

(Newser) - Some white people “claim ‘blackness,’” and a few actually do make the cut. The Root offers a list of the 33 “blackest white folks we know”:
  • Christina Aguilera: Unlike fellow pop starlets Britney Spears and Jessica Simpson, Aguilera actually has soul. She even “channeled

Cops Nab Gunman Hunting Beck Foes

Intended target was group lambasted by Beck

(Newser) - The man charged with firing on Oakland cops in a highway shootout was on a rampage against liberals and hunting down Glenn Beck enemies. Unemployed carpenter Byron Williams was after the ACLU and the Tides Foundation, a particular favorite villain of Glenn Beck, who has repeatedly lambasted the organization as...

Teary Glenn Beck: I Might Be Going Blind

Macular dystrophy may rob his eyesight

(Newser) - A teary-eyed Glenn Beck has confided to a conservative crowd that disease may rob him of his vision in a year. "I can't focus my eyes," he told some 6,000 people in Salt Lake City on his American Revival tour. After tests, his doc told him: "...

'Non-Political' Glenn Beck Rally Looks Pretty Political

...despite foundation's 501(c)3 status

(Newser) - Glenn Beck has insisted that his much-hyped Aug. 17 rally on the national mall will not be political. "This is not a tea party," he said on his radio show in May. "This is not a political event." That's because he's holding the event with the...

Glenn Beck: Michelle's Dress an 'Outrage'

Even O'Reilly thinks he's nuts

(Newser) - Glenn Beck is easily outraged, but this is probably a new extreme. Beck appeared on the O'Reilly Factor last night to complain about black liberation theology, Michelle Obama's campaign against childhood obesity, and finally ... the First Lady's dress? In this clip, originally spotted by Mediate , Beck turns into a momentary...

Beck Goes on Bizarre Jesus Rant

Which includes the claim that the Jews killed Jesus

(Newser) - Glenn Beck devoted his show last night to a bizarre theology rant, in his ongoing attempt to discredit the idea that social justice is compatible with Christianity. Beck called liberation theology a “perversion” that “is extraordinarily dangerous,” because it suggests that Christians owe something to the poor...

Glenn Beck Takes Page From LiLo Handbook

Has a message for MSNBC...on his fingernails

(Newser) - Glenn Beck whipped out more than his chalkboards last night. During a segment in which he tied MSNBC's low ratings to its coverage of super relevant stories like jailbird Lindsay Lohan, Beck said, "Did you hear she wrote something on her fingernails? I saw it on MSNBC—hey MSNBC....

Glenn Beck University Is Now Enrolling

No campus, just online lectures

(Newser) - Three words sure to strike fear, or maybe just ridicule, in the hearts of his enemies: Glenn Beck University. The Fox News host announces its launch on his website , though it's not exactly a university (despite a crest featuring George Washington's head). Think online lectures. As Beck puts it, his...

Beck 'Hijacks' MLK Anniversary for Tea Party Rally

Lincoln Memorial rally will trample legacy, King supporters say

(Newser) - With his critically maligned new thriller— accused by some of being a playbook for armed insurrection—perched happily at the top of the New York Times bestseller list , Glenn Beck is on to new provocations. His plans for a massive “take our country back” Tea Party rally at the...

Glenn Beck Vomits Over Pelosi Speech

Pretends to be nauseated by House speaker. On the air. Repeatedly.

(Newser) - Here's how mature our political dialog is these days: Glenn Beck pretended to retch into a trash can at the sound of Nancy Pelosi's voice on TV yesterday. Not just once: The popular Fox host worked his vomiting schtick over and over, grabbing the can and tossing in a cup...

Beck's Thriller a Ripoff of His Ghostwriter's Last Book?

(Newser) - The plot of Glenn Beck's new political thriller, The Overton Window, reads a whole heck of a lot like that of Circumference of Darkness, notes the Huffington Post . That just so happens to have been written in 2005 by Jack Henderson. Who just so happened to have ghostwritten Overton Window....

Glenn Beck Thriller: Is He Trying to Incite Violence?

Host in war of words over whether 'Overton Window' is extremist handbook

(Newser) - The critics haven't been too kind to Glenn Beck's new novel: "There will undoubtedly be positive reviews of The Overton Window," writes Majorie Kehe for the Christian Science Monitor of the federal conspiracy thriller, "but at least as of yet they are not easy to turn up...

Stewart Catches Beck in Lie
 Stewart Catches Beck in Lie 

Stewart Catches Beck in Lie

Only Fox will show you this Gaza footage everyone showed you

(Newser) - Oh, that pesky Daily Show and its fact checkers. Glenn Beck worked himself into a good lather the other day, calling out the media for suppressing footage of activists from the Gaza aid flotilla attacking Israeli soldiers with clubs. “That video, you'll be hard-pressed to see it here in...

Glenn Beck Apologizes for Mocking Malia

He took heavy flak after bit on radio show

(Newser) - That was quick. Hours after a clip of Glenn Beck mimicking and mocking Malia Obama became a hot topic, he apologized on his website . "In discussing how President Obama uses children to shield himself from criticism, I broke my own rule about leaving kids out of political debates,"...

Glenn Beck Goes 'Over the Line' by Mocking Malia

He mimics her question on his radio show today

(Newser) - Glenn Beck spent a good amount of time on his radio show today mimicking and mocking Malia Obama over her "Daddy, did you plug the hole yet" question, reports Media Matters . (President Obama relayed her question to the public yesterday during his Gulf press conference.) At one point,...

Palin Is Way Out of Line on Author Witchhunt

Her screed against journalist is 'incredibly irresponsible'

(Newser) - Sarah Palin's diatribe on Facebook against her new neighbor in Alaska—author Joe McGinniss, who's writing a book about her—is astonishing, writes David Weigel at his Right Now blog in the Washington Post. "Can somebody explain to me how this isn't a despicable thing for Palin to do?"...

Beck to Publisher: Call Off Palin 'Stalker' or I'll Boycott

Random House should get Joe McGinniss out of house next door

(Newser) - Glenn Beck feels Sarah Palin's pain about new next-door neighbor/biographer Joe McGinniss, and he's making use of some of his not inconsiderable clout to make him go away. Beck thinks McGinniss' move is creepy, and tantamount to stalking—she calls it "a nightmare"—the better to work on...

Meghan McCain: I Hate the Hate

It's turning her off to politics

(Newser) - American political hate-mongering has reached such a fervor that for the "first time" in her life Meghan McCain is finding herself "disillusioned with the political process—something I swore would never happen to me," she writes in the Daily Beast . She's angry, too, about political decisions, but...

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