iTunes Store

Stories 21 - 35 | << Prev 

Amazon's New Video Service Part Netflix, Part YouTube

Movies, TV shows will stream directly computer, no huge download required

(Newser) - Amazon entered the streaming video tangle today with Amazon Video on Demand, a service that resembles Netflix and Hulu far more than the company’s Unbox service, Ars Technica notes. While Unbox functioned on a principle similar to the iTunes Store, Amazon Video will stream movies and TV shows directly...

Wal-Mart Looks for Better Return on CDs

Uber-retailer plans to trim selection of artists, titles

(Newser) - As the country's leading brick-and-mortar CD seller, Wal-Mart occupies a special place in the music industry, earning perks like exclusive releases of CDs by bands like Journey and, soon, AC/DC. But with sales of physical CDs in freefall, even Wal-Mart is considering cutting the number of titles and artists its...

Broke California May Tax Beer, iTunes, Sex Toys

Partisan battle heats up as budget shortfall looms

(Newser) - A $1.80 tax on every six-pack of beer. An iTunes sales tax. A 25% tax on sex toys and pornographic entertainment. These are just some of the more creative measures put forth by California's Democratic lawmakers to close a budget shortfall estimated at $20 billion, the Los Angeles Times ...

Audio Books Lose Copy Protection
Audio Books Lose Copy Protection

Audio Books Lose Copy Protection

Major publishers' downloads can be played on all devices

(Newser) - Some major book publishers are planning to remove anticopying protections from digital audio books, allowing customers who download them to transfer the files between their computers and portable players. The world’s biggest publisher, Random House, will offer all its audio books as unrestricted MP3s this month, reports the New ...

iTunes Store Now No. 2 Music Retailer

Apple's baby takes back seat only to Wal-Mart

(Newser) - iTunes is the world's No. 2 music retailer, a ranking that includes stores that sell CDs. The reason is a combination of a modest increase in digital music sales and a sharp dive in CD sales, so the news isn't much to celebrate for the music industry. And kids are...

Apple Wants Slice of Movie Rental Biz
Apple Wants Slice of Movie Rental Biz

Apple Wants Slice of Movie Rental Biz

Fox deal presages plans to shake up online distribution

(Newser) - Apple is getting ready to formally announce the launch of its online movie rental business, the AP reports. Fox is already on board, as the FT reported yesterday, and other studios are expected to follow in making their movies available for rent through iTunes. Apple's also planning a widespread licensing...

Amazon Gets Funky With Warner Music
Amazon Gets Funky With Warner Music

Amazon Gets Funky With Warner Music

DRM-free iTunes competitor continues to attract big labels

(Newser) - Amazon’s burgeoning mp3 service landed another big fish today, adding Warner Music’s catalog to its online store. The Amazon shop aims to compete with Apple’s iTunes, selling songs for 89 cents as opposed to Apple’s 99 cents and without digital rights management software that makes sharing...

Radiohead Download Deal Set to End
Radiohead Download Deal Set to End

Radiohead Download Deal Set to End

Monday's last chance to pay what you want; iTunes may be option

(Newser) - Radiohead is set to lay to rest its pay-what-you-will offer, which lets fans download the recently released album "In Rainbows" for as much, or (more likely) as little as they like. The promo ends Monday, after which the album will only be available on CD or record, Wired reports—...

Pepsi, Amazon Could Spark Digital Music Revolution

Promotion deal pushing music companies to switch to DRM-free MP3 format

(Newser) - Pepsi and Amazon aren’t music producers, but they may inspire large-scale changes in the industry, Reuters says. The two companies will launch a music download promotion of MP3 songs during the Super Bowl next year, a deal pushing music titans like Warner Music and Sony BMG to consider distributing...

College Gets Podcasted
College Gets Podcasted

College Gets Podcasted

Apple serves up free education with iTunes U

(Newser) - Want to attend Yale for free? Thanks to Apple, you sort of can. Many colleges, including Yale, Stanford and MIT, now offer free lecture downloads through iTunes U. You won’t get a diploma, but thousands of non-traditional learners don’t mind, the LA Times reports. “They thirst for...

Apple Slashes Price of DRM free iTunes

Songs now cost the same with or without copy protection

(Newser) - Apple has dropped the price of its Digital Rights Management (DRM)-free iTunes Plus songs from $1.29 to 99 cents, the same price at which it offers its copy-protected songs, reports. The move looks like a response to  the September 25th launch of Amazon's mp3 store, which offers...

Radiohead: Pay Whatever You Want
Pay Whatever
You Want

Radiohead: Pay Whatever You Want

Band leaves cost of downloading new album up to fans

(Newser) - “No, really, it’s up to you,” Radiohead’s website tells consumers pricing out a digital copy of the band’s next album, set to debut Oct. 10. The band is testing the theory that consumers will pay a fair price for the 10-song set if given the...

Amazon Aims at iTunes With Own Digital Music Store

Low prices, lack of DRM major selling points

(Newser) - Amazon threw down the guantlet to iTunes today when it launched its digital music store, Amazon MP3. Roughly 2 million songs are available for 89-99 cents each, with albums going for $5.99 to $9.99. Not only do those prices beat iTunes's, but all the files are DRM-free. Selection...

Apple Issues Warning on Hacked iPhones

Unlocked phones will be 'irreparably damaged' by upgrade

(Newser) - IPhones that have been unlocked to work on cellular networks other than AT&T may be damaged "irreparably" by an iPhone software update being released this week, Apple warned yesterday. What's worse, the company says the unlocking also voids the warranty, so users would have to pay for replacements...

NBC Dumps iTunes to Ink Amazon TV Deal

Programs will now be available on Unbox

(Newser) - NBC announced yesterday that its shows will be available for downloading on Amazon after a disagreement over pricing led to the collapse of a deal with iTunes. Apple accused NBC of wanting to double its prices, but the network insisted it simply sought more flexibility. Shows will be available on...

Stories 21 - 35 | << Prev