executive compensation

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Thain Accuses BofA of Lying About Bonuses

Fired Merill CEO tries to 'set the record straight' about $3.6B payout

(Newser) - In his first lengthy interview since being pushed out as CEO of Merrill Lynch, John Thain tells the Wall Street Journal that Bank of America—which acquired Merrill in September—is lying about its involvement in the $3.6 billion in bonus payouts that made Thain the poster boy for...

Livid Wall Streeters See Themselves as Victims

(Newser) - Main Street doesn’t hold a monopoly on victimhood, Gabriel Sherman writes in New York. From AIG execs and their disappearing bonuses to Wall Street bankers who get dirty looks, the once-privileged feel like they’re shouldering too much blame. “It is difficult to sympathize with these people,”...

'08 Saw More Raises for CEOs: Survey

(Newser) - More American CEOs than not received raises in 2008, Reuters reports. An AFL-CIO poll of 946 chief executives saw 480 with increased pay, while 463 took a cut. Salaries were up 7%, too; execs with raises earned an average of $5.4 million, while those who saw cuts took in...

SEC Probes BofA for Being Mum on Merrill Bonuses

Bank may have illegally misled investors over pre-takeover Merrill payouts

(Newser) - The SEC is looking into whether Bank of America violated federal law by failing to let investors know Merrill Lynch planned to pay its execs $3.62 billion in bonuses before it was taken over by BofA last year, the Financial Times reports. The regulator is reviewing the bank's disclosure...

Bailout Chief Drives a Hard Bargain

TARP CIO Lambright adept at 'high-speed game of chicken'

(Newser) - James Lambright, the man who gets final say over where a lot of the federal bailout money goes, is known at the Treasury, and to an ever-widening circle of executives at America’s biggest companies, as a hard-nosed bargainer, the Wall Street Journal reports. Lambright's self-professed aim is “navigating...

Treasury Helps Companies Skirt Bailout Rules

(Newser) - The Obama administration has devised a maybe-legal method of avoiding Congress’ restrictions on companies that accept bailout funds, including limits on executive pay and a requirement that taxpayers get an ownership stake in the firms, the Washington Post reports. To sidestep the restrictions, the administration has created special entities to...

Fannie, Freddie to Pay $210M in Bonuses

(Newser) - Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac expect to pay roughly $210 million in retention bonuses over the next 18 months, reports the Wall Street Journal. Some 7,600 employees are slated to get bonuses, in some cases totaling as much as $1.5 million, in a program that has drawn sharp...

CEO Pay Sinks for First Time in 7 Years

As profits decline, so do bonuses, especially at financial firms

(Newser) - CEOs took a pay cut in 2008—their first in seven years—as profits plunged and brought bonuses with them. The median compensation for the leaders of 200 big US companies fell 8.5% to $2.24 million, the Wall Street Journal reports. That includes both salaries, which rose 4....

Ousted GM Boss Gets $20M Retirement Payout

(Newser) - If Rick Wagoner is upset about being forced out of his job as GM’s CEO, his $20 million retirement package should provide some consolation, ABC News reports. Though Treasury rules prevent Wagoner from collecting severance pay, the ousted exec is still eligible for an “Executive Retirement Plan” and...

AIG Employee Tells Liddy: You Betrayed Us
AIG Employee Tells Liddy:
You Betrayed Us

AIG Employee Tells Liddy: You Betrayed Us

VP's resignation letter rips cowardly CEO, grandstanding pols

(Newser) - Though he says he’s blameless for the mess that brought down AIG, and worked 14-hour days at $1 a year to help dismantle the insurer, executive Jake DeSantis feels “betrayed” by CEO Edward Liddy—and lets him know in a resignation letter published by the New York Times....

Hedge Fund Managers Profit in Bear Market

Top 25 took home total of $11.6 billion in pay last year

(Newser) - Hedge funds lost an average of 18% last year, but as markets fell to earth, the top 25 hedge fund managers each earned more than $75 million in pay, reports the New York Times. The most successful, James Simons of Renaissance Technologies, pulled in $2.5 billion, while George Soros...

AIG Bonus Tax Is Stalled, Likely to Die in Senate

Lawmakers likely to let special tax die, with the nod from Obama

(Newser) - With populist outrage cooling and the White House even cooler, the 90% AIG bonus tax that sailed through the House last week is stalled in the Senate, where it's likely to die, reports Bloomberg. Majority Leader Harry Reid said yesterday this week will be devoted to debating national service and...

Geithner Swinging in Wind After Fed Drops AIG Ball

Treasury says Fed kept them in dark, despite sec's previous role

(Newser) - Officials at the Fed knew about AIG's plan to award $165 million in bonuses for months but failed to tell the Obama administration, reports the Washington Post. Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner said this week he was "stunned when I learned how bad this was"—belatedly on March 10—...

House Votes Today on Bonus Clawback

Bill being rushed through would slap 90% tax on bonuses at bailed-out firms

(Newser) - The House will vote today on a hastily crafted bill to claw back bonuses from executives at AIG and other bailed-out firms, reports the Hill. The bill, drawn up by Democratic tax experts, slaps a 90% tax on bonuses over $250,000 at firms that received $5 billion or more...

AIG Mess Shows Why the Feds Should Quit Banking

(Newser) - All the hubbub around AIG and its bonuses is “a complete farce,” Larry Kudlow writes in the National Review. No one should be surprised that those in charge have “completely bungled” the situation. “The government shouldn’t run anything, because it cannot run anything,” Kudlow...

AIG Bonuses By the Numbers
 AIG Bonuses By the Numbers 

AIG Bonuses By the Numbers

NY AG releases breakdown of bonus figures; plans to press AIG for names

(Newser) - AIG's $165 million in bonuses went 418 different ways, according to one angry attorney general. Other figures released by New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo, who subpoenaed the firm on Monday:
  • 73 employees received bonuses of $1 million or more
  • 11 of those people no longer work for AIG
  • 7

AIG CEO: Bonuses 'Distasteful,' Necessary

Liddy says paying employees will help taxpayer in long run

(Newser) - AIG's $165 million bonus payout has produced "a palpable wave of anger," admits Edward Liddy, the insurance giant's government-appointed CEO. But in an op-ed for the Washington Post, Liddy says that paying employees now will prevent "undue risk" and help AIG wind down the most dangerous positions...

Geithner: We'll Deduct AIG Bonuses From Next Bailout

Insurer will be forced to return $165 million, treasury boss says in letter

(Newser) - Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner promised last night that taxpayers wouldn't be paying a penny toward AIG's massive executive bonuses, Bloomberg reports. He explained in a letter to lawmakers that the government would require the insurer to pay back the $165 million from company operations and that an equal amount would...

Angry Congress Threatens Big Taxes on AIG Bonuses

(Newser) - Outraged lawmakers threatened today to impose new taxes to recoup at least some of the $165 million in bonuses that insurance giant AIG awarded executives and traders after getting billions in federal bailout money. "What is the highest excise tax we can impose that will stand up in court?"...

Suck It Up and Pay Those Bonuses
 Suck It Up and 
 Pay Those Bonuses 

Suck It Up and Pay Those Bonuses

Keeping employees at AIG is paramount, says Sorkin

(Newser) - Everyone from President Obama down has been stung by the unfairness of AIG's planned $165 million in bonuses. But as Andrew Ross Sorkin writes in the New York Times, the best thing to do is shut up and pay. "As unpalatable as it seems," he writes, "taxpayers...

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