David Letterman

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Letterman Apologizes to Wife, Staff —and Palin

Late Show host still glad he pushed back against alleged extortionist

(Newser) - David Letterman wasn’t planning to talk anymore about his extortion scandal, “but it seems like people want to talk about it,” he said on last night’s Late Show. After apologizing to the staff for subjecting them to “hounding” from reporters, he made it clear that,...

Letterman Apologizes to Wife on Air

 to Wife on Air 
late night hot seat

Letterman Apologizes to Wife on Air

Late Night pauses for another round of confession

(Newser) - David Letterman will use his opening monologue tonight to publicly apologize to his wife and his current and former colleagues, according to numerous audience members. "Wow, that weekend went fast," he joked before turning serious during this afternoon's taping, his first public appearance at the Ed Sullivan Theater...

Letterman 'Manipulating' Audience: Halderman Lawyer

Robert Halderman's attorney also wonders why Letterman would pay by check

(Newser) - David Letterman is “a master at manipulating audiences,” and he’s not telling the whole story of the alleged extortion plot by Robert Halderman, says Halderman’s attorney. Gerald Shargel did the talk-show circuit this morning, E! reports, and he pointed out to Today that, “in the...

CBS Tries to Bury Letterman Vid
 CBS Tries to Bury Letterman Vid 

CBS Tries to Bury Letterman Vid

As network works to erase confessional, more info on extortion, galpal comes out

(Newser) - For reasons unknown to Rachel Sklar, CBS spent the weekend removing “unauthorized copies” of David Letterman’s confession from YouTube—and still hasn't posted the clip on its own site. “Check your Fair Use rules,” Sklar writes on Mediaite. “Videos of Letterman’s mea culpa don’...

Letterman, Crew Steel for Fallout

Scandal may hurt talk show king with female audience

(Newser) - Staffers of the David Letterman show were girding for fallout today before the first two tapings of the program since the talk show king's shocking revelation that he was being blackmailed over sex with female assistants. "We've seen a lot before with Dave," a source told the Daily ...

SNL: Dave Extortion a 'Stupid Human Trick'
 SNL: Dave Extortion 
 a 'Stupid Human Trick' 

SNL: Dave Extortion a 'Stupid Human Trick'

Plus, the Daily News thinks Dave has a secret love nest in his office—or at least a couch

(Newser) - Add Saturday Night Live to the ranks of those making sport of David Letterman's difficulties. But in the hands of SNL, Dave got off pretty easy. "Weekend Update" anchor Seth Meyers dubbed the extortion attempt "a stupid human trick," adding that the would-be blackmailer was threatening to...

Dave's Accused Blackmailer: Smart, Tough, Cocky, Broke

'Charming rogue' was a star field producer and serial office romancer

(Newser) - Joe Halderman, the CBS producer charged with grand larceny for blackmailing David Letterman, was known around the network as an astute, aggressive newsman, a womanizer, a voracious reader, and the unhappy object of an expensive divorce settlement. Colleagues, calling him a "charming rogue, say they were stunned by the...

Top Public Mea Culpas
 Top Public 
 Mea Culpas 

Top Public Mea Culpas

Not surprisingly, Bill Clinton is king of the list

(Newser) - David Letterman’s acknowledgement yesterday of some skeletons in his closet is only the latest caught by television’s unforgiving lens; Lisa Todorovich runs down her faves on True/Slant:
  • Bill Clinton: The Democratic candidate, with wife Hillary alongside, cops to “mistakes in my marriage in a 1992 interview with

Not Guilty Plea in Letterman Shakedown Scheme

Fellow CBS employee makes bond after bail set at $200K

(Newser) - A 48 Hours producer pleaded not guilty to attempted first-degree grand larceny today after allegedly trying to extort $2 million from David Letterman. The Late Night host was the target of an attempt to "destroy the reputation of Mr. Letterman and to submit him and his family to humiliation...

Extortion Try Just Latest Weirdness in Dave's Life

Letterman's extortion plot follows earlier stalkers, would-be kidnapper

(Newser) - David Letterman’s extortion drama is just the latest in a long line of bizarre happenings. A look back:
  • 1993: Margaret Ray, who stole Letterman’s Porsche in the 1980s and called herself “Mrs. David Letterman,” broke into his home at least seven times and was arrested in

Letterman Paid for Assistant's Degree: Rumor

Host said to keep three to five young women on staff at all times

(Newser) - David Letterman can be a great boss for certain special employees. In the case of Stephanie Birkitt, who once dated alleged blackmailer Robert Halderman, Letterman paid her way through college, Gawker reports, citing “the scuttlebutt on the set.” Birkitt was Letterman’s top assistant—the host employed at...

At First Blush, Fans Forgive Dave

 At First 
 Blush, Fans 
 Forgive Dave 

At First Blush, Fans Forgive Dave

Scandal-tainted David Letterman rules in ratings and with devotees

(Newser) - David Letterman’s fans—at least the handful surveyed by the Daily News—agree: All is forgiven. In fact, his extortionist is the one who should be ashamed of himself. “We love Letterman no matter what he does. He brings us joy,” said a would-be audience member outside...

Extortionist Dated Letterman Staffer Who Had Affair

'48 Hours' producer slept around, former father-in-law says

(Newser) - When David Letterman shocked last night's audience with his tale of blackmail—or as the New York Post calls it, sextortion—he left out the names of everyone else involved, but details are beginning to emerge. The man arrested in the case was Robert Joel Halderman, 57, an Emmy-winning producer...

Letterman Reveals Extortion Attempt Over Office Sex

After grand jury testimony, late-night host says con man wanted $2M

(Newser) - In a highly unusual moment during the taping of last night’s Late Show, David Letterman confessed to his studio audience that he had had sexual flings with female staffers on the show, and that they had become the basis for a $2 million extortion attempt by a CBS news...

Madonna Eats&mdash; Gasp! &mdash;Pizza
 Madonna Eats—Gasp!—Pizza

Madonna Eats—Gasp!—Pizza

Thanks to David Letterman, the singer finally tries a New York staple

(Newser) - Stop the presses: Madonna has eaten New York City pizza for the first time. The historic moment came about on last night’s Late Show With David Letterman, reports Rolling Stone, adding that the interview had another notable element: The Material Girl was actually funny, even joking about her infamous...

Thank (or Blame) Bush for Dave's Left Turn

 Thank (or Blame) 
 Bush for Dave's 
 Left Turn 
political comedy

Thank (or Blame) Bush for Dave's Left Turn

Letterman veers from apolitical-leaning-right to full-on liberal

(Newser) - The most telling thing David Letterman has said in a while may have been a brief comment he made last Monday, as he wrapped up an hour with President Obama: "I can't tell you how satisfying it is to watch you work," the famously crotchety Late Night ...

Obama on Letterman: Funniest Moments

The president sums up his thoughts on health care, and more from the interview

(Newser) - Yes, there was that whole potato thing. But President Obama’s stint on Letterman included more funny moments, and Time runs down the top 10:
  • During Dave’s Top 10 list, the No. 2 reason why Obama agreed to appear on the show: “Said yes without thinking, like Bush

'I Was Black Before the Election'
 'I Was Black Before the Election' 
'late show' sneak peek

'I Was Black Before the Election'

Obama and Letterman tackle the tough topics, including potatoes

(Newser) - President Obama's media blitz continues tonight on The Late Show With David Letterman, where he'll remind the host, "I think it's important to realize that I was actually black before the election." Snippets CBS released after this afternoon's taping reveal lighthearted moments and more serious stretches, as well...

Obama's Guest Spot Points to Newly Political Letterman

Lineup coup as Dave veers toward politics

(Newser) - With President Obama tonight and Bill Clinton tomorrow, David Letterman is starting his new season with a bang—and a marked shift toward politics, the New York Times reports. Letterman, who chose to lay low in repeats last week as NBC trotted out big guests for Jay Leno's primetime debut,...

Obama Visits Dave Monday
 Obama Visits Dave Monday 

Obama Visits Dave Monday

President will wrap up media blitz with late-night stop

(Newser) - After making the rounds of no fewer than five morning talk shows on Sunday, President Obama will be David Letterman's sole guest on Monday, the Wrap reports. Obama, pushing his health care reform, will make his first appearance with Letterman since the campaign and his sixth overall. He will be...

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