Barney Frank

Stories 81 - 98 | << Prev 

Pols Pitch Federal Agency to Take On Bad Debt

Agency would formalize what feds are already doing in money crisis

(Newser) - The idea of creating a federal agency to dispose of the toxic debt at the heart of the credit crisis is gaining traction in Washington, the New York Times reports. The proposed agency would resemble one set up in 1989 to resolve the savings and loan crisis—but in a...

Paulson Tacks Toward Middle on Fannie, Freddie Rescue

Conservatorship would toe line between opposing views

(Newser) - As concerns mount for troubled mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, two camps have emerged: one, led by free-market analysts, is pushing a temporary government takeover of the companies; the other, led by congressional Democrats, would rather see billions of tax dollars rescue the firms. Treasury secretary Henry Paulson...

Frank: Romney Will Say Anything to Win

Potential McCain VP pick is 'completely without moral scruple'

(Newser) - Barney Frank ripped into Mitt Romney yesterday as part of a DNC effort to discredit the possible Republican VP choices, the Boston Herald reports. Citing flip-flops on abortion and gay rights, the Massachusetts Congressman called the ex-Massachusetts governor ‘the most intellectually inconsistent politician I’ve ever known.” Romney,...

Let's Legalize Drug Use: Argentine Prez

In US, Rep. Barney Frank leads lawmakers on marijuana crusade

(Newser) - Argentina's president is seeking to legalize drug use and a crack down on dealing and trafficking, CNN reports. President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner's plan follows similar moves by European and Latin American nations, where decriminalization has not increased drug use, one expert said. Mexico proposed such a law several years...

Housing Industry Funnels Cash to Lawmakers

Campaign contributions soar compared to 2006

(Newser) - The housing industry has given more campaign cash to lawmakers and political parties this election cycle than it gave through the entire 2006 cycle, the Wall Street Journal reports, as an emergency housing bill containing favorable provisions for the industry has been working its way through Congress. Cash has flowed...

Huge Homeowner Aid Bill Nears Approval

Bipartisan support for action, despite veto threat

(Newser) - With 8,000 foreclosures daily and looming elections, Congress is close to approving the most sweeping changes to mortgage financing since the New Deal, reports the New York Times. The pricey aid bill aimed at helping hundreds of thousands of homeowners facing foreclosure has bipartisan support, despite the threat of...

Clinton Took to Heart Blunt Talk From Friends

Rangel, Frank among those who finally swayed her to pull the plug

(Newser) - For Hillary Clinton, it was the candor of longtime supporters such as Charlie Rangel and Barney Frank that told her it was time to go. Politico offers more details from Clinton's conference call with House members, which began with deference but ultimately spelled out the political reality in blunt terms....

Rep. Frank Emerges as Political Peacemaker

Witty Mass. Democrat willing to forge deals between left-wing base, White House

(Newser) - Barney Frank has taken on a central role in Congress: that of an inter-party deal-maker. While he doesn’t hesitate to voice his strong opinions—often with a healthy dose of wit—Republicans and Democrats respect the man administration officials have called “scary smart,” the New York Times...

House OKs Mortgage Rescue Plan, Despite Veto Threat

Plan would allow homeowners to get more stable government loans

(Newser) - The House today shrugged off a veto threat from President Bush and passed a wide-ranging rescue plan for US homeowners, Reuters reports. The centerpiece of the legislation would allow people to trade in risky, fast-rising mortgages for more stable government loans. The $300 billion measure would help an estimated 500,...

Bush Will Veto Dems' Housing Bill
Bush Will
Veto Dems' Housing Bill

Bush Will Veto Dems' Housing Bill

$15B measure would 'reward speculators and lenders': President

(Newser) - President Bush said today that he would veto the Democratic housing bill being worked on in the House of Representatives. Bush claims the bill would unfairly bail out "speculators and lenders," the Washington Post reports. "I will veto the bill that's moving through the House today if...

House Panel OKs $15B Plan to Buy Foreclosed Homes

States, cities would get money to purchase and fix up houses

(Newser) - Lawmakers have backed a $15 billion aid package for municipalities so they can buy and fix up foreclosed homes, the Wall Street Journal reports. A House panel voted 38-26 for the measure, which would be split evenly between loans and grants. States could use the money to get vacated homes...

Out Names Most Powerful Gays
 Out Names Most Powerful Gays 

Out Names Most Powerful Gays

And mag ejects Anderson Cooper from closet

(Newser) - Out magazine's Gay Power 50 boasts plenty of people with plenty of influence over politics and pop culture:
  1. David Geffen: Look at the headlines this Hollywood bigwig sparked when he endorsed Barack Obama for proof of his broad influence.
  2. Anderson Cooper: Turn on CNN. Enough said.
  3. Ellen DeGeneres: Her daily

Frank is Dems' Unlikely Lead Economy Dog
Frank is Dems' Unlikely Lead Economy Dog

Frank is Dems' Unlikely Lead Economy Dog

Mass. rep huddles with Paulson, Bernanke on housing measure

(Newser) - Democratic Rep. Barney Frank has become an unlikely power player in Washington’s “new economic trio” with Ben Bernanke and Henry Paulson, writes David Rogers in Politico. His pet plan—a “humongous housing deal” to steady an ailing market—might be a tough sell to the White House,...

Don't Ask, Don't Tell, Don't Fly?
Don't Ask,
Don't Tell,
Don't Fly?

Don't Ask, Don't Tell, Don't Fly?

Pentagon-Congress flap spotlights tension over gay rights

(Newser) - Nancy Pelosi acted to have a gay Congresswoman's domestic partner included on a military flight to Europe, and the question of government acknowledgment of same-sex partners continues to reverberate, the Politico reports. Tammy Baldwin’s partner took the March fact-finding trip, but Pelosi and Robert Gates are at odds over...

Clinton Calls for Blue-Ribbon Mortgage Panel

Emergency plan would enlist Greenspan, other big thinkers

(Newser) - Ex-Fed chief Alan Greenspan and other high-profile economic bigwigs should take the lead in deciding whether the government should buy homes affected by the housing crisis, Hillary Clinton says. "As it has in the past, this kind of temporary measure by the government could give our economy the boost...

Mass. Rep Vows to Legalize Pot
 Mass. Rep Vows to Legalize Pot 

Mass. Rep Vows to Legalize Pot

Barney Frank says public is ready for change

(Newser) - Rep. Barney Frank will move to legalize “small amounts” of marijuana, Politico reports, citing Americans who think use of the drug is no big deal. “It's time for the politicians to catch up to the public,” said the Massachusetts Democrat on "Real Time with Bill Maher....

Fed Cracks Down on Loose Lending
Fed Cracks Down on
Loose Lending

Fed Cracks Down on Loose Lending

Unanimous vote marks historic shift toward regulation

(Newser) - Seeking to avoid another subprime meltown, the Federal Reserve cracked down on mortgage lending today by a unanimous 5-0 vote, the Wall Street Journal reports. If approved next year, the Fed proposals will require creditors to consider borrowers' financial and credit status, but will not prohibit prepayment penalties altogether, a...

GOP Colleagues Jump Sinking Craig Ship

McCain, Coleman join calls for cruising senator's resignation

(Newser) - Senators John McCain and Norm Coleman joined two Republican congressmen in urging GOP Sen. Larry Craig to resign today, the AP reports, after Craig was moved out of top committee posts by party leadership. The White House, too, said it was “disappointed" with the Idaho lawmaker after the revelations...

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