social networking

Stories 701 - 720 | << Prev   Next >>

Facebook the Movie? It's in the Works

(Newser) - Facebook is going Hollywood, PC World reports. West Wing writer Aaron Sorkin has signed on with Sony to pen a movie about the social networking site’s founding. The movie will probably focus on Mark Zuckerberg’s initial work while at Harvard. But Sorkin may have some research to do...

Digital Age Makes It Harder to Cheat
Digital Age Makes It Harder to Cheat

Digital Age Makes It Harder to Cheat

Even your Wii can give you away in the era of too-much-information

(Newser) - The Wii may look family-friendly, but tell that to the US soldier who discovered from the console that his wife was having an affair, virtual-bowling with her lover while he was in Iraq. Welcome to the digital age, Nick Harding writes in the Independent, where secrets are impossible to keep,...

Facebook's Vision Nets 100 Million Users
Facebook's Vision Nets
100 Million Users

Facebook's Vision Nets 100 Million Users

'Carefully groomed' site beats 'the chaos that is MySpace,' may mean $

(Newser) - Facebook has just crossed the 100-million-user plateau, and it’s more notable than when MySpace achieved the feat 2 years ago, Stan Schroeder writes on Mashable. First of all, Facebook says it counts only active users, unlike its rival. But more importantly, Facebook has a vision of how to cater...

Facebook Getting Aggressive With 'Wall Spam'
Facebook Getting Aggressive With 'Wall Spam'

Facebook Getting Aggressive With 'Wall Spam'

Service starts playing tough, removing posts

(Newser) - “Wall spam” has gone from minor annoyance to publicity problem for Facebook, and it seems the social-networking giant is getting more aggressive in its attempts to combat it, reports Caroline McCarthy in CNET. Within 2 hours of receiving a spam post yesterday, McCarthy found it had been deleted by...

Dogs Get Their Own Social Networking Site

Pooches and their owners meet through

(Newser) - Dog owners are using a crossbreed of MySpace and YouTube to network—all on behalf and because of their four-legged friends, the AP reports. Since launching last month, has attracted more than 700 users, mostly female, who share photos, videos, advice, and stories, as well as supply their...

Browser Solves Some Social Networking Poblems
Browser Solves Some Social Networking Poblems

Browser Solves Some Social Networking Poblems

Flock lets you see Facebook and email feeds while reading

(Newser) - The web browser Flock is designed to ease multitasking for highly active web users, and it  mostly succeeds, writes Walter S. Mossberg in the Wall Street Journal. Billed as “the social Web browser,” Flock gives users a sidebar with feeds for email, and social networking, photo, video, or...

Insider Sales Put Facebook's Value at Fraction of $15B

Even CEO Zuckerberg reportedly selling still-private options at bargain prices

(Newser) - Though the stake bought by Microsoft last fall pegged Facebook’s value at $15 billion, a rush of stock sales by insiders at the still-private company shows they think it’s worth much less, BusinessWeek reports. Even Mark Zuckerberg, founder and CEO of the social-networking giant, reportedly has sold some...

Twitter Doesn't Sweat the Profit Margin
Twitter Doesn't Sweat the
Profit Margin

Twitter Doesn't Sweat the Profit Margin

Microblogging site puts effort in infrastructure, not its biz model

(Newser) - Twitter, a unique blogging service that lets its users update every minute detail of their day using a computer or cellphone, is steadily growing in popularity, but founder Biz Stone isn't worried about making money from the site yet. With millions in venture capital stored up, Stone is more focused...

6 Degrees of Separation? New Study Says 6.6

Microsoft researcher seems to confirm that the world is a pretty small place

(Newser) - A huge Microsoft study of its Messenger records bolsters the oft-quoted, but never proven, theory of “six degrees of separation"—almost. The study puts the figure at 6.6, but that's still a pretty small world. A Microsoft researcher analyzed 30 billion messages sent among 180 million users...

Scrabulous Creators Spite Hasbro With 'Wordscraper'

Remodeled Facebook app seeks to get around copyright issues

(Newser) - The creators of Scrabulous are determined: Just 2 days after Hasbro forced Facebook to ditch their wildly popular online Scrabble impersonator, Rajat and Jayant Agarwalla have introduced Wordscraper, Silicon Alley Insider reports. The new game looks less like Scrabble than Scrabulous and offers a few rule changes, but it may...

Cartier Mines MySpace for Clients in Rough

Luxe jeweler tries to reach younger audience through social networking

(Newser) - Luxury jeweler Cartier has teamed with MySpace in a unique effort to develop a new, younger audience by blending networking, entertainment, and marketing, reports the Wall Street Journal. The move, one of the first by a major luxury brand, may provide a road map for other luxury retailers so far...

GOP Parodies Obama's Facebook Page
GOP Parodies Obama's Facebook Page

GOP Parodies Obama's Facebook Page

'Barackbook' highlights candidate's controversial 'friends'

(Newser) - The GOP is lampooning Barack Obama's popular Facebook page with something it calls Barackbook. The fake Facebook clone features a frowning Obama whose status reads "hoping to settle on an Iraq policy before November," Wired reports. In addition, the imaginary FriendFeed highlights controversial figures associated with the candidate,...

Flickr Users Help ID Archival Photos

Historical archives find new life online

(Newser) - Flickr users are helping the Library of Congress identify photos in its historical archives, reports USA Today. So far, users have supplied information on 500 photos featured in Flickr's "The Commons" project, which drew 8.2 million views in just 6 months. Both partners are "stunned by the...

Comically Simple Ploy Pays Big for Kansas Candidate

Cartoon brings flood of donation, but Dem's bid for state legislature hardly done deal

(Newser) - A cash-strapped candidate for the Kansas legislature has turned around his fortunes in the flash of a few thousand mouse-clicks: Before circulating sassy online cartoon strips, Sean Tevis had $1,525 in his campaign coffers; in less than two weeks, he’s raised nearly $100,000 more. The episode is...

New Site Lets Microbloggers Post Short Videos

'12 Seconds' aims to do for video what Twitter did for sentences: shorten

(Newser) - Sick of spreading your message by text alone on sites such as Twitter, but not ready to actually talk to your friends face to face? Worry not: a new site, “12 Seconds,” allows you to post video updates from home or on your mobile device, Mashable reports. The...

Booming Facebook Closing Gap on MySpace

Social networking websites are busy places—especially in the summer months

(Newser) - Facebook may be No. 2 in the social networking industry, but its 40% growth from June 2007 to the same month this year is closing the gap between it and market leader MySpace. MySpace—which has 72% of the market—showed negative growth in visits for the year, says BizReport....

What Was I Writing?
What Was   
I Writing?

What Was I Writing?

Chronic distraction —a self-inflicted malady—may seem comic, but it's deadly

(Newser) - We all complain about the myriad distractions in the wired world, but Bryan Appleyard goes further in the Guardian: Distraction is not just annoying, it can kill you, and will be the downfall of democracy. “Chronic, long-term distraction” may be as deadly as smoking, and the habits of the...

Facebook Cleans Up With New Design
Facebook Cleans Up With New Design

Facebook Cleans Up With New Design

Social network cuts down clutter, adds 'Publisher' feature

(Newser) - Facebook has launched a redesign with subtle new features that improve usability, Rafe Needleman writes in Webware. The revamped site eliminates a lot of the clutter caused by its 16-month-old applications platform, and spotlights the most important aspect of Facebook—the Wall—pushing it to the front and making it...

Facebook, MySpace Offer Prime Evidence

Profiles, photos can haunt defendants, help prosecutors

(Newser) - Social networking sites like Facebook and MySpace have offered crime-solving help to detectives and become a resource for employers vetting job applicants. Now the sites are proving fruitful for prosecutors, who have used damaging Internet photos of defendants to cast doubt on their character during sentencing hearings and argue for...

'Media Titan' Moves in Small (Even Empty) Websites

Little-known Internet player hitting the big time with simple idea

(Newser) - Richard Rosenblatt doesn’t work in Silicon Valley and few people, even there, know his name. But in just 2 years his Demand Media has become a huge player, backed by $355 million in private investment, and pulling in nearly $200 million in revenue this year, the Los Angeles Times...

Stories 701 - 720 | << Prev   Next >>