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Egypt Arrests 700 Protesters
 Egypt Arrests 700 Protesters 

Egypt Arrests 700 Protesters

Protests against Mubarak continue with no letup in sight

(Newser) - With the Facebook-fueled protests against Egypt President Hosni Mubarak showing no signs of letting up, the government has responded with the mass arrests of 700 people or more, the BBC reports. The interior ministry says public gatherings will no longer be tolerated—despite Hillary Clinton's urging of government tolerance earlier...

Egypt Bans Protests, But Streets Still Full

Police use riot trucks, rubber bullets to disperse crowds

(Newser) - Egypt banned all protest gatherings today, warning that any protesters in the street would face “immediate” arrests. But thousands took to the streets anyway, according to Reuters . By early this morning, police had used tear gas and rubber bullets to drive protesters out of a major Cairo square where...

Tunisia Issues Warrant for Ex-President's Arrest

Prisoners escape amidst rioting

(Newser) - Tunisia has issued an international arrest warrant for ousted President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, accusing him of taking money out of the North African nation illegally. Ben Ali, who fled to Saudi Arabia after being driven from power this month by violent protests, is also being charged with illegally...

3 Dead in Rare Egypt Protests
 3 Dead in Rare Egypt Protests 

3 Dead in Rare Egypt Protests

Huge numbers seen at Tunisia-inspired demonstrations

(Newser) - Massive anti-government protests in Egypt today left three people dead, and demonstrators vowed to camp out overnight and continue demonstrations tomorrow, reports AP . Riot police in Cairo used tear gas, water cannons, and batons throughout the day to try to disperse protesters, who marched in what activists called a “...

Tunisia's Revolution, as Told Via Twitter

Dissident Slim Amamou tweeted all the way through it

(Newser) - Historians looking to chronicle Tunisia's revolt should subscribe to Slim Amamou's Twitter feed. He went from dissident blogger, to imprisoned dissident blogger, to freed dissident blogger, to government minister in the space of a few weeks, chronicling every step of the way with tweets. It's no secret that social media...

Tunisia Arrests Kin of Booted Prez

Corrupt in-laws caught trying to flee country

(Newser) - Tunisia has arrested 33 members of the country's despised former first family. The relatives of ousted President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali were caught trying to flee the country with large amounts of valuables, reports the Financial Times . The clan of former first lady Leila Trabelsi had a huge amount...

Riots Break Out as Tunisia Ministers Quit

Government in crisis a day after it formed

(Newser) - Tunisia's day-old government was shaken by the resignation of four ministers today, undermining its hopes of quelling simmering unrest by sharing power with members of the opposition to the old regime. All four who resigned were opponents of deposed President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali's iron-fisted 23-year rule, and protesters...

Second Cairo Protester Sets Himself on Fire

Self-immolation copycats inspired by Tunisian

(Newser) - Setting yourself on fire has officially caught on in Northern Africa. A second Egyptian man set himself ablaze outside the prime minister’s office today in Cairo, a day after another Egyptian man, and several in Algeria and Mauritania, did the same thing . This time the burning man was a...

North Africa Sees Wave of Fiery Copycat Suicides

Egypt, Algeria and Mauritania all see self-immolations as in Tunisia

(Newser) - A restaurant owner screaming anti-government slogans set himself on fire outside the Egyptian parliament in Cairo today, in the latest of several attempted self-immolations mimicking the one that set off Tunisia’s uprising last month. But security officials, with the help of passing motorists, doused the blaze with fire-extinguishers, thwarting...

As Unrest Continues, Tunisia Plans Unity Government

Army, presidential guard in gun battle

(Newser) - Tunisian leaders plan to announce a new unity government today following the ousting of President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, the Daily Telegraph reports. It will include ministers from the former leadership and opposition as well as independents, said an opposition leader. Prime Minister Mohammed Ghannouchi will remain, with presidential...

US: WikiLeaks Cables Not the Cause of Tunisia Uprising

PJ Crowley says the Tunisian people knew about corruption 'long ago'

(Newser) - Blunt assessments of ex-President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali and his family, their lavish lifestyles, and graft contained in cables released by WikiLeaks didn't spark the uprising in Tunisia, said State Department spokesman PJ Crowley today. Many commentators have suggested that the cables contributed to the discontent, with some saying...

Tunisia May Be Turning Point in Arab World
Tunisia May Be Turning Point
in Arab World


Tunisia May Be Turning Point in Arab World

Nation gets its third president in 24 hours

(Newser) - Tunisia got a new interim president today—parliamentary leader Fouad Mebazaa—who is technically the third leader in 24 hours, notes the Los Angeles Times . He takes over from the previous interim president, who briefly held power when longtime leader El Abidine Ben Ali fled the country in the face...

Arab Precedent: Tunisian Protests Oust President

He apparently flees country after weeks of unrest

(Newser) - Tunisia President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali has resigned amid riots that have claimed at least 23 lives, the BBC reports. Ben Ali had dissolved the government and promised to quit in 2014 , but his delay tactic was apparently not enough for the disgruntled Tunisian populace, fed up after 23...

Tunisian President Dissolves Government Amid Riots

12 killed in protests last night

(Newser) - Amid huge riots over poverty, Tunisia’s president has decided to dismiss his government, the AP reports. President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali intends to call legislative elections in 6 months, earlier than planned. Meanwhile, thousands of protesters calling for Ben Ali’s resignation continued to demonstrate in the capital,...

Amid Deadly Riots, Tunisian President Says He'll Leave

... but not until 2014

(Newser) - Tunisia's autocratic president, struggling to contain deadly riots that have destabilized his authority, made sweeping pledges for political and media freedom and said he will leave the presidency—but not until his term ends in 2014. Facing the worst unrest in his 23 years in power, an unusually contrite President...

Army Tries to Quell Tunisia Poverty Riots

Witnesses report snipers shooting at protesters

(Newser) - Tunisia’s army rolled through the streets of Tunis today, hoping to quell a string of sometimes violent protests over the country’s rampant poverty and unemployment. So far 21 people have been killed in the riots, which began three weeks ago when a young unemployed man set himself on...

Officials Doubt Tunisian Woman Expecting 12 Babies

Unidentified woman has refused ultrasound

(Newser) - Authorities are investigating a claim that a woman in Tunisia is pregnant with 12 babies. French and British media reported the woman will soon give birth to six girls and six boys. An official with Tunisia's health ministry said today the claim seemed doubtful and that the woman—who has...

Praying Pilot Gets 10 Years for Fatal Crash

16 died after Tunisian pilot failed to take emergency measures

(Newser) - A pilot who appealed to Allah instead of taking emergency measures has been sentenced to 10 years in prison for his role in a crash that killed 16 people, the Guardian reports. When the plane's engines stopped, the Tunisian pilot panicked, prayed and crash-landed in the sea when he should...

Terror Suspect Is Key Scotland Yard Adviser

He's 'regularly consulted' on terror issues, say officials

(Newser) - A convicted terrorist wanted by Interpol is serving on a Scotland Yard advisory board, reports the Times of London. Mohamed Ali Harrath, the subject of a "red alert" Interpol warning since 1992, was sentenced to 56 years in absentia in Tunisia for violence linked to a militant group there....

DNA Study: Ancient Phoenicians Still With Us

Phoenician blood in North Africa, MidEast

(Newser) - The Phoenicians may have disappeared as a distinct society a few thousand years ago, but it turns out their imprint remains very much alive today. Genetic researchers have discovered the DNA of the seafaring civilization in the blood of men—as many as 1 in 17— who live today in...

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