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No Talking While Browsing on iPhone 5
No Talking While
Browsing on iPhone 5
with verizon, sprint

No Talking While Browsing on iPhone 5

Only AT&T allows for both simultaneously

(Newser) - Everyone is eager to get their mitts on an iPhone 5, but here are a couple of features the new smartphone won't have. On Verizon and Sprint models, users will be barred from talking on the phone and browsing the Web at the same time (although Sprint subscribers can...

Scientists Set Record for Ultra-Fast WiFi

'T-rays' provide speeds 20 times faster

(Newser) - Japanese scientists have set a whopping record for wireless data speeds—20 times faster than typical WiFi—by using an unconventional part of the electromagnetic spectrum known as the "T-ray" band. The researchers were able to transmit data at 3 gigabytes per second. "T-ray" technology could eventually lighten...

Now Your Dog Poop Can Pay for WiFi

'Poo WiFi' heading to Mexico City's parks

(Newser) - Mexico City's parks are about to get wireless Internet—and a whole lot cleaner. Mexican Internet provider Terra is setting up stations where dog owners can deposit Fido's leavings in exchange for free WiFi, broadcast from bone-shaped routers, CNET reports. Need more time online? Give your dog a...

New Source of WiFi: Japanese Vending Machines

And it's totally free

(Newser) - Want some WiFi with that soda? A Japanese soft drink company has unveiled new vending machines that offer a free wireless Internet signal, TechCrunch reports. Users needn't register or even shell out for a drink: They can simply connect to the public signal for 30 minutes, landing on a...

Laptop WiFi May Ruin Sperm

 Laptop WiFi 
 May Ruin 

in case you missed it

Laptop WiFi May Ruin Sperm

But some experts are skeptical

(Newser) - Guys, you may want to keep that laptop at a safe distance. A new study finds that laptops using WiFi may damage sperm, Reuters reports. Scientists put drops of healthy men’s semen under a laptop downloading data; after four hours, a quarter of the sperm had stopped swimming. Only...

West Virginia Town Full of Those Sickened by WiFi

Green Bank residents say they have Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity

(Newser) - Most Americans hate being out of range of a cell phone tower, but not the residents of Green Bank, West Virginia. A growing number of Americans are moving to this mountain town, population 143, specifically because cell phones and WiFi signals are banned there, lest they interfere with the gigantic...

Nook's 3G Version May Be Phased Out
 Nook's 3G Version 
 May Be Phased Out 
tech rumor

Nook's 3G Version May Be Phased Out

Barnes & Noble will keep WiFi-only model, says tech site

(Newser) - Barnes & Noble's Nook e-reader is quite popular —but apparently, just the WiFi-only version. The bookseller is discontinuing the model with 3G, reports Engadget , and apparently will continue sales only until the current stock runs out. The move makes sense, writes Will Shanklin on AndroidCentral.com : Because e-readers require...

Coming Soon? Free WiFi for World's Poor

Ahumanright.org will buy, re-purpose satellite

(Newser) - One NGO has an ambitious New Year's resolution: to reconfigure a commercial satellite in order to offer free, low-speed wireless Internet to poor parts of the world. Ahumanright.org , a Berlin nonprofit, has placed a bid for TerreStar-1, a communications satellite that belongs to a bankrupt company. From TerreStar's perch...

Wi-Fi Killing Trees? Not So Fast

Dutch government agency says 'hold your horses'

(Newser) - Is your Wi-Fi router a menace to local plant life? Dutch scientists say quite possibly—but the Dutch government says quite possibly not. In response to the findings of the study commissioned by the Dutch city of Alphen aan den Rijn, the government's Antenna Agency issued a statement urging caution....

Study Finds that Wifi is Sickening Trees
 Wi-Fi Is Sickening Trees: Study  

Wi-Fi Is Sickening Trees: Study

Finds that Wi-Fi radiation can kill the epidermis of the leaves

(Newser) - The radiation created by Wi-Fi networks is causing significant harm to trees in the Western world, according to a recent study from the Netherlands. Growth abnormalities, bleeding, and cracking of the bark—which cannot be ascribed to a virus or bacterial infection—were found in about 70% of all trees...

Beware 'Free Public WiFi'
 Beware 'Free Public WiFi' 

Beware 'Free Public WiFi'

Rogue network has spread through US

(Newser) - You're stuck in an airport and don't feel like paying $9.95 for Internet access ... but wait! You stumble upon a network called "Free Public WiFi." The heavens are smiling, right? Wrong. Available in thousands of locations across America, "Free Public WiFi" is an "ad hoc"...

Calif. Cafes Unplugging WiFi
 Calif. Cafes Unplugging WiFi 

Calif. Cafes Unplugging WiFi

Coffee shops shouldn't feel like cubicle farms, say owners

(Newser) - California's coffee shops were pioneers in providing free WiFi, but a growing number are starting to pull the plug. Some complain that laptop users taking up space and nursing a single drink all day are killing profits, while others want to keep a friendly vibe in their establishments by having...

NYC Subway to Get Wireless, Cell Service

Australian company revives 3-year-old plan

(Newser) - A plan to bring cellphone and wireless Internet service to New York's subway is set to start after years of delay. The $200 million project was hobbled by the recession but has been made viable again by a large financial commitment from Broadcast Australia, Bloomberg reports. The firm bought a...

Make Starbucks Your Office Without Being a Jerk

Expert tips for using free wireless without irritating others

(Newser) - Now that Starbucks has free WiFi , nothing's keeping you from making the local branch your away-from-home office—except perhaps money and social conventions. Om Malik of GigaOm , a successful startup that incubated at a Starbucks, offers some pointers:
  • Buy something: And not just one tall black coffee per 8-hour shift—

Targeting McDonald's, Starbucks Offers Free Wi-Fi

Unlimited Internet access comes with new content system

(Newser) - Starbucks will offer free unlimited Wi-Fi at its company-owned stores starting July 1. Battered by the recession and the successful challenge mounted by McDonald's, the coffee giant will also plug its customers into customized content—including free access to pay sites like the Wall Street Journal's, Frank James blogs for...

Google Sorry Its Street Cars Snooped Too Much

This won't help its 'Don't Be Evil' mantra

(Newser) - Google has pronounced itself "profoundly sorry" for the revelation that its roving street-map vehicles have been inadvertently collecting data about websites people visit over unprotected WiFi networks. The company says it's ditching the data and fixing the problem. (See its explanation and apology here .) Some early reaction:
  • "

IPad WiFi Is Weak, Users Complain

Apple advises them to move closer to their router

(Newser) - Those lucky few who have managed to buy an iPad are finding to their dismay that its wireless capabilities aren’t all they’re cracked up to be. Complaints over weak WiFi signals, dropped connections, and slow web browsing are flooding into Apple, ComputerWorld reports. As of this afternoon, a...

Man Sensitive to Wi-Fi Sues His Neighbor

Santa Fe resident says her gadgets could kill him

(Newser) - A New Mexico man who says he can’t stand electromagnetic waves bombarding his head has sued his neighbor for not shutting off her wireless gadgets. Arthur Firstenberg claims to have electromagnetic sensitivity, which his lawsuit says produces “life-threatening reactions” and constant pain. As a result, he's now sleeping...

McDonald's Will Offer Free Wi-Fi

Chain will drop $2.95 charge

(Newser) - McDonald's will stop charging for Wi-Fi starting early next year at most of its locations. The chain currently charges $2.95 to connect to the Internet for 2 hours, but will drop the fee at 11,000 of its 14,000 US restaurants. The chain is likely hoping to lure...

Free Holiday Airport WiFi From Google, Microsoft

Fight for market share finds willing fodder in snow-delayed fliers

(Newser) - There’s a new public option in town: free wireless from Google for the holidays. The search giant has partnered to provide WiFi gratis in 47 airports nationwide from now until the middle of January; the generosity even extends to in-flight access on continental Virgin flights, PC World reports. Google...

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