Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

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Mormon Women Protest All-Male Priesthood

But study shows majority of LDS women oppose female ordination

(Newser) - Some 130 women gathered outside the Mormon Temple in Salt Lake City yesterday, after being rejected from a meeting for the faith's all-male priesthood, the Salt Lake Tribune reports. The women, members of the Ordain Women movement in the LDS Church, tried to buy tickets to the event, but...

Utah Train Wreck Survivor Has Cheated Death Twice

Stephen Ward nearly died while undergoing a bone marrow transplant 4 years ago

(Newser) - Seconds before the Spanish train he was aboard lifted off the tracks "like a roller coaster," Mormon missionary Stephen Ward said he glanced up from the journal he was writing in and noticed a backpack tumble from a rack. Moments later, the 18-year-old from Bountiful, Utah, blacked out...

Mormon Offshoot Moves Toward Gay Marriage

Missouri's Community of Christ also recommends ordination of gay people

(Newser) - Another church is poised to change its thinking on gay marriage, this one with Mormon roots. Delegates from the Community of Christ have recommended allowing same-sex marriages in states where they are legal and providing "commitment services" in states where they are not, reports the Kansas City Star . Delegates...

Anti-Romney Billboard Rips Mormon 'Bigotry'

Meanwhile, Ohio takes down voter fraud billboards

(Newser) - Mitt Romney's Mormon faith hasn't been much of an issue this election, but American Atheists is trying to make it one. The group is sending out a mobile billboard reading "No Blacks Allowed (until 1978)" and "No Gays Allowed (Current)" to follow Romney for the next...

Former Kidnap Victim Elizabeth Smart Is Engaged in Utah
 Elizabeth Smart Engaged 

Elizabeth Smart Engaged

Former kidnap victim will get married next summer

(Newser) - Nice news out of Utah: Elizabeth Smart is engaged, reports the Salt Lake Tribune . The 24-year-old BYU senior will marry in the summer, says a spokesman. Don't expect many details about the groom—the Tribune thinks he's a fellow Mormon named Matthew Gilmour—or the wedding. Smart, who...

Pro-Mormon Ads Specifically Skirt Primary States

'I'm a Mormon' ads not running in Iowa, NH, SC

(Newser) - The Mormon Church has stepped up an advertising campaign aimed at overcoming their poor image among many Americans . The ads, which stress that Mormons are regular people, are airing in 21 media markets—but not in the key primary states of Iowa, New Hampshire, and South Carolina. Church officials say...

Poll: Only 42% Know Romney Is a Mormon

Evangelicals only group becoming more aware of his religion

(Newser) - Despite Mitt Romney's religion getting plenty of press—especially when a Rick Perry backer called it a cult —fewer than half of Americans know that he is a Mormon, according to a new poll. The Public Religion Research Institute poll found that 42% correctly identified him as a...

Mormons Stay Neutral in 2012 Race

While aggressively attacking misinformation

(Newser) - With Mormons Mitt Romney and Jon Huntsman in the 2012 presidential hunt, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints has decided to sit out the race—aggressively if necessary, the Wall Street Journal reports. “We not only don’t want to cross the line between religion and...

Utah Grumbles: Huntsman Isn't Mormon-y Enough

Faithful think he's trying to distance himself from LDS church

(Newser) - Jon Huntsman isn't flying his Mormon colors proudly enough for many in Utah, reports Politico . The former governor's decision to put his 2012 headquarters in Florida, coupled with comments perceived as downplaying his faith (he told Time it was "tough to define" whether he was still a...

Mormon Prophecy Fuels Glenn Beck's Message

He invokes message of church's founder about Constitution, writes Dana Milbank

(Newser) - Glenn Beck delivered an "unmistakable signal" to America's Mormons in one of his first appearances on Fox News, when he invoked a well-known prophecy, writes Dana Milbank. Following Obama's election, Beck repeatedly made references to the "Constitution hanging by a thread." While to a non-Mormon, this turn...

Mormon Ad Campaign: 'We're Normal!'

Messages stress that Mormons are regular folks

(Newser) - Mormons are regular people who enjoy things like skateboarding and painting, stresses a bizarre new ad campaign launched in heartland cities. The ads, running in nine cities including Pittsburgh and Minneapolis, each feature a person talking about their jobs, their families, and their interests before declaring: "I'm a Mormon....

Add Kagan, and High Court Won't Have Any Protestants

Court rarely reflects country's faith mix well

(Newser) - If Elena Kagan is confirmed, the Supreme Court will have six Catholics, three Jews, and, for the first time in history, not a single Protestant. That might not seem as important as it used to, but Ed Kilgore of FiveThirtyEight decided to take a quick look at the court's historic...

Mormons Back Salt Lake Gay Rights Law

Church says it won't drop opposition to gay marriage

(Newser) - The Mormon church has come out in support of gay rights legislation for the first time in its history, backing a pair of Salt Lake City ordinances passed yesterday by the city council protecting gays from discrimination in housing and employment. "The church supports these ordinances because they are...

Glenn Beck's Mormonism Is the Apocalyptic Kind

Ties to radical mid-century LDS thought could sully Romney 2012

(Newser) - Most of the media has been understandably wary of tying Glenn Beck’s Mormonism to his jeremiad against President Obama and the enemies of freedom, Adam Reilly writes. And yet, Beck is a clear inheritor of a particular strain of mid-century Mormon political ideology that espoused virulent anti-communism and the...

Rally Slams 'No Kissing' Rule in Mormon Plaza

(Newser) - Gay and straight protesters covered each other in kisses today outside Salt Lake City’s Mormon Temple, USA Today reports. The rally—inspired by a gay couple who were handcuffed and cited Friday for smooching on church property—was organized to condemn the Mormon ban on "offensive, indecent, obscene,...

Mormons Urge Church to Soften Gay-Marriage Stance

Group of dissenters launch campaign urging church to stop its political advocacy

(Newser) - A group of Mormons is campaigning to get the church to cease its aggressive activism against gay marriage, the Salt Lake Tribune reports, with the so-called Committee for Reconciliation calling for church leaders to soften their uncompromising stance on the issue. They say the church’s attitude has helped take...

Gay Marriage Activists Take the Fight to the Mormons

PR throwdown goes nationwide

(Newser) - With the fight over gay marriage moving east, activists in favor of legalization are aiming to discredit a primary opponent: the Mormon Church. Stunned by the effect of Mormon fundraising and canvassing in the passage of California's Proposition 8, two groups are running ads attacking Mormon involvement in the issue,...

Utah Drinkers Get in Touch With Bartenders

New law knocks down barriers, hands-off policy in restaurants

(Newser) - Under a new law that went into effect yesterday, restaurants that sell alcohol no longer need to separate patrons from the people serving them drinks, the Salt Lake Tribune reports. “Not having these barriers is going to save us a lot of time, especially with out-of-state visitors who constantly...

Mormons Posthumously Baptized Obama's Mother

(Newser) - President Obama’s late mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, was baptized by the Church of Latter-day Saints during the campaign last year, Politico reports. The Mormons are investigating the baptism of Dunham—who died in 1995—which a Church ancestry website documents. Posthumous baptism performed without permission has raised problems in...

Big Love Temple Scene Riles Mormons

HBO apologizes for upcoming episode highlighting sacred LDS ceremony

(Newser) - HBO will air an episode of the polygamy drama Big Love depicting a sacred Mormon ceremony despite strong objections from the church, the Salt Lake Tribune reports. The network apologized to Mormons likely to be offended, while the series' creators defended the temple scene, saying it's depicted with reverence, and...

Stories 41 - 60 | << Prev   Next >>