Read the latest NASA news today on

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For NASA's Space Telescope, 'a Real Wow Moment'

James Webb Space Telescope captures its first starlight, plus a selfie

(Newser) - NASA's new space telescope has captured its first starlight and even taken a selfie of its giant gold mirror. All 18 segments of the primary mirror on the James Webb Space Telescope seem to be working properly one and a half months into the mission, officials said Friday, per...

International Space Station's Final Resting Place: Point Nemo

NASA releases updated transition plan

(Newser) - NASA on Tuesday provided an updated International Space Station transition plan —including what will happen when deorbit occurs in 2031. The report states that "based on the ISS structural health analysis performed to date, there is high confidence that ISS life can be further extended through 2030,"...

NASA Crew Has Begun Simulated Mars Trip
Crew Simulates
Stress of Mars Trip

Crew Simulates Stress of Mars Trip

Four volunteers are sealed in a structure at Johnson Space Center

(Newser) - A NASA crew has begun a 45-day trip to Mars, all in a habitat on the ground at the Johnson Space Center in Houston. A volunteer crew of four launched the simulated journey Friday, CNN reports, in an effort to learn about the effects of isolation and confinement during missions....

'We’re One Step Closer to Uncovering the Mysteries of the Universe'

James Webb Space Telescope reaches final orbit

(Newser) - "We're one step closer to uncovering the mysteries of the universe," a jubilant NASA Administrator Bill Nelson said Monday after the James Webb Space Telescope reached its final orbit. "And I can’t wait to see Webb’s first new views of the universe this summer!...

Research Counters 1996 Report on Evidence of Past Life on Mars

Scientists had doubted first claims about meteorite after 1984 discovery

(Newser) - A 4 billion-year-old meteorite from Mars that caused a splash on Earth decades ago contains no evidence of ancient, primitive Martian life after all, scientists reported Thursday. In 1996, a NASA-led team announced that organic compounds in the rock appeared to have been left by living creatures. Other scientists were...

Trend Holds on Warming Planet
Trend Holds
on Warming Planet

Trend Holds on Warming Planet

2021 was the 6th hottest year on record, while the past 8 set a mark

(Newser) - Earth simmered to the sixth-hottest year on record in 2021, according to several newly released temperature measurements. And scientists say the exceptionally hot year is part of a long-term warming trend that shows hints of accelerating, the AP reports. Two US science agencies—NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric...

Saturday Is Christmas for NASA in Another Way, Too
Most Powerful Telescope
in the World Lifts Off

Most Powerful Telescope in the World Lifts Off

The James Webb Space Telescope, successor to the Hubble, launches aboard rocket

(Newser) - Updated: The world's most powerful telescope is on its way to the cosmos. A rocket lifted off Saturday morning with the James Webb Space Telescope, reports the AP . NASA is collaborating with the European and Canadian space agencies on the telescope, and the launch took place from French Guiana....

NASA Spacecraft Officially &#39;Touched&#39; the Sun
'Humanity Has
Touched the Sun' 

'Humanity Has Touched the Sun'

Scientists confirm the Parker Solar Probe flew through the corona

(Newser) - A NASA spacecraft has officially "touched" the sun, plunging through the unexplored solar atmosphere known as the corona. The Parker Solar Probe actually flew through the corona in April during the spacecraft’s eighth close approach to the sun. Scientists said it took a few months to get the...

Think You Can Build a Nuclear Power Plant On the Moon?

If so, NASA would like to hear from you

(Newser) - NASA wants there to be a nuclear power plant on the moon, and it needs your help. The goal is to build a fission reactor within 10 years, and the plan is to get someone else to get it started, the AP reports. In a statement , Battelle Energy Alliance and...

Hey Dimorphos, NASA Is Coming for You
NASA Rocket
Is Now On
Its Way to

NASA Rocket Is Now On Its Way to Dimorphos

Spacecraft has launched on mission to slam into asteroid, knock it off course

(Newser) - Update: NASA's experiment to have a spacecraft smash into an asteroid is underway, but we won't know if it's successful for about a year. The Guardian reports that the SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket, part of the agency's DART mission to slam into the Dimorphos space rock,...

Russia Confirms Space Test, NASA Calls It 'Unconscionable'

Moscow confirms it blew up a satellite, resulting in space debris

(Newser) - Update: Russia has confirmed that it blew up an old satellite in space with a ground-based missile in a test of new technology. NASA issued a scathing condemnation of the test, saying it generated a dangerous amount of space debris, reports NBC News . NASA Administrator Bill Nelson called it "...

NASA: Bezos Lawsuit Has Delayed Return to the Moon

Astronauts won't get there until 2025 at the earliest

(Newser) - NASA says its return to the moon has been pushed back from 2024 until 2025 at the earliest—and a lawsuit from Jeff Bezos' space company is one of the main causes for the delay. "We've lost nearly seven months in litigation, and that likely has pushed the...

Musk Pokes at Bezos After Blue Origin Loses Lawsuit

'You have been judged,' Musk quips

(Newser) - Update: Jeff Bezos' space company has lost a federal lawsuit against NASA over the decision earlier this year to award a lunar lander contract to SpaceX. The US Court of Federal Claims ruled against Blue Origin, which argued in the August lawsuit that NASA disregarded "key flight safety requirements"...

Crew Returning in SpaceX Capsule Must Wear Pee Pads

Toilet issue can't be fixed in Crew Dragon Endeavour capsule docked at the ISS

(Newser) - Update: When four astronauts head home from the International Space Station this month, they'll have to relieve themselves on their person. CNN reports the crew reached the ISS in April, and the SpaceX Crew Dragon Endeavour capsule that has since been waiting to take them home is experiencing the...

Astronauts Dine on 'Best Space Tacos Yet!'

Friday's meal featured ISS' first space-grown Hatch chiles

(Newser) - NASA astronauts dined Friday on tacos with a star ingredient: some of the first chile peppers grown from seed to maturity in space. Astronaut Megan McArthur tweeted a photo of "my best space tacos yet" consisting of fajita beef, rehydrated tomatoes and artichokes and fresh Hatch chile peppers, which...

NASA's Lucy Is Now in the Sky, With Diamonds

Spacecraft is on 12-year mission to explore Jupiter's Trojan asteroids

(Newser) - A NASA spacecraft named Lucy rocketed into the sky with diamonds Saturday on a 12-year quest to explore eight asteroids. Seven of the mysterious space rocks are among swarms of asteroids sharing Jupiter's orbit, thought to be the pristine leftovers of planetary formation. An Atlas V rocket blasted off...

12-Year Asteroid Mission Begins This Weekend

NASA launches 'Lucy' toward Jupiter

(Newser) - Attention asteroid aficionados: NASA is set to launch a series of spacecraft to visit and even bash some of the solar system’s most enticing space rocks. A robotic trailblazer named Lucy is up first, blasting off this weekend on a 12-year cruise to swarms of asteroids near Jupiter—unexplored...

And They're Off: SpaceX Launch Makes History

Inspiration4 mission sends 4 space tourists into orbit

(Newser) - SpaceX’s first private flight blasted off Wednesday night with two contest winners, a health care worker, and their rich sponsor, the most ambitious leap yet in space tourism. It was the first time a rocket streaked toward orbit with an all-amateur crew—no professional astronauts. The Dragon capsule’s...

Perseverance Pays Off: Rock Sample Collected on Mars

Rover had to drive to a second location to get a good sample

(Newser) - NASA’s newest Mars rover has successfully collected its first rock sample for return to Earth, after last month’s attempt came up empty. The Perseverance rover's chief engineer, Adam Steltzner, called it a perfect core sample, per the AP . "I’ve never been more happy to see...

Odds of Asteroid Hitting Earth Inch Higher
Odds on Asteroid
Hit Going Up

Odds on Asteroid Hit Going Up

It's still very unlikely Bennu will strike in the next century

(Newser) - The good news is that scientists have a better handle on asteroid Bennu's whereabouts for the next 200 years. The bad news is that the space rock considered one of the two most hazardous known asteroids in our solar system has a slightly greater chance of clobbering Earth than...

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