
Stories 61 - 80 | << Prev   Next >>

5-Year-Old Saves Diabetic Father's Life

Holly Price found her dad in diabetic coma

(Newser) - A British man who fell into a diabetic coma in the wee hours of Saturday morning has his 5-year-old to thank for his life. Barry Barkess, who has been insulin dependent for 33 years, fell into a hypoglycemic coma shortly after midnight. Daughter Holly Price woke up in the middle...

Cow-Pee Soda: Miracle Cure?
 Cow-Pee Soda: 
 Miracle Cure? 

Cow-Pee Soda: Miracle Cure?

Hindu sect says so

(Newser) - An Indian Hindu group says it has a cure for some "70 to 80 incurable diseases ," but it might not appeal to everyone. The miracle medicine is cow urine—specifically, pee from a virgin female taken before sunrise, LiveScience reports. The head of a cow shelter in northern...

Google Unveils &#39;Smart Contact Lens&#39; for Diabetics
 Google Making Contact Lenses 

Google Making Contact Lenses

Tiny chip, sensor can monitor diabetics' glucose level in tears

(Newser) - After an acquisition that brings it deep into people's homes , Google is getting up close and personal with people's bodies. The latest project from the firm's secretive Google X facility is a "smart" contact lens that monitors the glucose levels of diabetics with a tiny wireless...

Tom Hanks: I Have Diabetes
 Tom Hanks: I Have Diabetes 

Tom Hanks: I Have Diabetes

Reveals type 2 diagnosis to David Letterman

(Newser) - Tom Hanks is looking slimmer these days, and when David Letterman asked him about his weight last night on the Late Show, Hanks offered a surprising revelation: He has type 2 diabetes, the Huffington Post reports. He's been struggling with high blood sugar since age 36, Hanks said, and...

When It Comes to Health, Not All Fruit Created Equal

Blueberries fare best in diabetes study, but fruit juices may make things worse

(Newser) - If you're worried about diabetes, you might want to stock up on blueberries and ditch the fruit juice. That's the upshot of a new study in the British Medical Journal that tracked the eating habits of 180,000 subjects over nearly 30 years. The simplified findings: Those who...

New Culprit in Teen Diabetes? Food Packaging
New Culprit in Teen
Diabetes? Food Packaging

New Culprit in Teen Diabetes? Food Packaging

But findings on BPA and DEHP not conclusive

(Newser) - It might not just be the foods teens are eating that lead to obesity and type 2 diabetes, but the wrappers and cans they come in, two studies published recently in Pediatrics suggest. In one, researchers found that higher levels of DEHP, a phthalate found in processed foods, their packaging,...

Vegetarian? You&#39;ll Probably Live Longer
 You'll Probably 
 Live Longer 
study says

Vegetarian? You'll Probably Live Longer

New study found the meat-free were 12% less likely to die

(Newser) - The latest study giving you a reason to go meatless finds that vegetarians live longer than those who eat meat. Interestingly, the study tracked 73,308 Seventh-day Adventists, because the church promotes vegetarianism, the Wall Street Journal reports. Over the six years participants were tracked, those who didn't eat...

New Hope for Diabetics: Mouse Hormone

Betatrophin helps mice grow insulin-producing cells in pancreas

(Newser) - A lowly mouse hormone holds hope for the country's soaring number of diabetics, a new study finds. It seems that betatrophin can grow new insulin-making beta cells in the pancreas; these are the same cells that are either dead (Type 1) or ineffective (Type 2) in diabetics, reports USA ...

Sugary Drinks Responsible for 180K Deaths ... Per Year

25K of those were obese Americans

(Newser) - As the soda wars rage across the country, a new study finds that 1% of deaths of obese adults around the world can be blamed on sugary drinks, USA Today reports. That tallied up to 180,000 obesity-related deaths linked to an over-consumption of sweetened beverages in 2010; the figure...

Last Year's Diabetes Price Tag: $245B

Soaring diabetes rate is causing costs to climb steeply

(Newser) - As diabetes rates soar across the United States, so too do the costs associated with the disease. The diabetes price tag climbed to $245 billion last year, a 41% increase from the $174 billion spent just five years earlier, reports USA Today . The breakdown of that figure: $176 billion in...

Sugar, Not Obesity, Is Our 'Smoking Gun'

Study conclusively finds that sugar is toxic, declares Mark Bittman

(Newser) - Sugar is "toxic," and is hands-down the biggest problem with the American diet, declares Mark Bittman in the New York Times . He cites a new study that finds increased sugar consumption is linked to increased diabetes rates, regardless of obesity rates. "In other words, according to this...

Diet Soda Bigger Diabetes Threat Than Sugary Stuff
 Diet Soda Bigger 
 Diabetes Threat 
 Than Sugary Stuff 
in case you missed it

Diet Soda Bigger Diabetes Threat Than Sugary Stuff

Scientists find heightened risk among women

(Newser) - Sugar-packed soda has been linked to a boosted diabetes risk—but it turns out the diet version may pose an even bigger threat. Researchers tracked 66,000 French women over 14 years; the volunteers were middle-aged or older when the study began. People who drank 12 ounces of either kind...

Just 3% of Americans Have 'Ideal' Heart Health

On the flip side, only 10% have 'poor' cardiovascular health

(Newser) - How's this for a gloomy stat? Only 3% of Americans have "ideal" heart health, according to a new report from the American Heart Association . Using data collected on 350,000 Americans in 2009, it gathered info on seven major heart-health factors it identified: blood pressure, cholesterol, smoking, BMI,...

Our Too-Fat Nation Needs a &#39;Dietary Seat Belt&#39;
Our Too-Fat Nation Needs
a 'Dietary Seat Belt'
mark bittman

Our Too-Fat Nation Needs a 'Dietary Seat Belt'

Mark Bittman: It's a disgrace we don't regulate food, and nonfood, better

(Newser) - America needs the equivalent of a seat belt law when it comes to nutrition, writes Mark Bittman in the New York Times . By that he means the government must try to prevent people from eating and drinking so much lousy food through soda taxes, bans on trans fats, public-relations campaigns,...

Americans Living Longer, but Also Living Sicker
Americans Living Longer,
but Also Living Sicker
in case you missed it

Americans Living Longer, but Also Living Sicker

Report finds we're increasingly living with chronic illnesses

(Newser) - The good news: A new report shows that Americans are living longer. The bad news: They're doing so while suffering from more chronic illnesses. The 2012 America's Health Rankings find that, while there are fewer heart disease and cancer deaths, there are more people living with obesity, diabetes,...

12% of Mississippians Battling Diabetes
 12% of Mississippians 
 Battling Diabetes 
CDC study

12% of Mississippians Battling Diabetes

All states now top 6% diabetes rate, up from just 3 states in 1995

(Newser) - We certainly aren't getting any healthier: Diabetes rates have soared across the United States since 1995, up 50% in 42 states and more than doubling in 18, reports the AFP . In 1995, only three states had a diabetes rate of 6%, but by 2010 all 50 states topped that...

Cut Diabetes Risk: Drink Tea
 Cut Diabetes Risk: Drink Tea 

Cut Diabetes Risk: Drink Tea

Countries that drink black tea less likely to get diabetes

(Newser) - Care for a spot of type 2 diabetes, luv? No? Then you might want to consider forming a tea habit. A new study analyzing data from 50 countries has concluded that the countries that drank the most black tea also had the lowest type 2 diabetes rates, and lower obesity...

Weight Loss Doesn't Cut Heart Risk for Diabetics

Long-range study ends early after seeing no benefit

(Newser) - Many people with type 2 diabetes are overweight, and most diabetics die from heart disease. So it would follow that if diabetics followed a healthier diet and lost weight, they'd reduce their risk of a heart attack or stroke, right? Turns out, no. A massive long-range study has concluded...

Stroke Victims Getting Younger
 Stroke Victims Getting Younger
study says

Stroke Victims Getting Younger

19% of sufferers are under 55, study finds

(Newser) - There has been an alarming rise in the number of younger people suffering strokes, according to a new study. Researchers studying data from two US states found that the average age of a person suffering their first stroke fell from 71 to 69 between 1993 and 2005, and people under...

Blood Sugar Might Be Shrinking Your Brain

Even high end of normal appears harmful, researcher say

(Newser) - We've all been told sugar rots the teeth—but the brain as well? A new study has linked blood sugar levels even at the high end of normal to shrinkage of parts of the brain involved in memory and emotions, reports ABC . The "robust" link between blood sugar...

Stories 61 - 80 | << Prev   Next >>