Donald Trump

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1st White House Department Quits in Protest of Trump Comments

The President's Committee on the Arts and Humanities is out

(Newser) - The first White House department has resigned in protest of President Trump's comments on neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and Charlottesville, Politico reports. The President's Committee on the Arts and Humanities—which includes actor Kal Penn, as well as artists, authors, and more—sent a letter to Trump Friday announcing...

Trump Spreads False Pig Blood Rumor After Barcelona Attack

He's spoken of it before

(Newser) - President Trump's first public reaction to the Barcelona van attack was to tweet a response: "The United States condemns the terror attack in Barcelona, Spain, and will do whatever is necessary to help. Be tough & strong, we love you!" His second public reaction was to spread...

White House Loses Another Advisory Council

The infrastructure council hadn't even started yet

(Newser) - It's been a bad week for President Trump's various councils. After disbanding his Strategic and Policy Forum and Manufacturing Council on Wednesday in the wake of fallout from his response to white supremacists, neo-Nazis, and Charlottesville, Trump shuttered a third council Thursday before it had even started, the...

McConnell Condemns Statements but Not Trump

'There are no good neo-Nazis'

(Newser) - "There are no good neo-Nazis," Sen. Mitch McConnell said Wednesday. “We can have no tolerance for an ideology of racial hatred," the Hill quotes the Senate majority leader as saying. "Those who espouse their views are not supporters of American ideals and freedoms." McConnell...

Trump Disbands 2 White House Business Councils
Trump Loses
2 WH Business 
Councils Amid
The Rundown

Trump Loses 2 WH Business Councils Amid Criticism

He disbanded them, though one may have beaten him to the punch

(Newser) - President Trump tweeted Wednesday that he's shutting down both his Manufacturing Council and Strategic and Policy Forum "rather than putting pressure on the businesspeople" involved. However, Bloomberg reports the Strategic and Policy Forum had already decided to disband Wednesday in the wake of Trump's comments on neo-Nazis,...

WH Memo: Trump 'Entirely Correct' on Charlottesville

Talking points call on GOP to back what he said about 'both sides' acting 'inappropriately'

(Newser) - Republicans including Paul Ryan and Marco Rubio were quick to speak out against President Trump's comments Tuesday that "both sides" were to blame for the violence in Charlottesville, Va., over the weekend. But that wasn't at all what the White House had planned. A memo of talking...

6 Defections in 2 Days for Trump's Manufacturing Council

Scott Paul says leaving council was 'right thing for me to do'

(Newser) - President Trump's American Manufacturing Council has faced another couple of defections —its fourth, fifth, and sixth in the two days following Trump's widely criticized reaction to white nationalist rallies and violence in Virginia. The Hill reports Scott Paul, president of the Alliance for American Manufacturing, resigned from...

Trump Condemns 'Alt-Left' in Charlottesville Violence

President says anti-white supremacist protesters were 'very, very violent'

(Newser) - President Trump doubled down on Saturday's widely criticized "many sides" statement during a press conference Tuesday at Trump Tower, claiming "there is blame on both sides" in regards to the fatal white supremacist and neo-Nazi rally in Charlottesville, the New York Times reports. Trump had tried to...

Trump Aide Repeatedly Tried to Arrange Russia Meetings: Report

Senior officials were hesitant: WaPo

(Newser) - Snippets of some 20,000 Trump campaign emails handed over to congressional investigators reveal repeated efforts by Russian officials to arrange meetings between Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin, the Washington Post reports. In a half dozen emails sent between March and September 2016, a Trump foreign policy adviser...

As Trump Feels Heat, His Aide Calls Va. Violence 'Terrorism'

President takes flak for not specifically calling out white supremacists

(Newser) - A day after a young woman was killed while protesting against a white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, President Trump's national security adviser, HR McMaster, said the acts of violence committed by racists during the rally meet "the definition of terrorism," the AP reports. On Sunday, McMaster said,...

Trump Hotel in DC Braced for a Loss, Got a Windfall

The first 4 months of the year saw a $1.97M profit

(Newser) - "Some people really want to stay there, and then there's a bunch of people who don't." It's a statement that could be applied to pretty much any hotel, but it has special meaning in this case. The hotel the analyst is referring to is the...

Trump Makes Bold Claim About US Nuclear Arsenal
Trump Makes
Bold Claim About
US Nuclear Arsenal
the rundown

Trump Makes Bold Claim About US Nuclear Arsenal

Claims his order made it 'more powerful than ever'

(Newser) - President Trump doesn't appear to be heeding calls to end his rhetoric in regard to North Korea. In a pair of tweets, he boasted about America's nuclear prowess. "My first order as President was to renovate and modernize our nuclear arsenal," he tweeted . "It is...

Newsweek Goes Viral With Cover of 'America's Boy King'

'I wonder if he will hang this in his club house'

(Newser) - Salon calls it "one of the harshest covers about Donald Trump yet," and the Boston Globe says it's "stunning" but "not in a good way." The cover for the new issue of Newsweek—on newsstands Aug. 11—depicts President Trump in a recliner...

Trump's Jobs Tweet Violates Federal Rule

And it's not the first time

(Newser) - President Trump has violated a federal rule—again. On Friday, the president tweeted : "Excellent Jobs Numbers just released - and I have only just begun. Many job stifling regulations continue to fall. Movement back to USA!" The problem, according to CNN , is that Trump's tweet came just...

Mueller Forms Grand Jury in Russia Investigation: Report

Experts say that means the investigation into Trump, others is ramping up

(Newser) - Experts say Robert Mueller's investigation into President Trump, his associates, and Russia shows no sign of wrapping up, with sources telling the Wall Street Journal the special counsel has impaneled a grand jury in Washington DC. Grand juries allow prosecutors to subpoena documents, have witnesses testify under oath, and...

Leaking Trump's Phone Calls Is 'Shocking and Dangerous'

Everything you need to know about the leaked transcripts

(Newser) - The transcripts of President Trump's conversations with the leaders of Mexico and Australia leaked to the Washington Post are giving Americans insight into Trump's negotiating style and how he's relating to America's allies, but David Frum at the Atlantic writes the leak of the transcripts is...

Transcripts of Trump's Calls to Leaders Leak

The conversations weren't exactly friendly

(Newser) - If only Anthony Scaramucci were still around to lash out at this leak: The Washington Post has obtained classified transcripts of President Trump's initial phone calls with the leaders of Mexico and Australia, produced by White House staff in January. (See them in full here .) Among the highlights:...

Comey to Dish on Trump in Upcoming Book

It will explore 'what good, ethical leadership looks like'

(Newser) - James Comey isn't done discussing his unusual tenure under President Trump. The former FBI director has signed a $2 million deal for a book that will explore "what good, ethical leadership looks like and how it drives sound decisions," publisher Flatiron Books tells NPR . That will mean...

Black Cops Respond to Trump: 'We Are Not Thugs'

DEA chief says president 'condoned police misconduct'

(Newser) - "We are not thugs. We are professionals," says the leader of a black policing group, addressing a speech in which President Trump urged officers to not be "too nice" when arresting suspects. Perry Tarrant of the National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives met with AG Jeff...

White House: Trump Helped With Son's Russia Statement

'Like any father would'

(Newser) - Seemingly contradicting the president's own lawyer, Sarah Huckabee Sanders said Tuesday that President Trump "weighed in" on his son's misleading statement regarding a 2016 meeting with a Russian attorney, Politico reports. Trump's lawyer, Jay Sekulow, has said Trump "was not involved in the drafting of...

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