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Nokia Gets 4G Lunar Contract
Nokia Gets 4G Lunar Contract

Nokia Gets 4G Lunar Contract

NASA wants a cellular network up there

(Newser) - To the moon, Alice! And call me when you get there. Yes, NASA is giving Nokia $14.1 million to install a cellular network on that big rock in the sky, Mashable reports. The idea is to deploy a 4G/LTE network—and later move to 5G—to "support lunar...

NASA Releases New Lunar Code of Conduct

Fighting, littering will not be allowed on the moon

(Newser) - NASA’s new moonshot rules: No fighting and littering. And no trespassing at historic lunar landmarks like Apollo 11's Tranquility Base. The space agency released a set of guidelines Tuesday for its Artemis moon-landing program, based on the 1967 Outer Space Treaty and other agreements., the AP reports. So...

Jaws Drop at NASA: The Moon Is Rusty
Jaws Drop
at NASA:
The Moon
Is Rusty
in case you missed it

Jaws Drop at NASA: The Moon Is Rusty

'At first, I totally didn't believe it'

(Newser) - Rust, on the moon? Scientists say they were shocked to find it lurking on the moon's polar surfaces, reports. "At first, I totally didn't believe it. It shouldn't exist based on the conditions present on the moon," says NASA scientist Abigail Fraeman, co-author...

NASA Patents Cheaper Way to Reach the Moon

New course is for small, unmanned missions

(Newser) - One of NASA's newest patents is about something laymen might not have thought was necessary—a map to the moon. But as the Observer reports, the newly patented route is designed for small, unmanned scientific missions. And it will not only save money, it will allow those missions to...

The Moon&#39;s Lava Tubes Can Fit Entire Cities
The Moon's Lava Tubes
Might Fit Entire Cities
new study

The Moon's Lava Tubes Might Fit Entire Cities

Imagine a tunnel that fits Dubai's Burj Khalifa. Now that's big.

(Newser) - Looks like Mars and the moon contain huge lava tubes that offer protection from solar radiation and meteors—which makes them possible homes for future explorers, LiveScience reports. A new paper says Martian tunnels appear to range from 130 to 1,300 feet in diameter, while the moon's are...

Moon May Be Younger Than We Thought
Researchers Revise
Age of the Moon
new study

Researchers Revise Age of the Moon

Study takes 85M years off its age

(Newser) - It's not such a huge change in the cosmic scheme of things, but researchers say the moon is millions of years younger than we thought. Specifically, a new model laid out in Science Advances pegs its creation at 4.425 billion years ago instead of the generally accepted figure...

For When You Go to the Moon, and You've Got to Go

NASA offers prize money for a better toilet design

(Newser) - We don't know where or when NASA does its best thinking, but at some point recently, the agency decided there might be a better idea for a toilet to use in space. One that works on the surface of the moon would be especially helpful. So it's asking...

As Nations Eye Mining Moon, the 'Artemis Accords' Emerges

Trump administration reportedly creates international pact on moon bases, resource mining

(Newser) - The Trump administration is reportedly working on an international agreement that would lay out ground rules for moon bases and lunar mining. The Artemis Accords, named for NASA's new Artemis moon program, proposes having "safety zones" around a country's moon base. "The idea is if you...

Own a Chunk of the Moon—for a Price

Big rock up for sale at Christie's for $2.5M

(Newser) - Rich space enthusiasts who can't get a seat on a rocket now can settle for having space come to them. Christie's has a chunk of the moon for sale, and it's valued at $2.5 million, reports Reuters . The lunar meteorite (designated formally as NWA 12691) weighs...

How Trump's Moon Plan Might Actually Pan Out

There really are plans to mine the moon

(Newser) - President Trump issued an executive order last month allowing US companies to mine the moon, but—is this really possible? Sure enough, Popular Mechanics lays out enough of the science, current projects, and history of moon-mining enthusiasm to make it seem real. "We've just been moving in a...

Trump Order: US Should Mine Moon for Minerals

This 'order establishes US policy toward the recovery and use of space resources'

(Newser) - President Trump issued an executive order Monday urging the US to mine the moon, and possibly other celestial bodies, for minerals, the Guardian reports. "Americans should have the right to engage in commercial exploration, recovery, and use of resources in outer space," says the order, which notes that...

Here Comes the &#39;Pink&#39; Moon
Here Comes the 'Pink' Moon

Here Comes the 'Pink' Moon

Tuesday's full moon will be brightest of the year

(Newser) - Everyone stuck at home Tuesday night will at least have something to look at in the sky: a "pink" supermoon will be on the rise, reports Smithsonian . The bad news is that the full moon won't actually be pink, though it will have a golden hue when it'...

Astronauts&#39; Urine May Be Handy on the Moon
Astronauts' Urine May Be
Handy on the Moon
new study

Astronauts' Urine May Be Handy on the Moon

Scientists say it could be mixed with lunar soil to help build shelters

(Newser) - In the fictional world, Matt Damon used his own poop to grow potatoes on Mars. In the real world, scientists just figured out another way human waste—in this case, urine—could benefit future astronauts. Their new study suggests astronauts could build shelters with lunar soil and human urine, reports...

We&#39;re About to Be Spoiled With Supermoons
The Worm Moon Is Coming

The Worm Moon Is Coming

March's supermoon to be followed by two more in April and May

(Newser) - The first of a consecutive trio of supermoons arrives Monday. The March supermoon—a full moon that nears the closest point to Earth in its oval-shaped orbit, appearing up to 14% bigger and 30% brighter than when at its farthest point—is dubbed the worm or sap moon. That's...

Earth's Gravity Catches 'Another Moon'

Scientists call it a 'minimoon'

(Newser) - Take a gander at the stars, and you might spot ... no, you won't. It's way too small. But scientists say Earth likely has another moon—at least for now—that's no bigger than a car, New Scientist reports. Astronomers at the Catalina Sky Survey in Arizona noticed...

NASA Finds Debris From India Moon Lander
NASA Finds
Moon Lander
Crash Site

NASA Finds Moon Lander Crash Site

'Despite the loss, getting that close to the surface was an amazing achievement'

(Newser) - NASA said Tuesday that it has found the debris from India's moon lander, which crashed on the lunar surface in September. The US space agency released a photo showing the site of the lander's impact and the debris field, crediting an Indian engineer for helping locate the site....

We're Getting a Harvest Moon on Friday the 13th

That's a fairly rare occurrence

(Newser) - If you're one of those people who starts getting excited for all things autumn and Halloween as soon as Labor Day is over, this should get you really excited: This year's harvest moon occurs Friday, which just so happens to be Friday the 13th. The harvest moon is...

Indian Moon Mission That Much Closer to Touchdown

The landing module has separated from the orbiter

(Newser) - The landing module of India's unmanned moon mission separated from the orbiter on Monday ahead of its planned touchdown on the moon's south polar region this weekend, the space agency said. All the systems of orbiter and the lander are "healthy," the Indian Space Research Organization...

India Launches Landmark Moon Mission

It would be first to land on the south pole

(Newser) - Liftoff. India launched an unmanned rocket to the moon on Monday, a week after a last-minute technical glitch forced scientists there to abort the mission. If all goes well, this mission will be the first to land on the lunar south pole, reports the BBC . India will send down a...

4 Things Armstrong and Aldrin Left Behind

Some of it is nice (messages of hope!), some not so much (human waste)

(Newser) - When Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin departed the moon, they left more than 100 things behind. In honor of the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 lunar landing this weekend, Florida Today has a list of seven of the most interesting. A sampling:
  • Tributes: A patch from the Apollo 1

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