kidney transplant

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It's OK, You Can Safely Donate a Kidney
It's OK, You Can
Safely Donate a Kidney

It's OK, You Can Safely Donate a Kidney

'The last decade has become a lot more safe in the operating room for living donors,' says study co-author

(Newser) - People who volunteer to donate a kidney face an even lower risk of death than doctors have long thought, researchers reported Wednesday. The study tracked 30 years of living kidney donation and found that by 2022, fewer than 1 in every 10,000 donors died within three months of the...

Transplant Patient Loses Her Pig Kidney
Woman Who Received
Pig Kidney Has Died

Woman Who Received Pig Kidney Has Died

Lisa Pisano of New Jersey praised for her decision to have the procedure

(Newser) - A New Jersey woman who received a pig kidney transplant has died in hospice care, reports the AP . Lisa Pisano, 54, underwent the novel surgery in April, though she had to have the kidney removed earlier this month. "Lisa helped bring us closer to realizing a future where someone...

He Just Got a New Kidney, No Anesthesia or Opioids Needed

John Nicholas underwent an 'awake' transplant surgery at Northwestern: 'Very surreal'

(Newser) - Usually, a kidney transplant patient at Northwestern Memorial Hospital spends two to three days after the procedure recuperating in the Chicago medical center before being sent home. John Nicholas was back in his own bed the next day, partly thanks to surgeons operating on him using an uncommon "awake"...

Former NBA Star Is Waiting for a Kidney
Former NBA Star Is
Waiting for a Kidney

Former NBA Star Is Waiting for a Kidney

Slam dunk champ Nate Robinson opens up to Men's Health about his fight to survive

(Newser) - Nate Robinson's 10-year NBA career was gravity-defying. He holds the record for the most All-Star Game Slam Dunk Contest wins, taking the title in 2006, 2009, and 2010 as a New York Knick. Standing at only 5-foot-9 (the average player height today is 6-foot-6.5 inches), he soared above...

Patient Dies 2 Months After Breakthrough Transplant

Richard Slayman received a genetically modified pig kidney

(Newser) - The first recipient of a genetically modified pig kidney transplant has died nearly two months after he underwent the procedure, his family and the hospital that performed the surgery said Saturday. Richard Slayman had the transplant at Massachusetts General Hospital in March at age 62. Surgeons said they believed the...

Her Kidneys, Heart Were Failing. A Novel Approach Saved Her

Lisa Pisano is first to get heart pump then organ transplant—in her case, from a pig

(Newser) - "We're in a new universe in transplantation," Dr. Robert Montgomery of the transplant institute at NYU Langone Health said Wednesday. He announced that a New Jersey woman is the second living person to receive a gene-edited pig kidney, mere weeks after the first . Lisa Pisano, 54, of...

Doctor Accused of Thwarting Patients' Transplants

J. Steve Bynon Jr. oversees abdominal transplants at Texas' Memorial Hermann

(Newser) - The surgeon who's led the abdominal transplant program at Memorial Hermann-Texas Medical Center in Houston since 2011 is accused of altering records to potentially deny patients a shot at a life-saving liver. The hospital abruptly shut down its liver and kidney transplant programs in recent days after the doctor,...

First Recipient of Pig Kidney Transplant Heads Home

Doctors say the organ is performing well

(Newser) - The first person to have a pig kidney transplanted into his body was on Wednesday discharged from Massachusetts General Hospital. Rick Slayman, 62, who underwent the transplant about two weeks ago, will continue to recover at home, CBS News reports. "This moment—leaving the hospital today with one of...

One Solution to Shortage: Let People Sell a Kidney

Dylan Walsh suggests one way to reduce the number of patients who die waiting for a transplant

(Newser) - Thousands of American die each year waiting for a kidney transplant. Without improvements in disease prevention and other changes, the National Kidney Foundation estimates, more than 1 million people will be dealing with kidney failure by 2030. So there's a need for kidneys, and Dylan Walsh writes in an...

In a First, 62-Year-Old Man Gets a Gene-Edited Pig Kidney

Doctors say organ should be good for at least two years

(Newser) - Doctors in Boston have transplanted a pig kidney into a 62-year-old patient, the latest experiment in the quest to use animal organs in humans. Massachusetts General Hospital said Thursday that it's the first time a genetically modified pig kidney has been transplanted into a living person, per the AP...

He Went to the Doctor, Learned Someone Took His Kidney

Police say they busted an illegal organ harvesting ring in Pakistan

(Newser) - It sounds as sketchy as it does illegal: Police in Pakistan say they've busted an organ harvesting ring that carried out operations assisted by a car mechanic who handled the anesthesia. Dr. Fawad Mukhtar has been arrested along with the mechanic and six others. CNN reports they stand accused...

Pig Kidney Has Been Working in a Human for 32 Days

The patient in question is brain-dead

(Newser) - Maurice Miller is brain-dead, but the 57-year-old is being kept alive so doctors at NYU Langone Health in New York City can study his kidney—which was transplanted from a pig. The organ has been producing urine and filtering toxins since July 14, meaning 32 days. That's far longer...

7 Years After Saving Man, She Saves His Daughter

It's 'just what we should do,' paramedic Kristi Hadfield says of kidney donation

(Newser) - A week before she was gifted a life-saving kidney, Molly Jones finally met the woman who'd saved her father's life—and was now about to save her own. In 2016, paramedic Kristi Hadfield had been accompanying a military veteran who was feeling unwell to a hospital when his...

Man Set to Die in 8 Days Wants to Donate Kidney First

Lawyers for Ramiro Gonzales request that his execution be delayed

(Newser) - Ramiro Gonzales is scheduled to be put to death in Texas this month, but he's asking to push that date out so that he has time to first donate a kidney. The Guardian reports the 39-year-old shot and killed 18-year-old Bridget Townsend in 2001 and has been on death...

Teen's 'Lifesaving' Transplant Hinges on Parents' Vax Stance

They argue hospital vaccination requirement violates their religious beliefs

(Newser) - Parents of a Michigan teen are asking a judge to overturn a hospital's requirement that their daughter be vaccinated against COVID-19 before receiving a "lifesaving" kidney transplant. The 17-year-old girl known by her initials "AC," has only one kidney, stage-three chronic kidney disease, and end-stage renal...

Transplant From Deceased COVID Patient Was a Success

Kidney was taken from 30-year-old woman who died from COVID complications

(Newser) - Surgeons say they have successfully transplanted an organ from a patient who died from COVID-19 complications, potentially opening the door to many more such transplants. Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine researchers, writing in the American Journal of Transplantation , say a kidney was taken from a 30-year-old woman who died...

Unvaccinated Man Needing Transplant: 'I Will Die Free'

Chad Carswell says he is willing to die over vaccine stance

(Newser) - A North Carolina man says more than 100 people have offered to donate a kidney to him. The number of local hospitals willing to carry out the surgery stands closer to zero. That's due to Chad Carswell's unvaccinated status. The double amputee says his kidney is 4% operational...

It's Another Big Milestone on Organ Transplants

In test, doctors give kidneys from genetically altered pig to brain-dead patient

(Newser) - It's the second big success story this month in regard to a potentially huge shift in the field of organ transplants. Doctors in Alabama transplanted the kidneys of a genetically altered pig to a brain-dead recipient, reports the New York Times . The surgeries took place in September, and the...

For 54 Hours, a Pig's Kidney Worked Normally in a Human

It's a major breakthrough, says the surgeon who performed the transplant

(Newser) - More than 100,000 Americans are on an organ transplant list, and roughly 9 out of every 10 of them are waiting for a kidney—which makes this "breakthrough" such a huge one. Surgeons at NYU Langone Health say they successfully managed to transplant a kidney that was grown...

Unvaccinated Woman Denied Kidney Transplant

UCHealth says COVID poses 'extreme risk' to transplant patients

(Newser) - A Colorado woman with stage 5 renal failure says she had a kidney donor lined up—but was told by the health system that the transplant wasn't going to happen unless both parties were vaccinated against COVID-19. Leilani Lutani says she hasn't been vaccinated because there are "...

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