time zones

16 Stories

Greenlanders Embrace an 'Exciting New Beginning'

World's largest island opts to stick with daylight saving time for good, with no more clock moving

(Newser) - Residents of Greenland moved their clocks forward this past weekend and switched to daylight saving time for the very last time. Unlike most of Europe, Greenlanders will leave their clocks untouched come autumn when daylight saving time ends. While Europe and the US debate whether to stick to the twice-yearly...

Kim Jong Un Makes Symbolic Move With Clocks

North changes its time zone to match the South's

(Newser) - North Korea readjusted its time zone to match South Korea's on Saturday and described the change as an early step toward helping the longtime rivals "become one" following a landmark summit. North Korean leader Kim Jong Un promised to sync his country's time zone with the South'...

Winter Is Coming, and 2 States Are Dreaming of a New Time Zone

Massachusetts, Maine thinking about joining Puerto Rico in Atlantic time zone

(Newser) - In his first winter in Massachusetts after moving from Washington, DC, Tom Emswiler's heart sank along with the sun at the unconscionably early hour of 4:11pm. "You can imagine my horror," the public health advocate tells NBC News . Now Emswiler is part of a commission studying...

New England Wants to Dump the Clock Change

Lawmakers contemplating ditching daylight saving switch, joining Atlantic Standard Time

(Newser) - New England really wants to get ahead—by one hour. The New York Times reports on the movement that's afoot in that region for some states to transition permanently to the Atlantic Standard Time zone, ignoring the changing of the clocks that takes place at the start and end...

Flying East Is a Pain for Your Brain

 Flying East Is a 
 Pain for Your Brain 

Flying East Is a Pain for Your Brain

Biological clock prefers a longer day achieved by flying west: study

(Newser) - A flight from Paris to New York is easier on the brain than one from New York to Paris, according to a new study that finds jet lag is based not only on distance traveled, but also the direction of travel. In the journal Chaos , researchers from the University of...

North Korea Quits Time Zone of 'Wicked Imperialists'

Country will switch to Pyongyang Time next week

(Newser) - What time it is in Korea will soon depend on which side of the DMZ you are on. North Korea says is abandoning the time zone imposed on it by "wicked Japanese imperialists" in 1910 and creating its own time zone, 8.5 hours ahead of GMT and 30...

Tennessee Considers Eternal Daylight Savings Time

Proposal for permanent Daylight Savings Time called a 'wangdanger'

(Newser) - Tennessee might be done turning its clocks back. The state's House State Government Subcommittee has approved a bill that would end the practice of adjusting the clocks twice a year, effective this summer, effectively giving the state permanent Daylight Savings Time, the Knoxville News Sentinel reports. "It will...

Spain Mulls the Unthinkable: Short Siestas, Reset Clocks

Nation considers aligning with its neighbors

(Newser) - In Spain, grappling with economic crisis could require a major cultural shift. Activists are pushing to align the country's schedule with its neighbors, an effort that would require cutting daily siestas—including lunch and a nap—to just an hour. On top of that, the campaigners would turn the...

The US Only Needs Two Time Zones
 The US Needs Only 
 Two Time Zones 

The US Needs Only Two Time Zones

Allison Schrager wants to end Daylight Savings Time, and then some

(Newser) - On Sunday, Americans will turn their clocks back, an annoying, confusing, and arguably harmful annual ritual. We should stop all this clock-switching, Allison Schrager at Quartz argues, and she's got an ambitious plan for how: People on Eastern time should turn back their clocks as normal, while people on...

Who Has the Biggest New Year's Eve?

China and the rest of its time zone, with its more than 1B people

(Newser) - If you're looking to celebrate New Year's Eve with a whole bunch of other people, head to China. The time zone that includes China plus Taiwan, Hong Kong, the Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei, Timor, and parts of Siberia, Indonesia, and Australia must have at least 1.5 billion...

Samoa Skipping Dec. 30
 Samoa Skipping Dec. 30 

Samoa Skipping Dec. 30

Pacific nation cancels day to cross date line

(Newser) - If you've got an appointment this Friday in Samoa, better reschedule. The Pacific island nation has decided it wants to be on the other side of the international date line and is canceling this year's Dec. 30 to get there, AP reports. For the country's 186,000...

Rapture Isn't Tomorrow—It Starts Tonight

6pm May 21 arrives at International Dateline at 11pm PST

(Newser) - Set your clocks folks, the rapture is at 6pm sharp tomorrow. So sayeth Harold Camping, the 89-year-old preacher whose Family Radio group is behind all those billboards you’ve been seeing. But wait, Tina Dupuy of the Atlantic asks, is that Eastern or Pacific? Both, Camping replies: God will courteously...

In China's West, Muslims Keep Their Own Time

(Newser) - There are two time zones in Kashgar, China, and they’re two hours apart. Which you follow depends not on geographic location, but on ethnic identity. The town’s dominant Muslim Uighur minority refuses to set its clocks by China’s single, standardized time, instead using the same wacky, sun-based...

To Beat Jet Lag, Skip Airline Food

Fasting can help reset your internal clock, study says

(Newser) - Jet lag can be beaten—if passengers avoid airline food, new research suggests. The timing of meals has a profound effect on the body's internal rhythms, and passengers who go without for a while—keeping the body's "food-related clock" in check—can dodge much of the exhausting effects of...

Chavez Calls Time for Venezuela
Calls Time
for Venezuela

Chavez Calls Time for Venezuela

President orders country's clocks to make 30-minute shift

(Newser) - In an apparent move by Hugo Chavez to thumb his nose at Washington, Venezuela turned back the clock for good yesterday. The shift creates a single-nation time zone 4 hours and 30 minutes behind Greenwich Mean Time. Supporters of the move say waking up earlier will boost productivity, but others...

Chavez Hands Nation New Time Zone
Chavez Hands Nation New Time Zone

Chavez Hands Nation New Time Zone

Setting clocks back 30 minutes will 'condition brains'

(Newser) - Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez plans to bump clocks in his nation back half an hour next month to add daylight to citizens' lives and create "a more fair distribution of the sunrise," Reuters reports. The change will particularly help poor children who wake up before dawn to go...

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