
Stories 21 - 40 | << Prev   Next >>

Marriage Counselor Sued for Telling Hubby to Cheat

New York couple wants $8M

(Newser) - A New York marriage counselor’s unorthodox methods apparently include telling his clients to cheat—and now he’s being sued by one couple he "treated." Guido Venitucci and Heather Aldridge paid $300 a week for 11 years to see counselor Jeffrey Mechanic—even though he was allegedly...

Wives Say Dogs Listen Better Than Husbands
Wives Say
Dogs Listen Better Than Husbands
in case you missed it

Wives Say Dogs Listen Better Than Husbands

1 in 3 would rather talk to their pet

(Newser) - A third of married women with pets consider their animals to be better listeners than their husbands, an AP poll found. And it's not just women who reach out for furry support—18% of men say their pets are better listeners than their wives. "You definitely feel much more...

Ringtone Cures Hay Fever: Japanese Co.

'Ringtone therapy' with cellphones treats obesity, too

(Newser) - Japan has had multifunction smartphones longer than the rest of the world, but one feature is new even to the cellphone-loving Japanese: a ringtone that cures hay fever. The offering from Japan Ringing Tone Laboratory—which also sells a gizmo that purports to be a dog-to-human translator—is designed to...

Group Urges Docs to Prescribe Meditation

 Group Urges 
 Docs to 

better than antidepressants

Group Urges Docs to Prescribe Meditation

'Mindfulness' effective in preventing relapse

(Newser) - The best prescription for recurrent depression isn't pills or talk therapy, it's "mindfulness"—a combination of meditation, yoga, and breathing techniques that empties the mind of negative thoughts. So claims a UK mental health organization so impressed by its effectiveness in combating chronic depression that they're urging doctors...

Medicaid Kids Given Antipsychotics 4X More

Seen as most effective treatment; counseling often goes by wayside

(Newser) - Kids on Medicaid rolls are prescribed antipsychotic drugs at an eye-popping rate four times that of kids with private insurance, federal data show, underlining how pills rather than counseling are often seen as the most efficient way to deal with underprivileged children. And not only are Medicaid kids receiving more...

Speed Shrinking Offers Quicker Fixes

... And promotes shrinks' books, in 180-second encounters

(Newser) - Freud must be shuddering in his grave, but that doesn't bother Susan Shapiro, the author of Speed Shrinking and the cheerful organizer of speed-dating-style therapy sessions for New Yorkers. On a recent evening, 200 talk-therapy-seekers stood in line at a lecture hall for their turn to spill their problems and...

German Doc Probed in Poison Death of 2 in Therapy

12 rushed to local hospital during session

(Newser) - A German doctor was being investigated today for possible homicide after two patients in his therapy group died of poisoning, reports AP. Twelve others were rushed to a local hospital after one called emergency services. One is in a coma. The doctor has admitted giving his patients various drugs and...

First US Internet Addiction Rehab Center Opens

For $14,500, reStart offers therapy, socialization

(Newser) - The first US Internet addiction clinic has opened in Fall City, Wash. The Heavensfield Retreat Center offers “reStart,” a 45-day in-patient rehab program for Internet, video game, and texting addictions, LiveScience reports. Clients undergo talk therapy and social skills training, as well as feeding goats, raising chickens, and...

Jon & Kate Hit Therapy; Cameras May Follow

Tab claims counseling will be shown on reality show

(Newser) - How will Jon & Kate Plus 8 deal with the rampant cheating rumors following its husband-wife team when the show’s next season premieres Monday? By broadcasting their therapy sessions, the National Enquirer reports. Kate Gosselin at first refused counseling, but she also “wants a future in showbiz, and...

5 Signs of Facebook Addiction
 5 Signs of Facebook Addiction 

5 Signs of Facebook Addiction

(Newser) - If you're ignoring your kid or getting divorced because of Facebook—it's happened—you might have a problem. CNN outlines five telltale signs of Facebook addiction.
  • Losing sleep: If you're tired every morning because of late-night-friending, take a break, a UCLA psychologist advises: "You shouldn't be neglecting yourself because

American Psyche Shows Recession Stress Fractures

70% fear family income loss

(Newser) - Depression is up as the US economy proceeds downward, but many of those complaining are not actually facing financial problems—they simply fear they could. “Even if you do everything right, something bad can happen to you,” says a woman whose doctor prescribed therapy. Polls find the economy...

Group Therapy Gains on Couch in Recession

(Newser) - Increasingly, having a couch to yourself is just too pricey. Group therapy is catching on as people look for a cheaper alternative to one-on-one sessions, the Wall Street Journal reports. And despite the One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest stigma it often endures, participants swear by it. “Group...

Parkinson's Treatment Shows Promise in Mice

(Newser) - Potential good news for Parkinson's patients: An experimental treatment on mice that involves implanting electrodes on the spinal cord had great success, Reuters reports. Mice that received the so-called stimulator were able to move more easily. Human trials are expected to start next year, and they could lead the way...

Madonna Searches for Softer Side

Pop queen is in therapy

(Newser) - The Material Girl is in therapy, reports the Daily Mirror. Madonna has started counseling sessions with—of course—a Kabbalah center rabbi, in an effort to “tweak her tikkun.” In English? The famously controlling pop star wants to be “less domineering.” Along those lines, she had...

Drug Abuse Rising Among US Soldiers

Military struggles to keep up with demand for substance-abuse counseling

(Newser) - US soldiers are testing positive for drugs in record numbers even as the number of Army counselors shrinks, USA Today reports. This year 2.38% of troops tested positive during routine urine screens, up from 1.74% in 2004, and more than 7,000 soldiers were sent to counseling for...

Squabbling LiLo and Sam Get Counseling

Pair 'fighting like cats and dogs, sources tell Page Six

(Newser) - Vicious spats between Lindsay Lohan and galpal Sam Ronson have led the pair to seek couples counseling, a source tells the New York Post. They’re “fighting like cats and dogs,” the insider said. “Sam and Lindsay are still very much together and very much in love,...

Group Therapy Linked to Cancer Survival

Study finds improved survival rates among breast cancer patients

(Newser) - Group therapy has been linked to improved survival rates among female participants with breast cancer, a new study has found. Findings appear to support the decades-old, controversial claim that psychological therapy can help cancer patients not only feel better emotionally, but survive longer and fight off recurrences of the disease,...

Brain Pacemakers May Revolutionize Treatment

(Newser) - The precise application of electricity to certain areas of the brain—the same principles a pacemaker uses for the heart—is showing promise for people with an array of illnesses such as Parkinson's, severe depression, epilepsy, and Alzheimer's, the Chicago Tribune reports. The treatment, called deep brain stimulation, remains in...

Therapists See New Disorders in Mega-Rich

Today's wealthy are too narcissistic to be depressed, say shrinks

(Newser) - These days the rich in America are richer than ever—but with more money come more problems, from fears of inadequacy to neurotic consumption. To help them with their troubles, these titans of Wall Street or K Street call upon a small group of therapists who make a specialty of...

'Virtual Iraq' Helps Vets Face Stress

Treatment drags soldiers back to moments of crisis

(Newser) - Therapists are plunging US war veterans back into the horrors of battle—as therapy. A virtual reality treatment is helping them cope with post-traumatic stress disorder by returning them to scarring events until their shock value wanes. "When the ground starts vibrating and you smell smoke and hear the...

Stories 21 - 40 | << Prev   Next >>