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US Gets First Ebola Patient
 US Gets First Ebola Patient 

US Gets First Ebola Patient

American doctor who got sick in Africa arrives in US for treatment

(Newser) - Ebola has arrived in the US, though in a carefully controlled manner. A plane carrying one of two Americans who contracted the disease in Africa arrived at a military air base near Atlanta this morning, reports the Journal-Constitution . The AP says the patient is 33-year-old doctor Kent Brantly, though hygienist...

Americans With Ebola Coming Home on Private Jet

Kent Brantly, Nancy Writebol will be treated in Atlanta

(Newser) - Two American aid workers seriously ill with Ebola will be brought from West Africa to Atlanta for treatment in one of the most tightly sealed isolation units in the country, officials said today. One is expected to arrive tomorrow, and the other a few days later, according to Atlanta's...

US Doctor With Ebola Turns Down Serum ...

... so it can go to his colleague instead

(Newser) - The hopeful news for two American charity workers stricken with Ebola in Liberia is that an experimental serum turned up yesterday. The wrenching part is that there was only enough for one of them. That's when Texas doctor Kent Brantly, one of the two ailing Americans, asked that it...

Here's What Would Happen if Ebola Infiltrated US

Experts say chances of outbreak here are 'remote' if we follow protocol

(Newser) - Should Americans be worried about the Ebola outbreak? The CDC tells the AP that chances are "remote" the disease will get to the US, and an expert who spoke to National Geographic says that even if the virus does make it here, "it's unlikely that we would...

Peace Corps Evacuates Its Workers Over Ebola

2 Americans in isolation as a precaution because of contact with infected person

(Newser) - The Peace Corps is evacuating its volunteers from the three nations in West Africa hit hard by the Ebola epidemic, reports CNN . The 340 Americans will be returning to the US from Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Guinea as the outbreak worsens. In fact, two Peace Corps workers must remain behind...

'Hero' Ebola Doctor Dies; US Physician Is 'Grave'

Disease threatens to spread to Africa's most populous nation, Nigeria

(Newser) - Dr. Sheik Umar Khan, one of the leading doctors fighting Sierra Leone's Ebola outbreak, died today of the virus in yet another high-profile casualty , reports the BBC . The death of the man hailed by the government as a "national hero" comes as Nigeria, the continent's most populous...

Top Ebola Doc Dies in Outbreak

And an American doctor is sickened in worst outbreak on record

(Newser) - The Ebola outbreak that has killed 129 people thus far in Liberia has now claimed the life of a senior doctor who worked at the nation's top hospital; the death yesterday of Dr. Samuel Brisbane comes after top virologist Dr. Sheik Umar Khan became ill with the disease last...

Leading Ebola Doctor Contracts the Disease

Sierra Leone virologist being treated by Doctors Without Borders

(Newser) - A doctor hailed as a "national hero" for his leading role in treating the Ebola epidemic in Sierra Leone now needs treatment himself, reports UPI . Dr. Sheik Umar Khan caught the disease—which kills about 90% of those infected—and was being treated at a facility run by Doctors...

Ebola: Lurking for Years Before Outbreak?

West African study finds signs of ebola in old blood tests

(Newser) - The Ebola outbreak that's claimed at least 500 lives in West Africa may have been lurking a while before going on its killing spree, NBC News reports. Researchers figured this by studying blood samples from old cases of viral illnesses in Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Guinea, and finding possible...

'Tip of Iceberg'? Ebola Toll Passes 500

Aid group blames 'gross misjudgement in gauging severity'

(Newser) - Deep in the forests of southern Guinea, the first victims fell ill with high fevers. People assumed it was the perennial killer malaria and had no reason to fear touching the bodies. Some desperate relatives brought loved ones to the distant capital in search of better medical care, unknowingly spreading...

Ebola 'Out of Control' in Worst Outbreak Ever

Group says drastic action necessary, calls meeting

(Newser) - The World Health Organization is calling an emergency meeting of health ministers from 11 countries next week in hopes of coming up with a plan to combat the worst outbreak of Ebola the world has ever seen. So far more than 390 people have died in the outbreak, which is...

Doctors Helpless Against Worst-Ever Ebola Outbreak

At least 337 dead in 3 West African countries

(Newser) - The Ebola outbreak that was called "unprecedented" when it had killed 80 people in March has now infected at least 500 people in three countries and health authorities say they're not sure how to stop it. The outbreak has now killed at least 337 people, making it the...

Scale of Ebola Epidemic 'Unprecedented'

At least 80 dead so far in Guinea, neighboring countries

(Newser) - The scale of the Ebola epidemic that has now killed at least 80 people in Guinea is "unprecedented," according to Doctors Without Borders. "We are facing an epidemic of a magnitude never before seen in terms of the distribution of cases in the country," says a...

To Thwart Ebola, Guinea Bans Bat-Eating

Local delicacy blamed for Guinea outbreak

(Newser) - Bats are now off the menu in Guinea, where an outbreak of Ebola is now believed to have killed at least 62 people. Bats are a delicacy in the West African nation, where they tend to be made into a peppery soup served in village stores that sell alcohol, the...

Canadian Stricken With Unknown Virus

The good news is it's not Ebola...

(Newser) - An outbreak of the deadly Ebola virus may have jumped borders, with the AP reporting that it's thought to have spread from Guinea, where it has claimed at least 59 victims, to Liberia—but not, it turns out, to Canada. A Canadian has been hospitalized in Saskatchewan province with...

Ebola Outbreak Spreads in West Africa

Doctors Without Borders scrambles to help victims in Guinea

(Newser) - An outbreak of Ebola has killed more than 50 people in the West African country of Guinea, NPR reports. Guinea's first-ever outbreak of the disease among humans has officially killed 59, and another 21 are suffering from symptoms such as fever, vomiting, and diarrhea. "But you have to...

Uganda: 3 Dead in New Ebola Outbreak

5 more cases suspected

(Newser) - A new outbreak of the deadly Ebola virus has claimed three lives in the capital city of Kampala, with two of the dead hailing from the same family, Uganda's health minister announced today. Reuters reports that five more people suspected to have contracted the virus are being watched, with...

Man Gets Ebola... From Phone He Stole
 Man Gets Ebola ... 
 From Phone 
 He Stole 
in case you missed it

Man Gets Ebola ... From Phone He Stole

And it was worth just $24

(Newser) - A Ugandan thief got a serious lesson in why you shouldn't steal, particularly from people with deadly diseases. After breaking into a hospital isolation ward earlier this month and stealing a cell phone from an Ebola patient, the suspect came down with Ebola himself. The patient, who later died,...

Ebola Spread at Baby's Funeral

New cases suspected at Ugandan prison

(Newser) - The Ebola outbreak gripping western Uganda spread widely at the funeral of the first known victim, a 3-month-old girl whose mother also died, according to Doctors Without Borders. Of the 65 people who attended the baby's funeral, 15 contracted the deadly disease and at least 11 of them have...

14 Dead in Ebola Outbreak in Uganda

Still no cure or vaccine for deadly hemorrhagic fever

(Newser) - Ebola is back. Health officials have confirmed that a deadly virus that killed 14 people in western Uganda earlier this month is a new "outbreak of Ebola," reports the AP . "Laboratory investigations done at the Uganda Virus Research Institute ... have confirmed that the strange disease reported in...

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