Vietnam War

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Aiming to Right History, Group Sniffs Out Fake POWs

Pretending to be war prisoner is legal, but vets say it dishonors the true heroes

(Newser) - When Richard Cayton told a Texas newspaper about his harrowing escape from captors in Vietnam, former Navy SEAL Steve Robinson thought something smelled fishy. He ran some quick checks, and told the newspaper that it had been lied to—Cayton had never been a prisoner of war. Sniffing out such...

Paul: I Was the Political Beatle

Paul claims he introduced band to anti-war ideas

(Newser) - In a revelation that will likely befuddle longtime Beatles fans, Paul McCartney claims he was the one who turned the band onto politics, the Times reports. Though McCartney was writing pop songs while activist John Lennon penned blatantly political tunes, as McCartney tells it in a Prospect magazine interview, it...

LBJ Saw 'Treason' in Candidate Nixon's Actions

(Newser) - As the tumultuous 1968 presidential campaign closed, Lyndon Johnson learned of attempts by Richard Nixon's aides to undermine peace efforts in Vietnam, actions he referred to as "treason," The final batch of audio recordings made during LBJ's administration, released yesterday by his presidential library, capture the frustration of...

The Culture Wars, College Football Style
The Culture Wars, College Football Style

The Culture Wars, College Football Style

Michigan-Ohio State rivalry illuminates tale of '60s, '70s upheaval

(Newser) - The cultural disconnect between conservative college football programs and America’s liberalizing culture in the late 1960s and early ‘70s is the theme of War as They Knew It, a book by Detroit Free Press columnist Michael Rosenberg. The survey of the Michigan-Ohio State rivalry (which continues tomorrow) through...

Don't Question McCain's 'Nam Heroism
Don't Question McCain's 'Nam Heroism 

Don't Question McCain's 'Nam Heroism

Mac was an inspiration to fellow POWs

(Newser) - There’s plenty wrong with John McCain, but questions about his heroism in Vietnam just don’t stand up, biographer Matt Welch writes in the LA Times. McCain “gave great strength to his fellow POWs,” and “unless you think that inspiring your fellow prisoners to resist and...

Lost Children of Vietnam War Seek Their Place

Amerasians, shunted aside in both cultures, want citizenship

(Newser) - Some American servicemen left children behind when they came home from Vietnam and Korea, and those Amerasians, now in their 30s and 40s, are stuck between two cultures that don't fully accept them. "I am not a refugee, but I am being treated as one," says a member...

For McCain, Winning Is War's Only Honorable End
For McCain, Winning Is War's Only Honorable End

For McCain, Winning Is War's Only Honorable End

US must defend honor, even preemptively; Iraq offers chance to make up for Vietnam

(Newser) - John McCain’s views on war and defending the US were shaped by his Navy father and by his own time in Vietnam, Jeffrey Goldberg writes in the Atlantic, with victory as the only honorable outcome. His father believed public sentiment led to defeat in Vietnam even as a winning...

McCain Wins Unlikely Support in Vietnam

Ruling class thinks former POW would increase trade

(Newser) - John McCain has won admiration from an unlikely place: Vietnam, the nation he bombed 23 times during the war there. Including politicians, newspaper editors, and even his former captor, Vietnamese are voicing support for the candidate. The Republican pushed to restore ties with the country a decade ago, and many...

Saigon Buries War Past
 Saigon Buries War Past 

Saigon Buries War Past

Breakneck rush to development leaves high-rises in place of multi-tiered history

(Newser) - It looks like Saigon, “the Paris of the East,” can't wait to ditch its colorful culture and tumultuous history for a shining capitalist future, Peter Jon Lindberg writes in Travel + Leisure. Officially Ho Chi Minh City, the Vietnamese “cosmopolis,” 8 million strong, boasts the world's...

GOP's Hagel Will Travel to Iraq With Obama

Republican has been a vocal critic of the war

(Newser) - GOP national-security stalwart and longtime McCain friend Chuck Hagel will join Barack Obama on his upcoming trip to Iraq, sources tell the Wall Street Journal. The retiring Nebraskan senator has been a vocal critic of the war and the Bush administration. Despite his Republican credentials, he has been floated as...

Once Pals, Kerry and McCain Are Now on the Rocks

War, security policy has blasted open gap created during '04 campaign

(Newser) - The 2004 election cracked the once-close personal relationship between John McCain and John Kerry, the Washington Post notes, and differences over the Iraq war has left the bond between the former Navy men fractured. "The same intensity of their feelings as veterans which brought them together has pushed them...

Sorry, Veterans, Vietnam Is Profitable Now
Sorry, Veterans, Vietnam Is Profitable Now

Sorry, Veterans, Vietnam Is Profitable Now

American companies move to Hanoi, reap benefits of communism

(Newser) - More expensive Chinese labor has American enterprises heading to Vietnam, moving Harold Meyerson to wonder, in the Washington Post, why 58,000 US soldiers died trying to defend democracy there. "American business, backed by the American government, has realized that the problem with communism wasn't that it was undemocratic...

Iraq Films Get Army's Attention

Film liaisons offer help; some directors see spin

(Newser) - War films can help shape public perception, and the Army is trying to guide moviemakers away from negative portrayals of the Iraq conflict like the ones that dominated films about Vietnam. Army liaisons to Hollywood offer equipment, expertise—and script alterations that some filmmakers see as spin. The LA Times...

McCain's War Record Now Fair Game
McCain's War Record Now
Fair Game

McCain's War Record Now Fair Game

Pro-Obama retired general Clark turns up volume on whispers

(Newser) - Wesley Clark's answer to a question on Face the Nation yesterday has exposed a simmering campaign issue, Politico reports: whether John McCain’s Vietnam ordeal translates to relevant experience for the presidency. "I don't think riding in a fighter plane and getting shot down is a qualification to be...

Swift Boat Vets Want Their Name Back

Vietnam servicemen bemoan association with Kerry attack ad

(Newser) - These days, the phrase "Swift boat" has come to mean a vicious political attack of the kind suffered by John Kerry in the 2004 election. While the term has gained such currency that it's now used as a verb, one group is seriously miffed: the Navy veterans who, like...

Hanoi Captor Endorses McCain, Denies Torture

Duyet calls ex-POW a friend

(Newser) - John McCain’s Vietnam War jailer says he would vote for him because of McCain's willingness to forgive and look to the future, the AP reports. In the same breath, Tran Trong Duyet denied that McCain was tortured during his 5-year imprisonment and accused him of making up the stories...

McCain's War Views Echo '74 Thesis

GOP hopeful notes dangers of '60s antiwar movement

(Newser) - “A man’s ability to perform credibly as a prisoner of war” is founded on “a strong belief in his nation’s foreign policy,” John McCain wrote in a 1974 essay that shows the seeds of the candidate's views on public support for war. The New York ...

Vietnam Vets in Hog Heaven
 Vietnam Vets in Hog Heaven 

Vietnam Vets in Hog Heaven

Rolling Thunder roars into DC to honor vets

(Newser) - Thousands of Harleys roared past Washington's Vietnam Veterans Memorial yesterday in what has become a Memorial Day weekend tradition: the "iron salute" of members of national veterans organization Rolling Thunder.  It's a festival of engines, leather, denim and patriotism, reports the Washington Post.

McCain Must Open Up to Win: Rove
 McCain Must
 Open Up
 to Win: Rove 

McCain Must Open Up to Win: Rove

Too-private candidate is hurting himself, says Bush strategist

(Newser) - For John McCain to win in November, he needs to let Americans know about McCain the man as well as McCain the candidate, Karl Rove writes in the Wall Street Journal. The Bush campaign mastermind thinks the candidate's very private nature means not enough people are hearing about McCain's heroism...

Not an Icon, a Man
 Not an Icon, a Man 

Not an Icon, a Man

Would civil rights legend be controversial in today's political climate?

(Newser) - On the 40th anniversary of Martin Luther King’s assassination, the Washington Post looks past the legend at the multidimensional figure scholars and King's associates consider his true legacy. ”His challenge was much bigger than being nice," says historian Taylor Branch. "It was even bigger than race....

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