World Health Organization

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WHO Injects New Controversy Into 'Asymptomatic' Debate

Official suggests it's 'very rare' for disease to spread this way, later walks it back

(Newser) - It would be a big deal if true: An official with the World Health Organization suggested Monday that so-called silent spreaders aren't as common as thought when it comes to COVID-19. "From the data we have, it still seems to be rare that an asymptomatic person actually transmits...

China Delayed Releasing Crucial COVID Info to WHO

WHO publicly praised 'speedy' information sharing but privately complained

(Newser) - Throughout January, the World Health Organization publicly praised China for what it called a speedy response to the new coronavirus. It repeatedly thanked the Chinese government for sharing the genetic map of the virus "immediately," and said its work and commitment to transparency were "very impressive, and...

European Union Makes a Big Ask of Trump

EU wants president to reconsider cutting US funds to World Health Organization amid pandemic

(Newser) - The European Union on Saturday urged President Trump to rethink his decision to cut American funding for the World Health Organization amid global criticism of the move, as spiking infection rates in India and elsewhere served as a reminder the global pandemic is far from contained. European Commission President Ursula...

Trumps Severs US Ties to World Health Organization

President again faults world body's COVID response

(Newser) - Last month, President Trump halted US payments to the World Health Organization and accused the world body of botching the initial response to the outbreak of COVID-19. On Friday, he went further, announcing that the US was ending its relationship with the WHO altogether, reports CNN . Trump again accused the...

WHO Suspends Hydroxychloroquine Trial

Agency says it will 'err on the side of caution'

(Newser) - The World Health Organization says it has decided to "err on the side of caution" and suspend a trial of hydroxychloroquine as a coronavirus treatment. WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus cited a study released last week that found COVID-19 patients who had taken the drug were more likely to...

World Sees Biggest Single-Day Jump in COVID-19 Cases

'We still have a long way to go in this pandemic'

(Newser) - As the US and other Western countries take steps toward reopening, the pandemic is still raging in many parts of the world, the World Health Organization warned Wednesday. "We still have a long way to go in this pandemic," said WHO Director General Tedros Ghebreyesus, per the Guardian...

Trump: WHO Funding Cut Could Be Permanent
Trump Threatens
to Pull Out of WHO

Trump Threatens to Pull Out of WHO

President cites coronavirus response, bias toward China

(Newser) - President Trump threatened to permanently withdraw US funding from the World Health Organization on Monday as he described failures amid the coronavirus pandemic and an "alarming lack of independence" from China. Trump, writing to WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, also threatened to pull the US from the organization "...

China Just Opened Its Wallet Wide in Fight Against the Virus

President Xi announces $2B in aid for pandemic battle, as EU bloc seeks to probe WHO response

(Newser) - China will provide $2 billion over two years to fight the coronavirus pandemic and the economic fallout from it, President Xi Jinping said Monday, rallying around the World Health Organization even as the United States has slashed funding for the UN health agency. The $2 billion over the next two...

WHO Warns Coronavirus Could Be Here to Stay

'I think there are no promises in this and there are no dates,' emergencies chief says

(Newser) - Vaccine or no vaccine, the coronavirus could be here to stay, the World Health Organization warns. WHO emergencies director Dr. Mike Ryan said Wednesday that it is impossible to predict when or if the virus will disappear, the BBC reports. "It is important to put this on the table:...

WHO: Report on Phone Call Was 'Unfounded and Untrue'

The World Health Organization fires back over 'Der Spiegel' article

(Newser) - The World Health Organization has dismissed as "false allegations" a media report that it withheld information about the new coronavirus following pressure from China, the AP reports. The UN agency said in a statement late Saturday that a German magazine’s report about a telephone conversation between WHO chief...

A Dire Warning From WHO as Countries Rush to Reopen

Easing restrictions could cause coronavirus resurgence: World Health Organization

(Newser) - The World Health Organization said Tuesday that rushing to ease coronavirus restrictions will likely lead to a resurgence of the illness, a warning that comes as governments start rolling out plans to get their economies up and running again. “This is not the time to be lax. Instead, we...

Criticism of Trump&#39;s WHO Move Swells
Criticism of Trump's
WHO Move Swells 

Criticism of Trump's WHO Move Swells

Pelosi says it will be 'swiftly challenged'

(Newser) - President Trump is taking an increasing amount of flak for his decision to cut off US funding to the World Health Organization , with even those who agree with some of his criticisms of the UN health agency's handing of the pandemic saying now is not the time to deprive...

'19, 20 States' Could Be Ready to Reopen May 1

So says CDC Director Robert Redfield

(Newser) - If you're living in one of 19 or 20 states, good news: CDC Director Robert Redfield thinks you may be ready to reopen by May 1. The less great news: He didn't name which ones during his interview on Good Morning America . Reuters reports Redfield explained that we'...

Trump Cuts Off US Payments to WHO
Trump Cuts Off
US Payments to WHO

Trump Cuts Off US Payments to WHO

He says agency 'severely mismanaged' outbreak

(Newser) - President Trump says the US is halting payments to the World Health Organization while his administration investigates the UN health agency's failure to carry out its "basic duty." In his Tuesday briefing, Trump accused the WHO of "severely mismanaging and covering up the spread of the...

Are Recovered Patients Immune? It&#39;s Still &#39;an Unknown&#39;
Big Question on Immunity
Remains 'an Unknown'
the rundown

Big Question on Immunity Remains 'an Unknown'

Study out of Shanghai suggests not everyone develops antibodies, but more data is needed

(Newser) - Much attention is paid to the growing death toll from the coronavirus, which was at more than 116,000 worldwide as of Monday afternoon. Less attention is paid to a different stat —the more than 440,000 people who have recovered. And related to that is a huge question:...

Trump: WHO 'Missed the Call' on Coronavirus Pandemic

President threatens to freeze US funding for the World Health Organization

(Newser) - President Trump on Tuesday threatened to freeze US funding to the World Health Organization, saying the international group had “missed the call” on the coronavirus pandemic. Trump also played down the release of January memos from a senior adviser that represented an early warning of a possible coronavirus pandemic,...

WHO: Coronavirus Epidemic &#39;Could Get Out of Control&#39;
WHO: Coronavirus Epidemic
'Could Get Out of Control'
the rundown

WHO: Coronavirus Epidemic 'Could Get Out of Control'

It has now hit 53 countries

(Newser) - World markets plunged Friday as the director-general of the World Health Organization warned that the coronavirus epidemic "could get out of control." Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said the epidemic, which has now hit 53 countries, has "pandemic potential" and is at a "decisive point globally," where...

WHO Says It Isn't Ready to Use the P-Word Yet

There's no coronavirus pandemic, but we should be in a 'phase of preparedness'

(Newser) - The World Health Organization isn't ready to use the p-word, but it thinks the world should ready itself for a potential coronavirus pandemic all the same. On Monday the WHO instructed countries to be "in a phase of preparedness," saying that while its assessment remains that COVID-19...

Coronavirus Gets a Name
Now Has
a Name

Coronavirus Now Has a Name

WHO labels it COVID-19

(Newser) - You don't have to call it "coronavirus" anymore. The World Health Organization has bestowed an official name on the fast-spreading illness: COVID-19. The "COVI" stands for coronavirus, the "D" stands for disease, and "19" reflects the year it was discovered, explains NPR . The health agency'...

Daily Deaths in China From Virus Top 100 for First Time

Overall total crosses 1,000 as outbreak keeps many people at home

(Newser) - China's daily death toll from a new virus has topped 100 for the first time, with more than 1,000 total deaths recorded, the health ministry announced Tuesday. The spread of the contagion shows little sign of abating, the AP reports. Though more offices and stores in China have...

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