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Oprah Sued for Plagiarism
 Oprah Sued for Plagiarism 

Oprah Sued for Plagiarism

It seems so unlike the feel-good talk show host...

(Newser) - Oprah Winfrey, plagiarist? That's what a Philadelphia writer claims in a new lawsuit. Charles Harris, who authored a booklet called How America Elects Her Presidents in 2000, says he mailed 10 copies to Winfrey in 2008 hoping she would promote it. Instead, he claims, she recited portions of the work...

Rampant Plagiarism, Fraud Could Hold Back China

It's pervasive in academia and in the business world

(Newser) - China's stated goal of becoming a "research superpower" could be held back by one big problem, reports the New York Times : Its researchers keep making stuff up and plagiarizing each other. The newspaper finds that fraud is pervasive in education and scientific research as state universities pressure academics to...

Tony Blair, Plagiarist?
 Tony Blair, 

Tony Blair, Plagiarist?

Screenwriter suspects he had 'one too many' drinks, copied film dialogue

(Newser) - Tony Blair: Former prime minister, published memoirist ... and plagiarist? That's what screenwriter Peter Morgan suspects. Blair's version of his 1997 meeting with the Queen in A Journey reads: "You are my 10th prime minister. The first was Winston." If that sounds familiar, it's probably because you saw The ...

There Aren't More Cheaters, Just More Getting Caught

Before the Internet, plagiarism was easy to hide

(Newser) - Everyone can calm down now: The New York Times’ recent proclamation that we’re raising a generation of cheaters may have been a bit of an exaggeration. The Times article suggested not only that the Internet is making plagiarism easier and more widespread—but that today’s youth don’t...

Columbia Valedictorian Admits Plagiarizing Comic

His 'Physics for Poets' sounded familiar to Patton Oswalt

(Newser) - Another day, another commencement gaffe. Columbia's valedictorian has apologized for lifting part of his speech—a jokey riff on attending a class called Physics for Poets—from comedian Patton Oswalt, probably best known for his King of Queens supporting role. (See videos for comparisons.)

6 Most Infamous Harvard Swindlers

Adam Wheeler may be the latest, but he's not the worst

(Newser) - Adam Wheeler, the former Harvard student charged with plagiarizing his way into the school and swindling $45,000 in scholarship and grant money, isn't the first grifter to pass through the esteemed university's halls. AolNews lists six even more infamous Harvard fraudsters:
  1. Esther Reed: Went by Natalie Bowman when she

Daily Beast Scribe Plagiarized 35 Other Times

Gerald Posner lifted passages frequently, analysis shows

(Newser) - Disgraced Daily Beast scribe Gerald Posner claims he ' accidentally ' and unwittingly plagiarized material for his online columns—but it now appears he also did it habitually and for his books. A new review of his work suggests Posner may have lifted as many as 35 passages for Why ...

Bob Dylan's No Fake, Joni

 No Fake, 

Bob Dylan's No Fake, Joni

Every artist steals, remakes others' work: Sean Willentz

(Newser) - Sorry, Joni Mitchell, Bob Dylan's no more a phony than any other artist, historian Sean Wilentz writes for the Daily Beast . "The idea that Dylan is a faker, unless everything he wrote came out of his own imagination—word for word, note for note—is absurd," Wilentz writes....

Another Daily Beast Writer Accused of Plagiarism

Beast lashes out at Gawker, demands retraction

(Newser) - Another Daily Beast columnist has been accused of uncredited borrowing. This time, it’s senior political columnist John Avalon, who, in his new Beast-published book Wingnuts, lifts quotes from Salon columnist Alexander Zaitchik’s reporting on Glenn Beck. Hamilton Nolan of Gawker lays out all the instances here . Basically, Avalon...

Racy Teen Bestseller Lifts Whole Pages From Blogger

17-year-old writer says there's no such thing as originality

(Newser) - The 17-year-old author of a critically acclaimed novel about sex and drugs in Berlin's techno scene is drawing fire for allegedly copying large chunks of a blogger's work. The blogger, who goes by Airen, says author Helene Hegemann lifted "entire passages" from his book, Strobo, for her work, Axolotl ...

JK Rowling Sued for Plagiarism

Potter scribe named in suit brought by late author's estate

(Newser) - JK Rowling is being accused of copying material for Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, the fourth book in her record-breaking series. Her name was recently added to a multimillion-dollar suit against her publisher, Bloomsbury, brought by the estate of the author of another wizard-themed book. The suit alleges...

New York Times Reporter Caught Plagiarizing

Business writer copied from Wall Street Journal , other sources

(Newser) - A New York Times business reporter has been caught cribbing text directly from the Wall Street Journal and other sources, the Times sheepishly admitted in an editor’s note today. The Times says the Journal alerted them to uncanny similarities between a Journal article published Feb. 5, and a Times...

Gerald Posner Cops to 'Accidental Plagiarism'

 Gerald Posner Cops 
 to 'Accidental 
the internet made me do it

Gerald Posner Cops to 'Accidental Plagiarism'

Daily Beast reporter blames 'warp speed' of web in mea culpa

(Newser) - Gerald Posner didn’t mean to do it, but he admits he is a plagiarist and has now resigned from his reporting gig at the Daily Beast. His undoing, he writes on his blog , was the blazing pace of Internet journalism and his own naïveté. “For the Beast...

Beast Writer Booted After More Plagiarism Surfaces

Gerald Posner suspended for borrowing

(Newser) - The Daily Beast's chief investigative writer who "unintentionally" lifted lines from a Miami Herald article has apparently done the same thing on 4 previous occasions, cribbing from the Herald and Texas Lawyer. Gerald Posner is now on suspension from Tina Brown's online news operation, reports Gawker . "I now...

Shakespeare Didn't Work Alone, Says Computer

Program developed to spot plagiarism shows Bard wrote Edward III With Kyd

(Newser) - The computer program is called “Pl@giarism,” but no one is suggesting the Bard cribbed from others—not yet, at least. Researchers used the software, developed to spot cheating scholars, to take a look at The Reign of King Edward III, an unattributed 1596 play that has recently been...

Jessica Seinfeld Wins Cookbook Copycat Case

Deceptively Delicious wasn't plagiarized, federal judge rules

(Newser) - A federal judge in New York has tossed out a suit claiming that a cookbook by Jerry  Seinfeld's wife plagiarized a rival's book. Jessica Seinfeld's Deceptively Delicious, like Missy Chase Lapine's The Sneaky Chef, shows parents how to sneak vegetables into their kids' food—an idea nobody can copyright, the...

Disgraced Reporter Jayson Blair Now a Life Coach

Psychologist: 'he can relate to patients just beautifully'

(Newser) - Former journalist Jayson Blair knows his new profession—life coach—smacks some people in the face like a bad punchline. "People say, 'Wait a minute. You're a life coach?' That makes no sense,'" says Blair, who’s best known for foisting plagiarism and fabrications into the pages of...

Twilight Scribe Accused of Plagiarism

Dueling vampire novels bear similarities, author says

(Newser) - Twilight author Stephenie Meyer is being accused of ripping off another vampire book, TMZ reports. Jordan Scott claims the series’ fourth installment, Breaking Dawn, bears a “striking and substantial similarity” to her 2006 book The Nocturne, with both including a post-wedding sex scene, a doomed pregnancy, and the death...

Scientists Retract Paper Touting Sperm From Stem Cells

But say attribution, not science itself, at issue

(Newser) - A paper by British scientists on the creation of synthetic human sperm had to be retracted from the journal Stem Cell and Development, AFP reports. The paper, which reported the revolutionary creation of sperm from stem cells, included text written by another scientist, who was not credited. The retraction is...

Wired Editor Plagiarizes Wikipedia in New Book

Ironically, Anderson's tome is on free content

(Newser) - The Virginia Quarterly Review has found almost a dozen plagiarized passages in Chris Anderson’s upcoming book Free, a book that, ironically, is all about free content. Most of the passages were cribbed verbatim from Wikipedia, while another was from a professor’s personal website, and yet another from another...

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