Henry Waxman

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Sandra Fluke May Run for Waxman's House Seat

Says she's 'strongly considering' bid for Congress

(Newser) - One favorite of the left may be replaced by another: Sandra Fluke says she is "strongly considering" a run for the House seat being vacated by Henry Waxman , reports Politico . "I'm flattered that I'm being discussed as a potential candidate," said Fluke, who praised Waxman'...

Henry Waxman Calls It Quits
 Henry Waxman 
 Calls It Quits 

Henry Waxman Calls It Quits

Loooong-time Calif. representative won't seek re-election

(Newser) - California Rep. Henry Waxman will not run for re-election, he announced today, ending a House career that began way back in 1975. "Forty years have gone by very quickly," the LA Democrat tells the Washington Post . "I have a great deal of satisfaction with our legislative accomplishments....

Chu: Solyndra Wasn't About Politics

Energy chief defends loan to Congress

(Newser) - Energy Secretary Steven Chu offered a spirited defense of his department’s loan guarantees to Solyndra today, telling Congress that the loan program is necessary to keep US alternative energy companies competitive, and insisting that he didn’t know Solyndra was connected to a major Obama fundraiser, the Washington Post...

House Report: Fracking Uses 29 Carcinogens

Industry resists disclosure, saying chemicals don't affect people

(Newser) - Hydraulic fracturing blasts at least 29 carcinogens and other hazardous chemicals deep into the earth to break up shale formations and get at oil and natural gas, says a new report released yesterday by House Democrats. Known as fracking, the industry used 780 million gallons of drilling fluids between 2005...

Hayward Faces Down Lawmakers, Protesters
 Hayward Faces Down 
 Lawmakers, Protesters 

Hayward Faces Down Lawmakers, Protesters

Will say he grasps 'the terrible reality'

(Newser) - Tony Hayward went to Capitol Hill to take his lumps today, and Democrats, at least, delivered them. Henry Waxman praised the BP boss for setting up a $20 billion clean-up fund, but then slammed him for his safety record. When Hayward took his job he said he’d focus “...

Oil Giants All Have Same Lame Spill Plan: Dems
 Oil Giants All 
 Have Same Lame 
 Spill Plan: Dems 
Grilling Big Oil

Oil Giants All Have Same Lame Spill Plan: Dems

Companies argue spill was a fluke

(Newser) - Lord help us if there’s another deepwater spill, because the big oil companies all have a pretty much identical response plan to BP, congressional Democrats complained today, grilling executives from Chevron, Exxon, Shell, BP, and Conoco Phillips. All the companies hired the same third party to draft their plans,...

Big Oil to House: It Won't Happen to Us

Execs to tell hearing that America needs continued drilling

(Newser) - The biggest cheeses from the world’s biggest oil companies are on Capitol Hill today to try to convince Congress that the Deepwater Horizon spill was a freak occurrence, and that they can surely be trusted to drill safely. According to prepared testimony, Exxon Mobil’s chairman will also issue...

Health Bill Compromise Kicks Off 5-Week Battle

(Newser) - A key House committee approved a health care package tonight, kicking off a 5-week public battle on the issue and sending lawmakers home for August recess, the Washington Post reports. The 31-to-28 vote in the House Energy and Commerce Committee, fueled by a liberal–Blue Dog deal this morning, could...

Blue Dog Deal Means No Vote on Health Before Recess

Dems also agree on $100B trim: Waxman

(Newser) - The House will not vote on a health care bill before the August recess, the Hill reports. Rep. Henry Waxman agreed to the delay as part of a deal with “Blue Dog” Democrats on his Energy and Commerce Committee, who had been threatening to block the bill. Waxman now...

Blue Dogs Stand Firm as Dems Get Panicky

Marathon sessions fail to reach a deal as tempers fray

(Newser) - The Democratic leadership is scrambling to make progress on health care reform before Congress breaks for its August recess, but last night's marathon negotiations failed to break the stalemate—and may even have increased the number of issues up for debate.  "We're making progress," Nancy Pelosi said...

Waxman Offers Secret Health Deal to Blue Dogs

Dem: 'Don't think failure is a reasonable option'

(Newser) - Rep. Henry Waxman is optimistic he can get a health care bill out of his committee after pitching Blue Dog Democrats a compromise late last night, the Hill reports. After three hours of negotiations, the Dogs asked Waxman to get a cost estimate from the Congressional Budget Office before they...

Democrats Bicker While Health Care Reform Stalls

(Newser) - House Democrats looked on the verge of inter-party warfare yesterday, as they openly battled over health care, the Washington Post reports. Tempers ran especially hot in the Energy and Commerce Committee, where Chairman Henry Waxman accused Blue Dog Democrats of “empowering Republicans,” and suggested the bill bypass his...

Gingrich: Waxman Lets Health Care Fraud Flourish
Gingrich: Waxman Lets Health Care Fraud Flourish

Gingrich: Waxman Lets Health Care Fraud Flourish

(Newser) - America’s health care system is riddled with so much fraud that eliminating it would pay for universal coverage, but Congress doesn’t seem to care, writes Newt Gingrich in the Washington Examiner. He singles out as his particular villain Henry Waxman, chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee....

10 Who Can Make or Break Health Reform

Who to watch as debate rages on Capitol Hill

(Newser) - As health care talk heats up in Washington, Mark Halperin of Time lists the key players to watch:
  • Sen. Max Baucus is trying to wring out as much GOP support as possible on his finance panel.
  • White House health czar Nancy-Ann DeParle has been winning concessions from the health care

Rep. Waxman Hospitalized
 Rep. Waxman Hospitalized 

Rep. Waxman Hospitalized

But House Democrat reportedly 'feeling much better now'

(Newser) - A powerful House committee chairman with a central role in President Obama's global warming and health care legislation has been hospitalized. Democrat Henry Waxman was not feeling well yesterday and was admitted to Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in his native Los Angeles for "routine testing," a spokeswoman said today.

Cap-and-Trade Bill 'Biggest Tax in US History'

(Newser) - The cap-and-trade climate legislation that could come up for a House vote tomorrow makes no economic sense and “is likely to be the biggest tax in American history,” write the editors of the Wall Street Journal. Democrats are defending the bill with an incomplete Congressional Budget Office estimate...

Congress Mulls Tighter Offshore Drilling Rules

Natural-gas firms currently exempt from clean-water laws

(Newser) - A bill pushed by Dick Cheney 4 years ago freed natural-gas drillers from clean-water laws, but pollution concerns are driving congressional Democrats to rethink the matter, ProPublica reports. They’ve drafted legislation that would end the natural-gas exemption and require drillers to reveal the chemicals they use in their work,...

Frenetic White House Braces for Congress' Roadblocks

Long-term push for big items will go with day-to-day small initiatives

(Newser) - They knew it would happen: Despite impressive speed out of the blocks, the Obama administration now faces the inevitable slowdown to a typical congressional crawl, as its agenda meets resistance from members of both parties. Energy and global warming plans are likely to be the toughest sell, Mike Allen writes...

Top Dem Dogs Ready to Retool Obama's Budget
Top Dem Dogs Ready to Retool Obama's Budget

Top Dem Dogs Ready to Retool Obama's Budget

Prez lets lawmakers take the lead—and they have their own ideas

(Newser) - To clear Congress, President Obama’s budget is going to have to survive committee turf wars and parochial interests—and that’s just the Democrats. The New York Times reports that key committee chairmen in the House and Senate have ideas of their own on health care, energy, and taxes....

Dingell Becomes Longest-Serving House Member

82-year-old Michigan Dem has been eased out of leadership roles

(Newser) - Michigan Democrat John Dingell today becomes the longest-serving member of Congress, passing the 53-years-and-2-months mark set by Mississippi Democrat Jamie Whitten. But the milestone is bittersweet for Dingell, who for the first time in a quarter century is no longer the ranking Democrat on the Energy and Commerce Committee, reports...

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