8 Stories

DDT Dumped Decades Ago Off LA Coast Is Still Potent

Broad effort tries to assess the Pacific Ocean contamination introduced decades ago

(Newser) - Research revealed this week confirmed some scientists' worst fears about the dumping of barrels of DDT off the California coast in the 1940s and '50s: Much of the banned toxic chemical remains in its most potent form. "We still see original DDT on the seafloor from 50, 60,...

Off California Coast, a Vast Chemical Graveyard

Survey shows dumping site is bigger than the city of San Francisco, shocks scientists

(Newser) - Scientists who set out to map an underwater dumping ground for industrial waste off the California coast last month say they were stunned by what they found: endless waste barrels spread across a site larger than the city of San Francisco, some 3,000 feet under the sea. After a...

Mosquitoes Are Booming in US for Some Surprising Reasons

Growing cities and lack of DDT, not climate change, to blame

(Newser) - Disease-spreading mosquitoes are rapidly multiplying in the US—and surprisingly it doesn't appear to have anything to do with climate change. Mosquito populations in New York, New Jersey, and California have increased as much as tenfold in the past 50 years, and the number of mosquitoes in those places...

Study Finds Link Between Pesticide, Alzheimer's

Higher levels of DDT found in the blood of Alzheimer's patients

(Newser) - The pesticide DDT was banned in the US in 1972, but it's still in use in some locations around the globe, with the World Health Organization continuing to recommend it as a method of controlling malaria. But new research suggests a downright ( and yet another ) unhealthy angle...

Victoria's Secret Closing: The Bedbug Is Back
Victoria's Secret Store Infested: Bedbugs Are Back 

Victoria's Secret Store Infested: Bedbugs Are Back

Recent NYC store closures mark comeback

(Newser) - The recent closures of a Victoria's Secret and an Abercrombie & Fitch to rid the New York City stores of bedbugs are only the latest example of the strong comeback the blood-drinking bugs are making worldwide. Bedbugs were largely eradicated from the US in the 1950s, but now they're back...

Pollution Decreasing Off US Shores: Study

Past 20 years have seen general contaminant decline

(Newser) - Levels of pesticides and other toxic chemicals in US coastal waters are generally decreasing, McClatchy reports. A 20-year study by the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration's Mussel Watch looked at levels of 140 chemicals and found decreasing trends. Laws banning many of the chemicals were passed in the 1970s, but...

DDT Linked to Breast Cancer
DDT Linked to Breast Cancer

DDT Linked to Breast Cancer

Critical childhood exposure bodes ill for baby boomers

(Newser) - Women heavily exposed to DDT during childhood are five times more likely to develop breast cancer, according to a new study. Those born between the years 1945 and 1965— when the pesticide was used routinely in the US to kill mosquitoes—likely suffered the greatest exposure, reports the Los Angeles ...

Bedbugs Make Bloodthirsty Comeback
Bedbugs Make Bloodthirsty Comeback

Bedbugs Make Bloodthirsty Comeback

Once thought gone for good, pests are on the rebound in US

(Newser) - Despite admonitions about not letting the bedbugs bite, Americans are doing just that, and infestations are being reported across the country. Once thought wiped out by the now-banned pesticide DDT, the insects have been found in hospitals, schools, and even high-end residences, the Times of London reports. "Saturday Night...

8 Stories
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