Plus-Size Models Hurt Self-Esteem, Too

Sorry, Glamour: A model's size doesn't matter to an overweight woman
By Evann Gastaldo,  Newser Staff
Posted Oct 16, 2009 11:46 AM CDT
Plus-Size Models Hurt Self-Esteem, Too
Lizzi Miller is shown on Glamour's website.   (Glamour)

Never mind the hoopla surrounding Glamour’s decision to grace its pages with plus-size models—looking at any model will damage an overweight woman’s self-esteem. Meanwhile, underweight women's self-esteem climbs no matter the size of the model they’re looking at, New York reports, citing a recent study. The researchers’ advice to overweight women? Avoid looking at ads with models, period.

“Ever since Lizzi Miller was in Glamour, the inclusion of plus size models has been trumpeted as a way to make magazines more friendly to all women,” writes Anna North for Jezebel. “But it's clear that this might not be enough. Internalized fat prejudice goes deep, and just showing women a few bigger models isn't going to erase it.” (More Jay-ZTV stories.)

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