Disney to Buy Hulu Stake, Upload ABC Shows

Lost, Grey's Anatomy to join Hulu roster
By Nick McMaster,  Newser Staff
Posted Apr 30, 2009 12:03 PM CDT
Disney to Buy Hulu Stake, Upload ABC Shows
In this screen shot taken from Hulu.com, an episode of Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles is shown as it is streamed on Hulu.com.   (Hulu.com)

Disney and Hulu have a deal to allow the web-video site to show episodes from ABC properties, the Wall Street Journal reports. Disney’s approximately 30% stake in Hulu will be comparable to that of NBC and News Corp, which bankrolled the site initially. Disney said popular shows like Lost and Grey’s Anatomy would be available, along with programs from ABC Family, SOAPnet and Walt Disney Studios. (More Hulu stories.)

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