Winslet Embraces Hot Accessory: Cleavage

Telegraph's Fashion Director speculates on Winselet's outfit for BAFTA
By Nick McMaster,  Newser Staff
Posted Feb 5, 2009 2:38 PM CST

Kate Winslet's new approach to awards-season fashion hasn't escaped notice, Hilary Alexander writes in the Telegraph. "Ms. Winslet’s breasts have become so important they are starting to take on a life of their own," the newspaper's fashion director observes. The double Golden Globe winner (supply your own joke) even dished about her cleavage during a recent appearance on Oprah.

"In public, she has been treating the adoring paparazzi on both sides of the Atlantic to a succession of revealing dresses and gowns," Alexander writes. The real suspense surrounding this Sunday's BAFTA ceremony concerns not how the double nominee will fare, but rather "the feverish anticipation about her choice of dress and just how much of those famous breasts will be unsheathed for the posse of photographers."
(More BAFTA stories.)

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