Macron Calls Election as Polls Show Far-Right Surge in Europe

Projections indicate parliament voters turning from centrists across continent
By Bob Cronin,  Newser Staff
Posted Jun 9, 2024 5:09 PM CDT
Macron Calls Election as Polls Show Far-Right Surge in Europe
French President Emmanuel Macron greets a child outside a polling station Sunday in Le Touquet-Paris-Plage, northern France.   (Hannah McKay/Pool via AP)

With forecasts in the European Parliament elections showing far-right parties surging on Sunday as voters abandoned ruling centrists, French President Emmanuel Macron called snap legislative elections. The votes were still being counted in France when Macron addressed the nation Sunday night. Projections showed his Renaissance party running at about 15%, about half the support of Marine Le Pen's National Rally. "At the end of this day, therefore, I will not be able to act as if nothing has happened," Macron said in a televised speech, the Guardian reports. "That is why … I have decided to give you the choice of our parliamentary future again, by voting."

In Germany, Olaf Scholz's center-left Social Democrats was leading but had slipped to about 14%. An exit poll showed the far-right Alternative for Germany running second. In Austria, forecasts had the far-right Freedom Party winning for the first time, per the Washington Post. Far-right parties in Europe have capitalized on some of the same issues present in US politics, per the New York Times, including the rise of nationalism and identity, often tied to migration, and culture-war grievances related to gender issues. Inflation and resentment over COVID policies have played a role, as well. Its opposition's blunders have helped the far right, one analyst said.

"The far right has siphoned off voters, certainly in France, Germany and Italy, and some Scandinavian countries, who would have historically voted for left parties," said Catherine Fieschi of the European University Institute in Florence. "Part of the story of the right is the failure of the left in some of these countries." The far right also was headed to strong showings in Italy, Hungary, and the Netherlands, per the AP. Among the issues that could be affected in the European Parliament is its support for Ukraine in its fight against Russia; a segment of the far right already holding seats wants to end the war quickly on Russia's terms. (More European Parliament stories.)

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