Baseball's All-Miscreant Team

A-Rod makes Radar's list, of course; Bonds, Giambi, Lo Duca join him
By Will McCahill,  Newser Staff
Posted Jul 15, 2008 4:29 PM CDT
Baseball's All-Miscreant Team
Milton Bradley's hot-headed antics include several off-field brushes with the law and numerous on-field run-ins with umpires.   (AP Photo)

With baseball's All-Stars set to take the field at Yankee Stadium, Radar uses the occasion (and the fact that one is the tabloids' current fixation) to name its All-Morally Inept Team:

  • C: Paul Lo Duca, then with the Mets, got the full New York treatment in 2006, when his affair with a 19-year-old became public. Divorce ensued.
  • 1B: Yankees star Jason Giambi copped to steroid use before a grand jury in 2003, and apologized vaguely in '07.

  • 2B: Surly to begin with, Jeff Kent said he'd broken his wrist washing his truck in 2002—though he'd done it riding a motorcycle, forbidden in his Giants contract.
  • SS: A rumored steroid user, Houston's Miguel Tejada was caught this year lying about his age.
  • 3B: Strippers. Madonna. Infidelity. Alex Rodriguez, come on down.
  • RF: Washington's Elijah Dukes threatened to kill his wife in a domestic dispute last year; impregnated a 17-year-old girl living with his relatives as a foster child.
  • CF: A laundry list of on- and off-field behavior, including chucking a water bottle into the stands, lands Texas' Milton Bradley on the list.
  • RF: Barry Bonds. 'Nuff said.
  • P: Philadelphia's Brett Myers (punched wife in the face) starts; free agent Shawn Chacon (released by Astros after choking, pushing GM) relieves.
(More Paul LoDuca stories.)

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