Staffers Drag Women Outside After They Take 8 Shots Each, Collapse

Sydney restaurant has now been penalized over November incident
By Evann Gastaldo,  Newser Staff
Posted Jul 9, 2018 12:50 PM CDT

Surveillance video images tell the story.

A Sydney restaurant served two women eight shots of liquor apiece in 40 minutes—then, when they collapsed, staff and other patrons carried them outside (as one of them vomited) and left them there. The incident took place in November, but is making headlines now due to officials sanctioning Gangnam Station, the Korean BBQ that was involved, and calling the incident "one of the worst breaches of liquor laws in New South Wales in recent years," BuzzFeed reports.

Three women entered the restaurant together, and two passed out after taking eight shots each of soju, a Korean distilled spirit. A waitress served them more even after they were struggling to sit upright after taking seven shots each, Australia's ABC reports. Police noticed a crowd gathered around the women outside and called an ambulance, according to the Independent Liquor & Gaming Authority's report of the incident. The restaurant's licensee received a first strike; after three strikes, a licensee can see their license suspended or be permanently banned from the restaurant industry. The restaurant was also fined more than $1,600, Fox News reports. Additional penalties are being considered, including forcing the restaurant to close at midnight instead of 2am and requiring it to pay for a security guard to ensure such an incident doesn't happen again. (More Sydney stories.)