It was only research. So says a German mayor who, via a post on his town's official Facebook page, inadvertently busted himself for checking out online porn. Thomas Koppl of Quickborn, in the course of a political debate, posted a screenshot of the German constitution to Facebook. He neglected to crop out the tabs at the top of the browser, though. Among the pages shown in the now-deleted screenshot were "Punishment Porn Videos," "BDSM porno videos," and "German slut punished." The "cringeworthy mistake" was covered by German-language newspaper Bild, and after a Facebook user shared the story, Koppl himself commented on it, notes the Telegraph.
Koppl 'fessed up to looking at the porn sites (according to the Local, he first tried to deny he took the screenshot) but wrote that it was merely to get "clued-up" on BDSM after hearing two guys talking about it while waiting for a ski lift. But he says he didn't actually watch any porn because his Internet connection was too slow. Instead he read a Wikipedia entry on Fifty Shades of Grey. The verdict? Koppl says he's sure BDSM is fine and dandy if you're into it, but "I find it rather disturbing." One commenter had a question for the mayor of Quickborn: "Are you going to change the signs in the town to Quickporn?" (In the US, a porn site has given a scholarship to a middle-aged mom.)