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FBI Reignites DB Cooper Case

New revelations as feds appeal for help
By Peter Fearon,  Newser Staff
Posted Jan 2, 2008 10:06 AM CST
FBI Reignites DB Cooper Case
One of the parachutes left behind by Cooper and the canvas bag it came in. Cooper asked for four chutes in all; he jumped with two. He used the cord from one of the remaining parachutes to tie the stolen money bag shut.    (FBI)

The FBI is again seeking help solving the intriguing 36-year-old mystery of DB Cooper, last seen parachuting from a hijacked Northwest Airlines jet over southwest Washington with a $200,000 ransom. He appears to have vanished into thin air—if he survived the daring jump. But now the FBI has released new information on its own website about the elusive hijacker in a new push to solve the case, reports the Oregonian.

The FBI has Cooper's DNA, recovered from a clip-on tie he removed before jumping, and some of the money found in the Washington wilderness in 1980. Investigators now believe an experienced skydiver would not have attempted such a risky jump. "We originally thought Cooper was an experienced jumper, perhaps even a paratrooper," said one agent. "We concluded after a few years this was simply not true." (More FBI stories.)