Damien Hirst Plastic Skull: Yours for $58K

'Hallucinatory Head' on sale at Tate Modern gift shop
By Kevin Spak,  Newser Staff
Posted Apr 6, 2012 9:19 AM CDT
Damien Hirst Plastic Skull: Yours for $58K
One of the many 'Hallucinatory Heads' that could be yours for a mere $58,368.   (Other Criteria)

We get it. You've always dreamed of owning Damien Hirst's diamond-encrusted human skull, or maybe his diamond-encrusted baby skull, but you just don't have the scratch. Well if you swing by Damien Hirst's new exhibit at the Tate Modern, you can now have the next best thing: a plastic skull doused in "household gloss" paint. Dubbed Hallucinatory Head, the skulls are supposed to reference both Hirst's famous skull and his spin paintings, and they're on sale in the gift shop for just $58,370, the Telegraph reports.

There are 50 "unique multiples" of the head to choose from, which you can see at the website of Other Criteria, the company that makes all of Hirst's limited edition souvenirs (others available include a $16,660 set of plates, a $761 spotted skateboard, and a $1,110 roll of butterfly wallpaper). Hirst co-founded Other Criteria, but Time points out that it's unclear how much influence he has in making these items. (More Damien Hirst stories.)

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