Gordon Brown: Murdoch Papers Hacked Me, Too

Sun, Sunday Times took bank, health records, says source
By Matt Cantor,  Newser Staff
Posted Jul 11, 2011 1:36 PM CDT
Former British Prime Minister Gordon Brown: Rupert Murdoch's Newspapers Hacked Me, Too
Former British Prime Minister Gordon Brown.   (AP Photo/Salvatore Di Nolfi, File)

Add Gordon Brown to the list of those allegedly hacked by News Corp employees. The former British PM believes journalists from multiple Rupert Murdoch-owned papers illegally accessed his bank information and his phone messages, a source close to Brown tells CNN. That led to a story in the Sun about Brown’s ailing son; the Sunday Times, meanwhile, snagged bank details by tricking Brown’s accountants, the PM says.

Meanwhile, the News of the World scandal continues. Britain’s culture secretary, who has been weighing News Corp’s attempt to purchase broadcaster BSkyB, has passed the decision on to the country’s Competition Commission. News Corp has dropped its pledge to sell Britain’s Sky News channel as part of the deal. Rebekah Brooks, the CEO of Murdoch’s British operation and former NotW editor, may face police questioning over the scandal—but as a witness, not a suspect, an insider said. (More Gordon Brown stories.)

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